F The form of the letter F was first discovered on an ancient fragment of pottery by a German archÆologist, in the shape of a sandal on what is supposed to be the foot of Achilles. As will be seen in the accompanying cut the heel of the sandal and the part covering what is known as the “tendon of Achilles” is peculiarly designed for the protection of that part of the foot which was the only vulnerable spot in Achilles’s foot. This can at best be accepted only as an ingenious conjecture. F, as described in this passage F girls will be Frank, Fragile, and Fastidious, and those named Fanny, Felicia, Flora, Fidelia, Florence, Frances, or Flo will find their affinities in those of the opposite sex who are Fearless, Fickle, and Fantastic. Fainting. (Obsolete.) A feminine manoeuvre. Fashion. Fem. The sum of all the virtues. A fig leaf FIG 1 Fig, Fig Leaf. A Fall Fashion of a false modiste. See Fig. 1. First. First Love. An appetiser. First Kiss. Much has been written about the exquisite joy of this, still it is unsatisfying, hence the Second, the Third, etc., ad lib. Flirtation. A way for two people, who are not married to each other, to pass the time. As a matter of fact a flirtation isn’t anything, it’s a thing to do and is really easier to do than to describe. There are many sorts of Flirtation. The Every-day or Sidewalk Flirtation is the commonest kind. Other very popular forms are the Eye, the Eyebrow, the Fan, the Glove, the Handkerchief, and the Foot Flirtation. A natural attribute to woman, but an easily acquired accomplishment in man. Forever. Love’s promissory note (subject to discount). |