W comes from the very sacred and beautiful symbol of Wedlock. One cannot realize, unless quite familiar with these ancient peoples, with what reverence they held this symbol. What poetry and romance surged through the mind of him who gazed upon it, what fluttering of heart, what dizziness. Yes, the ancients loved marriage. They adored it! Some of them were so devoted to it that they did it over and over again, Solomon for instance. At times the rush was so great that the clerks in the Office of Record would get behind in their work, and in their haste would neglect to make the hole in the wedding ring, showing the Bridegroom’s hand so Symbol as described in the symbol and giving the opportunity for some one to advance the theory that this symbol did not mean marriage, but represented the doctor offering a pill to his patient, meaning sickness. This is absurd! W, as described in this passage W girls will be Wholesome, Winning, and Wise, and will be most happy when Wedded to men of Wealth. Waist. The equator of Heaven. Web. A net. An entanglement. Doubtless from the German weib, woman. Wedding. A necessary formality before securing a divorce. Widow. The most dangerous variety of unmarried female. Wife. A darning attachment for the domestic machine. Woman. The last but not the least of all created things, an afterthought. Cupid sitting against a stack of books TYPE FOUND IN THE SOUTHERN STATES |