The Hearticulturist may take his well-earned rest in December, as the few hardy shrubs that venture out this month are well able to take care of themselves. Most noticeable of these is the Marrygold, a dwarf growth of foreign importation, and erroneously supposed to be a sport of the original Heart Tree. The Marrygold has a showy yellow flower resembling the Dandelion, to which many believe it related, the petals often taking the form of a crown or coronet. The leaves are covered with sharp stinging spines like those of the Nettle, and the odor is most pungent. However, though a disagreeable plant, it has nevertheless a certain vogue, and serves to enliven an otherwise dull season. It is a relief to turn from the pungent Marrygold and the vulgar Push Vine to the graceful Puff Plant (Powderminosia Delicatea). This dainty flower, though not an out-door bloomer, bears a wintry looking blossom of snowy white with a rare fragrance. It is an exquisitely feminine flower, being often seen in ornamental pots in boudoirs or on dressing-tables, and is eagerly sought after by ladies at fashionable balls and other gay functions of the jolly month of December. THE POKER PLANTCardinea