Accidents, chances of, 191 at crossings, 408 from coupling cars, 223, 392 investigation of, 399 to railway bridges, 26 South Norwalk, 221 statistics of, 260 to trainmen, 393 to trains, origin of, 167 Adams, Charles Francis, 104, 367 Air-brake, 193, 195 Allen, Horatio, 2, 4, 102 Arbitration between railways and their employees, 376, 381 Armstrong, Colonel G. G., 316 Atkinson, Edward, 43 Auditor's duties, 180, 183 Baggage-check system, 253 Baggage-master, work of, 416 Baggage service, abuses in, 179 Baggage transportation, 253 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 132 Ballast of a railway, 37 Baltimore & Ohio, the, 103 cars, 139 early passenger-trains, 230 in 1830, 101 Bangs, George S., 317 Bell-cord train-signal, 237 Bessemer, Sir Henry, 37 Bessemer steel, invention of, 37 Blaine, James G., 323 Blair, Montgomery, 317 Block-signal, automatic, 215 system, 168, 213 Boilers, construction of, 114 Bonds and stock, relative position of, 354 Brake, air-, 193, 195 advantages of air-, 387 improvements suggested to air-, 199 American, 202 and coupler, 237 Beals, 202 chain, 193 continuous, 195 early forms of, 192 electric, 194 hand, 193; perils of, 387; how to manage, 388 hydraulic, 193 steam driver-, 192 trials at Burlington, 200 vacuum, 193, 195 water, 202 Westinghouse air-, 193, 195 Brakemen, characteristics of, 384 duties of, 394 life, agreeable and disagreeable features of, 386, 389 passenger-train, advantages of, 396 pleasures of, 394 wit of, the result of meditation, 385 Bridges, railway, accidents to, 26 American iron, 28 American, development of, 27; length of, 24, 26 American wooden, 27 and culverts, how built, 22 Bismarck, 86 Britannia, 79 builders, 423 cantilever, 33, 88 connecting two tunnels, 55 connections, types of, 85 foundations by crib or open caisson, 75 Bridges, foundations by pneumatic caisson, 69 foundations, how made, 32, 67 foundations under water, 67 gangs, work of, 155 great, over caÑons and valleys, 55 guard-rails and frogs for, 221 Hawkesbury River, 32 Howe truss, 27 how to build safe, 31 Kentucky River, 34, 55, 88 Kinzua, 30 Lachine, 92 masonry arch, 76 Niagara cantilever, 34, 90 Portage, 78 Poughkeepsie, 32, 34 steel truss, development of, 85 strength of, 29 St. Louis, 93 trusses, types of, 86 tubular, 80 typical American truss, 86 Verrugas, 55 Victoria, 80 Washington, over Harlem River, 77, 94 wooden, 78 wood, stone, and iron, 25, 26 Bridgers, R. R., 340 Bridgewater, Duke of, 345 Broken trains, dangers of, 388 Burr & Wernwag, 27 Caissons for bridge foundations, how made, 32, 69 open, 75 pneumatic, 69 Camden & Amboy locomotives, 106 Cameron, Simon, prediction of, 232 Campbell, Henry R., 109 Cantilever bridges, 33, 88 Capital invested in railways, 344, 448 Car-accountant, and the transportation department, 275 office of, 271 Car-accounting, benefits of a good system, 280 Car-builders' dictionary, 147 Car-couplers, imperfections of, 140 need of uniformity in, 141 Car-coupling, accidents from, 223, 392 Cars, American and English, 7 American, evolution of, 139 Baltimore & Ohio freight-, 139 different kinds of, 146 old, discomforts of, 234 distribution of, 171, 279 empty, distribution of, 279 first American passenger-, 139 first sleeping-, 140 for special uses, 289 freight-, wanderings of a, 267 heating by gas, 226 heating by steam, 226 heating, methods of, 245 lighting safely, 226 mileage and records, 158 mileage charges, 273 Mohawk & Hudson passenger-, 139 number of, in the United States, 148 records of movement, 171 service charges, per diem plan, 29 service of, payment for, 293 service records and reports, 276 tracers for, 279 trucks, 7; invention of, 108 use and abuse of, 281 Car-wheels, European, 144 how made, 142 paper, 145 