A cloud is sometimes defined as any visible mass composed of small particles of ice or water suspended in the air, and formed by condensation from the state of vapour. As a general rule this is exact enough, but under certain circumstances it is possible to have the particles so small, and so thinly scattered, that it is not fully satisfied. The resulting mass may not be actually visible. The presence of the condensed particles may be indicated by nothing more than a slight whitening of the blue sky, or by the formation about the sun or moon of bright circles of light known as halos. If such a halo appears, it is generally a phenomenon of brief duration. Sometimes the circle breaks and becomes incomplete by the passing away of the thin patch of cloud, sometimes the cloud increases in density until the rings are destroyed. The thinnest variety of this halo-producing structure is quite invisible to the eye. It is so thin as to have no distinctly noticeable effect upon the colour of the sky, but the optical results of its presence may be very remarkable. Highly complicated systems of rings are sometimes produced, the rings, as a rule, falling into two groups. The commonest form has the sun (or moon) in the centre, and a circle of pale light at a distance of about 22 degrees. Larger rings are seen less frequently, which have an angular radius of about 46 degrees, and as a rule have the sun situated on the ring itself. In Plate 1 we have a part of such a great halo. The camera was directed towards the east, and tilted upwards at an angle of about 40 degrees. The sun was behind the camera, in the south-west, and the ring could be traced right up to it on either side. At the same time the sun was surrounded partially by a halo of the more ordinary type, which was brightly coloured, making an effective contrast to the dull white of the greater ring. The phenomenon did not last more than half an hour, and the changes in its appearance coincided with a Plate 1. PART OF A GREAT HALO. Plate 2. PART OF A SOLAR HALO. These circles, and the bright spots called mock-suns or mock-moons which often accompany them, can all be explained on the assumption that their cause is the passage of light through a veil composed of hexagonal crystals of ice. The simple halo of 22 degrees radius is common in most parts of the world, being very generally formed by the film of high cloud which marks the advancing edge of a cyclonic cloud system. A portion of one is shown in Plate 2, in which the rudimentary fibrous structure of the sheet of cloud is distinctly seen. Halos of this sort are frequently coloured, often most brilliantly so; but the tints are seldom noticed unless a black mirror is used. They are The red is always on the inside of the ring, the violet outside, thereby distinguishing them at once from the so-called coronÆ, which are formed around the sun or moon when shining through a sheet of alto or other lower cloud made up of liquid particles. In these the radius of the rings is much less, and the red is on the outside, the violet actually touching the central luminary. The cloud which produces halos is called cirro-nebula. It is much thinner, and on an average higher than cirro-stratus. Mr. Ley named it cirro-velum (or cirro-veil), but cirro-nebula has now got to be fairly well understood. It sometimes appears and disappears in a curious manner, showing that it occurs in patches, which drift about or which keep forming and melting away, only to repeat the process. If, however, it forms part of an advancing cyclone fringe, then the sky gets whiter and whiter, until it is covered with a sheet of undoubted Plate 3. CIRRO-NEBULA CHANGING TO CIRRO-STRATUS. Cirro-nebula, as we shall call it, floats at very great altitudes in temperate regions; but in polar latitudes, where the optical phenomena peculiar to it are most brilliant and diversified, it seems probable that the ice dust is much lower down, even in actual proximity to the ground. In England its height varies greatly with the time of year, and other circumstances, but mounts up in summer to such altitudes as nine miles or more; the greatest height yet recorded being 9·6 miles, or about 15,500 metres, at Exeter. The change from cirro-nebula to cirro-stratus is generally accompanied by the formation of a distinct fibrous structure, easily observable by the black mirror. This is not really a new feature, but only a further development of a structure already existing, but too minute to be easily seen. True halo-producing cirro-nebula may usually be shown to possess more or less of a fibrous texture in an indirect way, which is worth a brief description. In order to observe the spots on the sun and other features of the solar surface, it is a common practice to hold a white screen, say, about a foot The change into cirro-stratus is also attended by a marked fall in altitude, but whether this is due to an actual descent of the cloud particles, or to a downward spread of the conditions which give rise to them, cannot