Abolition of District Post, 20
Abolition of Sea Post Office, 135
Abolition of unpaid postcards, 7
Abor Expedition, 1894, 220
Abor Expeditionary Force, 1911-12, 231
Abyssinian Expedition, 210
Accounts, Postal, 36
Act, Post Office. See Post Office Act
Address, Forms of, 89, 98
Aden, Military operations in neighbourhood of, 175
Aden, Transhipment of mails at, 130, 133
Admiralty Agents, 127, 129, 130
Afghanistan Expedition, 168, 211
Anche, The, 112, 116
Anchel, The, 112
Aviation, 125
Bagdad Railway, 148, 149
Baku, Field service in, 174
Bank, Savings, 81
Base office, 166, 169, 175
Base Postal Depot, 175
Bazar Valley Field Force, 230
Beadon, Mr., 21
"Bearing" correspondence, 7, 25, 34, 158, 160
Bhangy post, 26, 29, 33, 48
Black Hole of Calcutta, 108, 200
Black Mountain Expedition, 217
Black Mountain or Hazara Field Force, 215
Bombay G.P.O. building, 108
Bombay Regulation XI of 1830, 26
Branch office, 4
Brindisi as European port for Indian mails, 124, 182
British India Steam Navigation Company, 138, 142
British Mission Escort in South Persia, 175
British postal orders, 42
Buildings, Post Office, 106
Bullock train, 154, 168, 196
Buner Field Force, 223
Bungalows, Dak or Travellers', 17, 196
Burlton, Mr. S. P., 14
Burma, Chin Expedition, 215
Bushire Force, 174
Calcutta, Black Hole of, 108, 200
Calcutta G.P.O. building, 108, 200
Camel dak, 209
Cape route to India, The, 118, 123
Cash certificates, Five-year, 87
Cash on Delivery system, 40, 46, 50, 51
Caste, 101
Centres, Delivery, 102
Chin Expedition, Burma, 215
Chin Hills Expedition, 218
Chin Lushai Expedition, 216
China Expeditionary Force, 226
Chitral Relief Force, 221
"Clubbing," 24
Combined post and telegraph offices, Introduction of, 41
Commission of 1850, 1, 21, 178
Compiler of Post Office Accounts, 36, 72
Compulsory prepayment of postage in all cases, Rejection of, 25
Constantinople, Field service in, 174
Construction and maintenance of postal vans, 63
Consultations of 24th March, 1766, Minutes of, 12
Consultations of 17th January, 1774, Extract from, 191
Continuous delivery system, 103
Control of the Department, 2, 30, 31
Conventions with Indian States, 114
Copper tickets, or tokens for postal purposes, 14, 178, 194
Cost of carrying mails on railways, 62
Counterfeit stamps, 39, 42
Courtney, Mr., 21
Crises in the Savings Bank, 84
Custom-House, Turkish, at Bagdad and Basra, 140, 146
Customs regulations, 36
Cyprus, 211
Dak bungalows, 17, 196
Dak system, 195
Dead Letter Office, 26
Delivery centres, 102
Delivery of mails, 102
Delivery system, Continuous, 103
Department, Control of the, 2, 30, 31
Department, never regarded as revenue-producing, 9, 22
Department, Organization of the, 3, 30, 31
Depot, Base Postal, 175
Deputy Postmaster, 155, 193
Desert post, The, 122, 137, 139
Direction, Organization of the, 2
Director-General of the Post Office, First, 36
Distance, Uniformity of postage irrespective of, 24, 32, 39, 49
District dawk stamps, Scinde, 31, 178
District Post, 16, 17
District Post, Abolition of, 20
District Savings Banks, 81
Dromedary post, 137, 139
Early Postal Regulations, 26
East Africa, Field service in, 174
East Persian Cordon, 174
Egypt during the Great War, Field service in, 171, 173
Egypt Expeditionary Force, 212
Encouragement of prepayment of postage, 34
England, Parcel post with, 39, 50
English mail, 30, 121, 127, 142
Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company, 138, 142, 144
European port for reception and despatch of Indian mails, 124, 182
Experimental post offices, 20, 96
Ferry charges upon Railway steamers, 63, 65
Field Post Office, The, 165
Field post offices, 166
Field Service Manual, 166
Field service, Military rank on, 166
Field service uniform, 166
Fines incurred under Post Office Acts, 29
Fining, 37
First appointment of a Postmaster-General, 14
First Director-General of the Post Office, 36
Five-year cash certificates, 87
Forbes, Mr., 21
Force in East Persia, 174
Foreign money orders, 73
Foreign parcel post, 51
France, Field service in, 171
Franking, 35
Free postage, Abolition of privilege of, 35
Free postage, Grant of privilege of, to certain persons, 27