Cassatt, A. J., 340 Check system for baggage, 253 Chief engineer, duties of, 154 Chimbote Railway in the Andes, 50, 53 Civil service reform in the mail service, 340 Classifications of freight, 176 Clerks, railway, 422 Coffer-dam foundations for bridges, 67 Commissions to passenger agents, 179 Competing points and pools, 364 Concentration of power, 351 Conducting transportation, 159 Conductors, freight, trials of, 398 heroism of, 411 passenger, 408 Consolidation, effects of, 351 tendency to, 346 Construction companies, 355 Contractors, railway, work of, 21 Conveniences at stations, 259 Cooley, Judge Thomas M., 368 Cooper, Peter, 104, 231 Council, proposed railway, 380 Couplers and brakes, 237 imperfections of, 140 uniform automatic, 223 Coupling cars, accidents from, 223, 392 Coupon tickets, 254 misunderstood, 254 Cox, S. S., 323 Cranes, large travelling, in locomotive shops, 132 Crib foundations for bridge piers, 75 Crises of 1873 and 1885, effects of, 356 Crossings, accidents at, 408 protection for, 216 Cullom, Senator S. M., 368 Culverts, building of, 22 log, 25 masonry, 76 on American railways, 24, 26 Curves, American and European railway, 8 least, 8 Cutting, largest ever made, 56 Cylinders, locomotive, construction of, 117 Darwin, Erasmus, 2 Davis & Gartner, 106 Davis, Phineas, 106 Davis, W. A., 317 Death and accident provisions for postal clerks, 343 Delays in a long journey, 267 Delaware & Hudson Canal Company, 101 Demurrage charges, 296 Derailing switches, use of, 207 Derailments of trains, causes of, 218 Destructive force of a locomotive at high speed, 187 Detector-bar for switches, 205 Differentials, 175 Dining-cars, introduction of, 243 Discipline necessary on a railway, 377 Distribution of cars, 171, 279 Dividends, average, on railway stock, 443 Drawbridge accidents, 221 Driving-wheels, large and small, 128 Eads, Captain James B., 64, 93 Eames vacuum brake, 195 Eccentric, operation of, 118 Educational institutions for railway employees, 379 Electric annunciator for signals, 209 Electric lights for cars, 226 Electricity applied to brakes, 194 Elevated Railroad, New York, 97 Employees, railway, benefit funds, 378 permanent and temporary, 375 promotion of, 376 number of, in the United States, 43, 370 permanency of service during good behavior, 376 relations of, to the railway, 357 representative system for, 380 rights and privileges of permanent, 376 to have a voice in management, 379 wages of, 448 Engineer, the, as a public benefactor, 46 civil, qualifications of, 15 responsibilities and duties of, 98 Engineering, good, true test of, 60 Ericsson, John, 173 Mail service, railway, civil service reform in, 340 Mail train, fast, 317 Managers and investors, relations of, 357 Masonry arch bridges, 76 Massachusetts Railroad Commission and traffic questions, 367 Master Car Builders' Association brake-trials, 200 type of car-coupler, 223 Master car-builder's duties, 158 Master mechanic's work, 157 Master of transportation, duties of, 159, 171 Mexican Central Railway, 56 Mileage balances, reduction of, 273 Miller coupler and buffer, 237 Miller, Ezra, 237 Milling in transit, 175 Model railway service, 375 Mohawk & Hudson passenger-cars, 139 Mont Cenis Tunnel, 63 Moral standard on the railway, improvement in, 384 Mount Washington Railway, 58 Mountain climbing by rack railways, 58 railways, 49 National regulation of railways, 367 Newell, John, 340 New York Elevated Railways, 97 Niagara cantilever bridge, 34, 90 suspension bridge, 81 Nochistongo cut, 56 Operating department of a railway, importance of, 373 Oroya Railway in the Andes, 50, 53 Outram, Benjamin, 345 Paper car-wheels, 145 Passenger advertisement, first, 229 brakeman, 396 burned in wrecks, 225 cars, early, 