at present be definitely settled. The balance of probability points very strongly towards the downward spread of the conditions. It is likely that the clouds, particularly the cyclonic specimens, are wedge-shaped, and that as they pass overhead we see first the thin edge, and later on the thicker parts, which project much lower down. This is just one of those many minor problems in cloud mechanics which we are not able to solve from the scanty data on record. Occasionally cirro-nebula breaks up into little detached semi-transparent cloudlets, all of them exceedingly thin, and showing a complicated mottling, resembling, on a minute scale, the ripple clouds of much lower altitudes. Such a sky is depicted in Plate 4, but no reproduction can possibly do justice to the minute and delicate features of the real thing. The arrangement of the faint markings was in a state of continual flux, curiously similar to the ever-changing aspect of the sun’s photosphere when seen under adequate power. Some parts of the cloud stratum would at one moment break up into distinct granules arranged in complicated patterns, other parts would assume a fibrous texture, and yet other places would show a continuous smooth sheet. In a minute or two all would be changed—the smooth part granulated, the fibres vanished, and the granules fused together, and so on, no two of a series of photographs representing the same details. Plate 4. CIRRO-NEBULA CHANGING TO CIRRO-CUMULUS. These changes of form continued until the whole was hidden from view by a veil of much lower stratiform cloud, one advance portion of which is shown. Plate 4 does not represent a type or a distinct variety of cloud. It is an intermediate form, or a Cirro-nebula itself, in its simpler form, is, however, a distinct type. It is true that it never persists over one locality for more than an hour or two without passing into some denser form, but while it lasts its features are so distinctive, and the optical phenomena to which it gives rise are so striking and significant, that it is a matter for surprise that it should in the International system have been relegated to the position of a subordinate variety of cirrus. It is more nearly related to cirro-stratus, but is sufficiently distinct from that to deserve at least specific rank. True typical cirrus must have a plainly shown fibrous structure. The fibres may cross and interlace, they may radiate in fan-like manner, or they may curl and twist like a well-trimmed ostrich feather. The clouds so formed must not be arranged in a continuous level sheet, or they at once become cirro-stratus, and it is impossible to invent a definition which will mark the exact limits of either type. Typical cirrus consists of detached There is no doubt that they are composed of particles of ice. They are formed at altitudes where the thermometer must be many degrees below freezing-point, and not a few of the thinner examples show fragmentary halos like those of cirro-nebula. Their actual altitudes are very variable, being greater in summer than in winter, and reaching a maximum for any given station after a long spell of hot weather. Exact measurements have not yet been made in tropical latitudes or in polar regions, but there is every reason to expect that the upper limit of cirrus for equatorial districts will be found to be much higher than in the temperate zones where actual observations have been made. In places nearer to the Arctic Circle it is also almost certain that the altitudes will be less. In the New England states, as shown by the Blue Hill observations, the maximum altitude for summer was found to be little under 15,000 metres. At Upsala, in Sweden, it was 13,300 metres. The average altitudes at the same observatories were, respectively, about 9900 and 8800 metres. At Exeter the writer’s own measurements give an average for the summer months of 10,200 metres, with a minimum rather lower than was the case in America or Sweden, and with a maximum far above the foreign values. In winter cirrus certainly comes much lower down, but the number of observations is fewer. Plate 5. HIGH CIRRUS. (Cirrus Excelsus.) The loftiest variety of cirrus appears in the afternoon in very hot weather, sometimes quite late in the evening; and in autumn it is by no means a rare event for it to suddenly form just when the sunset colours are fading, or even after they have paled into twilight. Under such circumstances it stands out of a shining silvery grey colour against the background of the darkening sky. A specimen of it is shown in Plate 5, which shows its extreme slightness of form and delicacy of texture. Sometimes it remains visible so long after the stars have begun to show as to give the idea that it is self luminous, and the illusion is certainly very strong. The writer has noted several instances in which it was plainly visible, like a silvery curtain, though the sky as a whole was so dark that stars like the five brightest points of the Great Bear could be seen through the cloud, and