Gallipoli, Field service in, 173
Great War, 170, 171
Great War, Effect of, upon savings bank balances, 87
Guarantee Fund, Post Office, 236
Haulage charges, 60, 67
Hazara Field Force, Black Mountain or, 215
Head Office, 3
Horse transit and bullock train, 153, 168, 196, 206
Identification of payees of money orders, 79, 99
Imperial Penny Postage Scheme, 40
Imported and locally produced printed matter, Differentiation between, 32, 38
Indian Convention States, 114, 185
Indian Mutiny, The Post Office during the, 151, 167, 196, 204
Indian States, The Post Office in, 112
Insurance fee, 41
Insurance system in the Persian Gulf and Turkish Arabia, 141
Introduction of first regular postal system by Lord Clive, 12
Introduction of postage stamps, 31, 32, 178, 179
Introduction of postcards, 7
Introduction of railways, 30
Iraq, 148, 173
Isazai Field Force, 219
Kalahandi Expedition, 212
Kurram Field Force, 219
Kut, 173
Land revenue money orders, 75
Later Postal Regulations, 38
Letter-writers, Professional, 94
Life Insurance policies, Surrender values of, 236
Life Insurance, Postal, 42, 232
Loan, War, 87
Lord Clive, Regular postal system introduced by, 12
Lushai Expedition, 216
Mail runner, 4
Malakand Field Force, 222
Malta Expeditionary Force, 211
Malwa Field Force, 156
Manipur Expedition, 218
Manual, Post Office, 2, 36
Manual (War), Postal, 166
Marine Postal Service, Suez and Bombay, 130
Marseilles as European port for Indian mails, 124, 182
Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf, The Post Office in, 137
Mesopotamia, Field service in, 171
Methods of travel in early days, 195
Military pensioners, Payment of, 42
Military rank on field service, 166
Minors' accounts, 86
Minutes of Consultations of 24th March, 1766, 12
Miranzai Expedition, 218
Mishmi Expedition, 226
Mohmand Field Force, 1897, 223
Mohmand Field Force, 1908, 231
Money order work transferred to Post Office, 41, 71
Money orders, 71
Money orders, Foreign, 73
Money orders, Inland, Statement of issues since 1880, 198
Money orders, Land revenue, 75
Money orders, Rent, 76
Money orders, Telegraphic, 74, 77
Monopoly, Postal, 26, 31
Mosul, Turkish post to Constantinople via, 139
Mounted post, First employment of, 11
Mutiny, The Post Office during the Indian, 151, 167, 196, 204
Naval Agents, 127, 129, 130
Newspapers, Registered, 43
Newspapers, Sale of, by field post offices, 223, 224
Non-postal work, 9
Octroi Tax, 53
Official articles, Special postage rates for, 40
Official marks of the Post Office, Acceptance of, as evidence, 43
Organization of the Department, 3, 30, 31
Organization of the Direction, 2
Origin of the Post Office, 10
Overland Route, The, 119, 137
Overprinted postage stamps, 115, 213
Sub-office, 3
Suez Canal, Opening of, 124
Suez Canal route, Future of, 125
Superintendent, 189
Superintendent, Probationary, 189
Suppression of foreign post offices in Ottoman dominions, Turkish demand for, 139, 147
Surcharged postage stamps, 182, 184
Surrender values of Life Insurance policies, 236
Swat Valley Column, 225
Taylor, Captain, 17
Telegraph stamps, Employment of postage stamps in place of, 183
Telegraphic money orders, 74, 77
Thuillier, General Sir Henry, 179, 181
Tibet Mission, 229
Tirah Expedition, 224
Tochi Field Force, 224
Tochi Valley Field Force, 225
Transhipment of mails at Aden, 130, 133
Travel in early days, Methods of, 195
Travellers' bungalows, 17, 196
Travelling post office, 58
Turkish Arabia, Insurance system in the Persian Gulf and, 141
Turkish Customs House at Bagdad and Basra, 140, 146
Turkish post to Constantinople via Mosul, 139
Turkish postage stamps overprinted, 148
Unification of Indian State Posts with the Imperial Post Office, 115
Uniform, Field service, 166
Uniform, Postmen's, 104
Uniformity of postage irrespective of distance, 24, 32, 39, 49
Unpaid correspondence, 7, 25, 34, 158, 160
Upper Burma Expedition, 213
Value-payable system, 40, 46, 50, 51
Vans, Construction and maintenance of postal, 63, 66
Vans, Standard, 61
Village postman, 4, 94, 100
Waghorn, Lieutenant Thomas, 122
Wano Expedition, 220
War Loan, 87
Watermarks, 180, 182
Waziristan Field Force, 220
Wuntho Expedition, 219