
R This form we find first used as the symbol on the seal of Rabsaris, chief of the eunuchs, in the reign of Sennacherib, King of Assyria. The symbol evidently represents Rabsaris at his daily task of watching the ladies of the Royal Harem to see that they did not indulge too freely in sweetmeats. Some wit of the day twisted Rabsaris into Rabari, in Assyrian, to stretch, to Rubber, and so a new symbol in the writing of the times was born and we have the letter R.

R, as described in this passage

Not the most cheerful letter in Cupid’s Alphabet, bringing with it as it does, Refusal, Regret, Remorse, Revenge, “Please Remit,” and that great hindrance to Lovers, Reason.

Girls under this sign combine the sweetness of the Rose with the fire and depth of the Ruby, and will be most attracted to those in the opposite sex of Reckless and Roving disposition.

Religion. “In the religion of Love the courtesan is a heretic; but the nun is an atheist.”—Richard Garnett.

Ribbon. A rope in disguise.

Rice. The confetti of matrimony.

Ring. Symbol of slavery.

Romance. Once upon a time. Seldom twice.

Rose. The hardest working flower in Love’s Garden.

Ruffle. A frill on the outskirts of good form.

Rule, Golden Rule. “Do unto others,” etc. Canonical extenuation of Osculation.



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