- Abdomen, wound in, 134;
- Abgeschrecte Bath, see Tepid, 58
- Ablutions of cold water, their value, 40
- Abreibung, or rubbing-sheet, and its objects described, 50
- Accidents, 128;
- Accouchement, value of Hydropathy in, 156
- Ague and fever, how treated, 116, 146
- Air-baths recommended and described, 70
- Amputation, needless if the Cold-water cure be applied, 128
- Ankle, sprained, 134;
- Apoplexy, treatment of, 130
- Appetite, in horses, how produced, 207
- Archduke Franz Carl, address to, from the patients at GrÄfenberg, 14
- Assimilation described, 77
- Asthma, cases of, how treated, 127
- Authorities in support of water as a curative agent, 32
- Bandages, their effects and methods of application described, 59;
- Bilious fever, treatment of, and cases, 113
- Blood spitting, the remedy, 135;
- Bowels, pains in, how treated, 121
- Brain, inflammation of, how treated, 120
- Breast, pains in, assuaged, 155
- Breath, shortness of, how treated, 146
- Broken knees, cure for, 205
- Bronchitis, doubtful, 186
- Bunnions, how treated, 169
- Burns, how to treat, 130
- Cancer, cases and remedy, 187
- Catarrh and fever, treatment of, 116
- Cattle, murrain amongst, 207
- Chancre, case of, cure of, 173
- Chest, pain in, how treated
athic treatment, 6;
- testimony to his system of cure, 8;
- the Emperor of Austria decrees him a medal, 15;
- his sentiments on smoking, 84;
- his replies to enquiries as to the treatment of various affections, 90
Psoriasis, singular case, how treated, 149 - Rabbit, Hydropathic treatment of, under the influence of prussic acid, 210
- Rheumatism, how treated, 100;
- chronic, 101;
- in back, neck, and shoulders, 102;
- fever and gout, 103
- Ringworm, how removed, 142, 149;
- Rubbing-sheet and its objects described, 50
- Rupture, case of double, effectually treated, 176
- Scalds, treatment of, 130
- Scarlatina, how treated, 138
- Sciatica, how treated, 104
- Scrofula, how eradicated, 175
- Sea sickness, remedy for, 130, 168
- Shin, bruised, how treated and results, 129
- Shivering, cure and case, 146
- Shower-baths objected to, 54
- Sitz or sitting-bath described, 54
- Skin, a practical tr[e]atise upon, 21
- Sleep, how procured, 168
- Small-pox, Hydropathic treatment of, and detail of cases, 136
- Smoking, Priessnitz’s observations upon, 84
- Sore throat, remedies, 143, 144
- Spinal complaints, cases of, and how treated, 164
- Sprained shoulder, 132
- Sprains, treatment of, 134
- Staggers, how removed, 204
- Stays, the evils of wearing, 70
- Sterility, how conquered, 158
- Stomach complaints, cure of, 167
- Strangles, how cured, 204
- Stricture, how curable, 172
- Sweating process described, 50;
- Syphilis, treatment of, 172
- Tape worm, treatment of, 129
- Teeth, how preserved, 147
- Teething fever, treatment of, 111
- Tendon Achilles, treatment of a rupture, 131
- Tepid bath, its composition and application described, 58
- Throat, affections of, how treated, 107;
- Tic-doloureux, treatment of, 106
- Tooth-ache, remedy for, 147
- Typhus fever, how treated, 111
- Umschlags, see Bandages, 59
- Urine, passage of, how accelerated, 158