much smaller stars down to the third and fourth magnitude were plainly visible in the clear intervals. It has sometimes been called luminous cloud, and Mr. Ley estimated its altitude at upwards of 90,000 metres; but if we think of it as reflecting the light of the distant colourless twilight there is no need to Plate 6. WINDY CIRRUS. (Cirrus Ventosus.) Lower down by thousands of metres come the feathery masses of typical windy cirrus, such as are shown in Plate 6. Indeed, in cold winter weather they occur within three or four thousand metres of the ground. In the instance figured the wind was blowing from left to right, and the clouds were travelling swiftly. The upper filaments appeared to be repeatedly torn away from the main masses, while the long faint streaks which trail below and behind are evidently due to streams of fine particles The next variety we come to (Plate 7) is in some ways rather similar. It is, however, thinner, more delicate, and is entirely composed of fine threads, which are more systematically arranged. Generally there is a bundle, or several bundles, of long parallel fibres, which form, so to say, the quill of the feather, with numbers of shorter threads Plate 7. THREAD CIRRUS. (Cirro-filum.) A somewhat more familiar variety is shown in Plate 8. Little irregular feathers of cirrus, from which long tapering streamers point downwards in graceful curves, or else lag behind in the direction from which the clouds have travelled. If clouds of this type are carefully watched, it will soon be seen that each feathery head is a centre of condensation, and that the tails or streamers are nothing else than falling particles, which dwindle slowly away by evaporation, and which gradually sink below the level of the heads. It is usual, in dealing with cloud-forms like these, to speak of air-currents of Plate 8. TAILED CIRRUS. (Cirrus Caudatus.) The form of cirrus shown in Plate 9 is far more frequently seen than either of those which have been described. In this the fibrous texture is very imperfect, and the cloudlets show a tendency to arrange themselves in a kind of ribbed structure in two directions almost at right angles to each other. But this last is an accidental feature of the particular example, and not in any way a specific character of the cloud. The reason for regarding it as a distinct variety is the total absence of sharply defined lines, not only the heads of condensation, but even the long streamers attached to them being uniformly hazy and ill-defined. It is a form of cirrus which comes at all seasons, but most frequently in summer; it moves always with great slowness, indicating a quiet atmosphere free from disturbance of any kind. The conditions necessary for its appearance are a nearly uniform distribution of pressure over a considerable area, chequered by little shallow Plate 9. HAZY CIRRUS. (Cirrus Nebulosus.) So far as permanency of form is considered, hazy cirrus is one of the most persistent, and affords a marked contrast to the species shown in Plate 10, which represents the most fugitive. Five minutes before the photograph was taken the same part of the sky was a deep, clear blue, without any trace of cloud. Suddenly a few short curling wisps made their appearance. These rapidly increased in number, until a delicate filmy network extended over the greater part of the field of view. But while the camera was being adjusted for an exposure, part of the net had broken up into the granular structure shown in the lower part of the photograph. The granulation rapidly spread through the net, almost as if the fibres had been curdled, and five minutes later the whole had been converted into a patch of cirro-cumulus which soon fused into a uniform sheet. Meanwhile the same series of phenomena were taking place in other parts of the sky. Plate 10. CHANGE CIRRUS. (Cirrus Inconstans.) On other occasions exactly the same set of events have been seen to follow each other in the inverse order. Beginning with a fairly even sheet, this broke up into granules, and they in turn seemed to be frayed out into short hazy and wavy fibres which slowly melted away. Clearly we have here to do, not with a distinct type of cloud, but rather with the first step towards the formation of one, or the last stage in the life of one which is drying up. But sometimes the life of the cloud is so short that it never passes beyond this first stage; and it is by no means a universal rule for a growing sheet of cirrus to pass through this stage at all. It therefore represents a peculiar state of instability, and requires a name of its own. Sometimes patches of it will come and go in an apparently capricious manner for an hour or more before permanent condensation is effected or before the sky finally clears. But this is a rare event, since the slow change of conditions which has brought the stratum of air to the unstable condition is generally progressive, and instead of stopping at the critical point, goes beyond it, with the result that the