The booklets "Mental Nuts" and "A Book of Maxims" have met with so much favor I have decided to try again. I submit this little effort to those young and old who desire information and suggestions on the subject, in the form of a "first step" or introduction, for those who would learn to invent. Though it is entirely a subject for the deepest study, I favor a personal talk, digressing at times in an effort to interest and instruct, to enliven and cheer. I see little hope for the casual reader. "As ye sow so shall ye also reap." My faith rests in the careful, persevering student. I sincerely hope that as a whole the effort may prove helpful to many. As to the future, may you all realize. "Full many a pupil has become more famous than his master." S. E. C. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 3, 1907. |