WAS Santa Claus's Postman! I heard him singing low Among the trees beyond the hill, And through the valley dark and still, Where frozen rushes grow. And cosy 'neath my counterpane I listened as he sang, While miles, and miles, and miles away I heard him cross the marshes grey, Till close to where I snugly lay, His changing carol sang. I heard him slam the garden gate As o'er the lawn he crossed, Till, half in fright, I raised my head To hear how through the grove he sped; Then far away, and farther still, By vale and wood and moor and hill, His noisy song was lost. Upon the pillow, soft and white, I nestled down once more, To think about this Postman, who Goes singing all the dark world through, And beats a noisy, wild tattoo On every winter door. And when again with joy I saw The frosty sunshine glow, I quickly drew the blind aside, And through the frosty window spied The letters he had scattered wide In drifts of dazzling snow. The leafless trees stood mute and still By snowy field and lawn; Each twig was graced with whiteness new, And everything that met the view Showed how the Storm, the Postman true. Had done his work and—gone.