Moles, which appear on the bodies of most persons in various locations, have always been mysteriously connected with the fate of the individual concerned. Just how this belief originated it is hard to tell, but the fundamental idea is that moles are placed upon the body to foretell an event or decide the characteristics of a person. In some countries moles are regarded with reverence, and the hair which grows in tufts from the moles is never pulled out or shaved. In Latin countries it is a common sight to see men with clean-shaven faces but with a mole on cheek or chin from which the hair is allowed to grow quite long. Authorities differ as to the significance of moles and give different interpretations to them. The following may be taken as the most accepted view: - A mole on the right cheek indicates beauty, modesty, charity.
- A mole on the left cheek indicates vanity and frivolity.
- A mole on the chin denotes long life to the bearer.
- A mole over either eye indicates sagacity and farsightedness.
- A mole on the forehead signifies mental activity and ambition.
- A mole on the neck near the front indicates artistic temperament.
- A mole on the right shoulder indicates beauty and capriciousness.
- A mole on the left shoulder indicates domestic accomplishments and tastes.
- A mole on the right bosom indicates tendency to weakness and ill health.
- A mole on the left bosom indicates a tendency to hereditary illness.
- A mole on the back indicates characteristics inherited from the father.
- A mole on the abdomen indicates robust health and vigor.
- A mole on the right thigh indicates virile strength.
- A mole on the left thigh indicates ambition and success.
- Many small moles on arms or legs indicate robust health and long life.