231; English and American, 232; first American, 139; manufacture of, 252; Mohawk & Hudson, 139 conductor, 408 fares, comparative rates, 265 profits, 442 rates and commissions, 17 tickets, old, 236 traffic, 442 trains, first, 228; early American, 230; making time on, 403 travel, 362; amount of, 264; safety of, in England and America, 260; speed of, 249 Pay-car, trip of the, 309 Pay, increase of, for faithful service, 378 Paymaster's work, 308 Parallel roads, 356 Pensions for railway employees, 378 Pennsylvania Railroad shops at Altoona, 132 maintenance of track, 41 system, 371 Permanent service of a railway, 375 Pile-driver, work of a, 22 Pile foundations for bridges, 68 Plant, H. B., 340 Pneumatic caissons for bridge foundations, 69 interlocking apparatus, 210 Poetsch method of building foundations for bridge piers, 32 Pooling rates, 184 Pools and competing points, 364 railway, origin and nature of, 364 Pope, Thomas, 33 Portage Bridge, 78 Postal cars, 325 first used, 316 provision against accident in, 338 Postal clerks, accidents to, 338 Postal progress, object lesson in, 312 Postal service, early history, 313 Potter, Thomas J., 412 Poughkeepsie cantilever bridge, 32, 34 Predecessors of the railway, 101 Premiums to section-men, 41 Promotion of employees, 376 Pullman, George M., 239 Palace Car Company, 242 sleeper, first, 241 Purchasing agent's varied duties and experience, 300 Rails, development of, 47 increased weight of, 122 iron, first used, 1, 37 joints for, 37 steel, first introduction, 37 supply and renewal of, 306 weight which they will carry, 121 Railroading fifty years ago, 100 Railways, American, key to the development of, 3; rolling stock of, 148; and English, essential differences, 10 amount of capital invested in, 344 and their employees, nature of relations, 374 and democracy, 45 and their customers, 358 beginning of, 345 building, cost of, 43; example of rapid, 44; history of, 445 competition of, 174; with canals, 347 consolidation, 174, 346 council, proposed, 380 division of expenses on, 359 earnings, average net, per mile, 444 earliest, 1; in America, 103 early systems of management, 346 economic view of, 45 educational institutions, 379 employees, permanent and temporary, 375; general characteristics of, 423; moral welfare of, 423; a typical, 383; wages of, 448 growth of, 346 income, sources of, 180 influence on the world, 149 mail first carried on, 314 mail service, growth of, 314; importance of, 323; needs of, 341; organization of, 323; party injury to, 341 management, development of, 150; in Europe, 184; organization and division of authority, 151; results expected from, 184; special departments of, 372; stability of, 184; subdivisions of, 372 men's building in New York, 424 mileage, comparative, of the principal countries, 425; of the United States, 426 national idea developed by, 348 national regulation, 367 officers' duties and responsibilities, 151 organization analyzed, 185; complex, 183; growth of, 371 personnel, importance of, 424 place in the modern industrial system, 344 postal clerks' dangers, 337; just claims, 343; need of provision against disability, 339; work, 334 relations of, to their employees, 357 shop-men, 423 State ownership of, 362 statistics of, 425 systems, 428 the largest single industrial interest, 370 United States, extent of, 43 "wars" between, 361 Randall, Samuel J., 323 Rates and rebates, 173 causes of reduction, 358 combinations and adjustments, 176 forced reductions, 363 how made and regulated, 176 inequalities of, 359 passenger, and commissions, 178 plans for regulating, 362 special, wars over, 177 without a natural standard, 360 Reagan, John H., 368 Reconnoissance, 13 Refrigerator cars, 289 Representation