G The present form of the letter G is derived from the ancient Babylonian symbol Gee. The letter in its present shape is composed of only half of the Babylonian symbol, which is properly written GG or Gee Gee (see cut). When we consider that without this letter there could be no girls in the world, we should be thankful for G; in fact we are in favor of its being made the National Thanksgiving Letter. G, as described in this passage Gertrude, Georgiana, Grace, and all the girls of this letter will be Glorious with their Generosity, Gentleness, Grace, and Gaiety, and cannot be won by Gold or Gems. He who would win one of these must be Guileless and Go-ahead. Garter. (See knee.) A species of serpent. Gas, Gas-light. A light often too weak for one and generally too strong for two. “The fainter the gas the braver the beau.”—Shakespeare. Girl. The beginning of trouble. An apple blossom in the Garden of Love. Gooseberry. An unbidden fruit. Gossip. Nothing to speak of. Grass Widow. A Grass Widow is a Widow which makes hay. TYPE FOUND PRETTY MUCH ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA NOTE THE HEAD-DRESS OR WAR-BONNET OF FEATHERS. THEY HAVE ALSO VARIOUS COLORED SUBSTANCES KNOWN AS “WAR-PAINT,” WHICH THEY SMEAR ON THEIR FACES, GIVING A GHASTLY AND UNNATURAL APPEARANCE. THIS PRACTICE IS QUITE COMMON. SOME OF THIS TYPE, HOWEVER, ARE MOST ATTRACTIVE, ESPECIALLY THOSE FOUND IN THE UN-UNITED STATE |