Q, as shown by this ancient bit of sculpture, in its original hieroglyphical form represented a lover’s quarrel, and, from the cast of features, presumably an Amorite. This proves it of very ancient origin, as in the early times the Amorites were the dominant race of Syria and Canaan, which are named on the oldest Babylonian monuments “the land of the Amorites.” (See map of Amouria.) There are plenty of Amourites in the world to-day, but they show not the slightest desire to congregate, but, quite to the contrary, can be found wandering off in pairs at the slightest pretext. Q, as described in this passage Such words as Quibble, Quirk, Quiz, Quip, and Querulous seem to strengthen the unpleasant features of this letter. Fortunately there are no Q girls; they would be very Queer if there were. Question. Woman. TYPE (A WIDOW) FOUND THE WORLD OVER VERY DANGEROUS TO MAN |