A, the first letter, placed by Cupid at the head of his Alphabet, because it stands for Amour, Ardor, Art, Affinity, Affection, Adoration, Affability, Angel, etc.; also A is the easiest word to spell, with the exception of I. The origin of the form of our capital letter A is supposed to have been an Egyptian symbol (see illustration) representing two people engaged in the ancient pastime called Kyssin, which survives even at the present day. A, by many supposed to be the oldest of the alphabet and constituting, as it does, the initial of Adam’s name, was doubtless the only letter in existence at the time Adam learned to write. A, as described in this passage The words Ark, Antediluvian, Ancestry, ArchÆology, and Antiquity all support the above theory. Girls like Adelaide, Agatha, Agnes, Alice, Althea, Amanda, Amy, Angelina, and Arabella, whose initials fall in this letter will be Attractive, Amiable, Artless, and in the opposite sex most attracted by those of Ardent, Ambitious, and Affable disposition. Absence. The sixth sense, arrived at by the exclusion of the other five. A powerful stimulant to love. See longing. When combined with distance lends enchantment to the other five senses. Adamant, m. A very hard word. See father. Admiration. From admi, the Persian word meaning love, and ration, food; love-food or food of love. Affinity, f. Ad, at; finis, boundary; at the boundary. The one one meets around the corner. Alimony. The fine for speeding in the joy-ride of Matrimony. Altar. The forge where hearts are fused. From the word halter, to hitch. Amount. A foreign measure of Love. Anchor. The symbol of Hope. See English word hanker, to long for. Angel. See HER. Appendix. See last page. Arm. The arm is a muscular string connecting the hand with the shoulder. A man can give his arm without giving his hand. Coat-of-Arms (Cupid’s), Heart-shaped shield—Gules, pierced by an Arrow—Argent. Crest, on an olive branch, a Dove Proper ringed d’or, flappant. A coat of arms, motto FORGET ME NOT Ashes. Fashionable Lenten head-dress. Especially effective when combined with sackcloth. Avowal. A show-down in the Game of Love. Cupid in an easy-chair, smoking a pipe THE BATHING GIRL FOUND ALONG THE SEASHORE IN GREAT NUMBERS DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. THEY CAN HARDLY BE CALLED AQUATIC, AS THEY RARELY GO INTO THE WATER MORE THAN ENOUGH TO WET THE FEET. WITH THEIR BEAUTIFULLY TANNED ARMS AND NECKS AND THEIR SHAPELY, GRACEFUL LEGS THEY PRESENT A REFRESHING PICTURE TO THE TIRED-EYED, OFFICE-FAGGED WEEK-ENDER |