AIR:—"Wreathe the bowl." Hail the day Whose joyful ray Speaks of emancipation! The day that broke Oppression's yoke— The birth-day of a nation! When England's might Put forth for right, Achieved a fame more glorious Than armies tried, Or navies' pride, O'er land and sea victorious! Soon may we gain An equal name In honor's estimation! And righteousness Exalt and bless Our glorious happy nation! Brave hearts shall lend Strong hands to rend Foul slavery's bonds asunder, And liberty Her jubilee Proclaim, in tones of thunder! We hail afar Fair freedom's star, Her day-star brightly glancing; We hear the tramp From freedom's camp, Assembling and advancing! No noisy drum Nor murderous gun, No deadly fiends contending; But love and right Their force unite, In peaceful conflict blending. Fair freedom's host, In joyful boast, Unfolds her banner ample! With Channing's fame, And Whittier's name, And Birney's bright example! Come join your hands With freedom's bands, New England's sons and daughters! Speak your decree— Man shall be free— As mountains, winds and waters! And haste the day Whose coming ray Speaks our emancipation! Whose glorious light, Enthroning right, Shall bless and save the nation!
(From the Globe.)