condensation grows or the cloud disappears entirely. The critical condition referred to is, of course, that in which a particular stratum of air is just saturated, or is just on the point of forming visible cloud. If any cause is brought to bear on such a stratum which brings about even slight cooling, cloud must be produced; and, conversely, anything which results in the slightest heating must cause it to disappear. The shortness and haziness of the fibres, and the fact that they gather themselves into granules, shows that the cloud is formed in a stratum of air which is either still, or is moving as a whole, without any of those differential movements which seem to be necessary for the longer fibrous details. The causes which may bring about the local cooling and heating are easy to understand when we remember how the air will be affected by the uneven contours of the ground. As it passes over hill and valley the up-and-down movements of the lower layers, or even the disturbances caused by passing over a wood or clump of trees, all must be propagated upwards. Each disturbance must slowly From the most transient form of cirrus we pass, in Plate 11, to the most persistent and probably the most frequent. It occurs in detached masses which have very variable forms but are wholly fibrous, with the details arranged in a very irregular manner. The example figured was taken in the evening during a long spell of fine weather. If such a cloud is watched, its permanence of detail is very striking, and must be due to a persistence of slow eddying movements and to a continual renewal and waste of the component particles of each wisp. This is the kind of cirrus selected generally as the type of cirrus, and the selection is a good one. Common cirrus, or cirrus communis, it should be called. Settled conditions and fine weather are its usual attendants. Plate 11. COMMON CIRRUS. (Cirrus Communis.) We next come to a variety which is anything but a harbinger of good, namely, the long stripes or bands of cirrus which stretch outwards from the margin of the cloud canopy of a cyclonic storm. In some ways these appendages to the great nimbus resemble the strips of cirriform cloud which fringe the summit of a thunder-cloud. They look as if they must have been formed by the blowing away, by a rapid wind, of the top of an uprising column of vapour-charged air. Their main outline may thus be easily accounted for, but we have only to study their detailed structure for a few minutes to feel that they really present a problem of a very high order. Plate 12 shows a fairly simple example, but Plate 13 represents a cloud of very great complexity. To take this last the camera was tilted upwards at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the top of the picture is not far from the zenith. The wonderful plume of cloud rose from the southern horizon, and ended in a great sheaf of fibres and films spread out like a partly opened fan whose edge was only about 50 degrees above the northern horizon. Its length as it passed overhead lay between a point a little east of south to a little west Plate 12. BAND CIRRUS. (Cirrus Vittatus.) Plate 13. BAND CIRRUS. (Cirrus Vittatus.) The whole phenomenon was highly characteristic. These great bands with the divergent striation might well be known as storm bands, from their almost invariable connection with the violent atmospheric movements to which they are most probably due. Plate 12 shows a much less dangerous variety of the same species, which is distinguished from it by the comparative absence of internal detail and by the curled ends. Clouds of this character have sometimes been called cirro-filum, but a comparison of the plates with the typical cirro-filum of Plate 7 will show that there is little resemblance; and the attendant weather is also in marked contrast, both of which facts imply a fundamental difference in the causes to which their features are due. Banded or ribboned cirrus is the name which they This ends our survey of cirrus clouds. Any one who compares the plates so far given will see that they represent forms so diverse that it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the conditions under which they are produced must differ not only in degree but also in kind. What those conditions are we have attempted here and there to suggest, but in no case can we feel that the explanation has been at all complete. In some cases, notably the last, we are face to face with such complicated details that it is hopeless to attempt to explain them in the present state of our knowledge. Fact upon fact must be accumulated until we can give their history from their earliest beginnings; and far more accurate and detailed knowledge of the attendant atmospheric conditions must be acquired before we can hope to rob such elaborate structures of their present mystery. This requires the co-operation of many eyes and many minds, and exact specific names must be an essential preliminary. Those which have been suggested in these pages are—