Antithesis, rhetorical, 143.
Atmosphere, 184;
examples illustrating, 185;
analysis of a selection illustrating, 193;
of description, psychology of, 199.
Central idea, 138;
study of, a logical process, 141.
Character, contrast of, 207.
Climaxes, 212;
of significance, 212, 214, 215;
of intensity, 213;
gradation of, 216.
Complexity, defined, 11.
Contrasts, 205;
two kinds of, 211.
Criteria of vocal expression, 17.
Criterion of force, 101.
Criterion of pitch, 42.
Criterion of quality, 80.
Criterion of time, 19.
Emotion, 172;
affects quality, 82;
how to develop, 172;
contrast of, 205.
Emotional transitions, examples of, 162.
Emphasis, rules for, 139;
drills in, 140.
Expression, complexity of, 178
Figurative interrogation, 61.
Force, criterion of, 101;
pedagogical aspects of, 112.
Grouping, 28, 128;
independent of punctuation, 28;
extract from LegouvÉ on, 40.
Hints on readings, 254.
Imagination and quality, 84.
Imitation, 227;
not art, 189;
tendency toward, 191.
Inflections, meaning of, 57;
rising, 57;
falling, 63;
circumflex, examples of, 67.
Intangibility, defined, 11.
Interpretation, literary, 231;
vocal, 232.
Key, defined, 45;
reasons for, 49;
dependent upon degree of tension, 54.
Literary interpretation, 231;
analysis of a selection illustrating, 284.
Melody, 43, 54;
analysis of a selection illustrating, 71;
of long sentences, 77.
Mental attitude of the reader, 117.
Mental technique, 129.
Methods, mechanical, 9;
“get-the-thought,” 9;
laxity of, 13;
concluding remarks on, 224.
Momentary completeness, 61, 136;
drills in, 65;
analysis of a selection illustrating, 256.
Movement, analysis of selection illustrating, 266.
Pause, as related to time, 27;
an expressive element, 32;
examples of, 35.
Pedagogical aspects, of time, 38;
of pitch, 75;
of quality, 98;
of force, 112.
Phases, studies in, 163.
Phrases, subordinate, 150.
Pitch, criterion of, 42;
meaning of, 42;
Raymond’s definition of, 42;
melody of, 42;
analysis of a selection illustrating, 71;
pedagogical aspects of, 75;
low, 107.
Primary reading, the teaching of, 118.
Punctuation, effect upon reading, 30.
Purpose of the reading lesson, 12.
Quality, criterion of, 80;
physics of, 80;
effect of emotion upon, 82;
Rush’s classification of, 82;
orotund, 83;
imagination and, 84;
elevated feelings in relation to, 85;
normal, 90;
examples of normal, 91;
aspirated, 92;
dark, 94;
bright, 94;
examples of dark, 95;
examples of bright, 97;
pedagogical aspects of, 98;
William L. Tomlins on, 100.
Reading and literature, relation of, 10.
Requisites for the teacher of reading, 10.
Rhythm, analyses of selections illustrating, 236, 244, 254;
study in, 232;
meaning of, 238.
Sight reading, 120.
Skip, psychology of the, 56.
Stress, defined, 101;
radical, 101;
final, 102;
degrees of, 103;
Raymond’s definition of radical, 104;
Raymond’s definition of final, 105;
median, 106;
examples of radical, 107;
examples of final, 109;
examples of median, 110.
Subordinate phrases, 150.
Subordination, 149.
Succession of ideas, 132.
Suggestive lesson, 121, 130, 136, 147, 155, 167, 173, 197, 209, 221.
Teacher of reading, requisites for, 10.
Teaching reading, mechanical method of, 9;
“get-the-thought” method of, 9;
laxity of methods of, 13;
concluding remarks on method of, 224.
Technique, defined, 226.
Time, criterion of, 19;
Raymond’s definition of, 19;
psychology of, 19;
expansive paraphrase to reveal, 20;
examples of slow, 21;
examples of fast, 23;
analysis of selection illustrating, 26;
relation of quantity to, 27;
relation of pause to, 27;
pedagogical aspects of, 38.
Transitions, 159, 160;
emotional examples of, 162.
Values, 157;
examples of, 157;
analysis of a selection illustrating, 256.
Vocal expression, criteria of, 17.
Vocal interpretation, 232.
Voice, defects in, 81.