for railway employees, 380 Restriction of railways, tendency to, 369 Ride on a locomotive at night, 188 Righi Railway, 59 Road-bed of a railway, how made, 21 Roadway department of a railway, 154 Roberts, George B., 340 Roebling, John A., 82 Rolling stock, growth of, 448 Routine of the railway mail service, 325 Rutter, J. H., 340 Safety appliances, railway, 191 devices needed, 423 St. Gothard Tunnel and spirals, 63 St. Louis Bridge, 64, 93 Schneider, C. C., 34 Scott, Thomas Alexander, 319, 349 Scrap-heap, value of, 302 Section-master's duties, 421 Section-men's work, 156<
/a> Semaphore signals, 203 Shepard, General D. C., 44 Signals and switches, interlocking, 168, 204 automatic block, 215 block system, 168, 213 semaphore, 203 torpedo, 213 Sleeping-car rates, comparative, 266 Sleeping-cars, first experiments, 239 immigrant, 251 Pullman, 239, 242 Smith, Colonel C. Shaler, 34, 88 Snow-sheds and fences, 18 South American mountain-railways, 50 South Carolina Railway, 104 early passenger trains, 231 Special rates, 177, 361 Spoils system, how it works in the railway mail service, 342 Spreading of rails, 220 State ownership of railways, 362 State regulation of railways, 362, 363 Station agent's duties, 411 Station indicators, 259 Station, large, work at, 415 small, work at, 411 Stationery and blanks, quantity used on a railway, 304 Statistics, railway, 425 Steam driver-brake, 192 how distributed to the cylinders, 117 shovel, work of, 21 supply and speed, relations of, 129 Steel bridges, 29 Steel rails, first introduction, 37 Steel truss-bridges, development of, 85 Stephenson, George, 1, 2, 3, 228, 346 Robert, 1, 2, 3, 79, 192 Stock and bonds, relative position, 354 Storekeeper's duties on a railway, 307 Stockton & Darlington passenger train, 228 "Stourbridge Lion," 102 Strikes, evils of, 374 Superintendent, duties of, 274 of machinery, powers and duties, 157 Supply department, 298 importance of, 311 Supplies, aggregate of, on a railway, 299 variety required for a railway, page 158 and 159) has been split into 4 parts, with column #1 (engine number) being repeated in each part. The vertical column headings have been replaced by a key, A B etc, with an explanation of the keys at the beginning of each part. Some cell values were unclear in the scanned image and a best guess of the digit has been made.
Another large table at page 447 has been split into 2 parts. In several tables with dollar.cent values the decimal point is faint or missing. For consistency the decimal point has been inserted in all cases. Footnote #31 had no anchor; this has been added in the chapter title. Two illustrations and their captions were placed sideways in the original book at pages 87 and 97. These are displayed normally (horizontally) in the etext at pages 86 and 96. Nine consecutive full-page illustrations placed after page 428 have detailed maps and Gantt charts and many have large amounts of text on them. Most of this text, and the Gantt chart information, have been copied and placed under the illustration in a dotted-line box. If the image is clicked, a larger version of the image is shown. In the organization chart on page 185, it is very likely that the Train Master and the Station Agents were all intended to report to the Superintendant of Transportation. The missing connecting line has been inserted using a dotted line to indicate this insertion. Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, untravelled; sirup; smouldering; box car, box-car; cast iron, cast-iron. Pg 42, 'from 1 to 10' replaced by 'from 0 to 10'. Pg 114, 'have ournal-boxes' replaced by 'have journal-boxes'. Pg 392, 'no one brakeman' replaced by 'not one brakeman'. Pg 416, 'fusilade' replaced by 'fusillade'. |