In bringing out this, the second volume of the Cupid’s Almanack, we have deemed it advisable to devote our principal effort to informing you, Good Hearticulturists, just what the conditions of the elements will be at the various seasons. This is of the greatest importance, and the success of your work depends largely upon the judgment used in selecting the time to begin. Enthusiasm is necessary but do not be too impetuous for many a failure has come from rushing ahead while yet conditions are too cold and many a Hope Vine has been killed by a late frost. If you have started your work indoors do not be in too great haste to set out; young plants need a great deal of warmth and attention and can stand extremely high temperature, while very little cold is apt to be fatal. In Hearticulture so much depends on—whether? (signatures) O. Herford John Cecil Clay A cupid reading a book |