- Abyssinia, Italian defeats in, I, 192
- Achiet-le-Grand, VIII, 28
- Adige River, fighting along, V, 280
- Adige Valley, operations in, VI, 460
- Aerial raids, VI, 492
- Aerial warfare, VII, 260-268
- Aerodromes, British, IV, 473
- Aerodromes, German, IV, 470
- Aeroplane improvements, V, 418
- Aeroplane operations around Constantinople, IV, 475
- Aeroplane warfare on submarines, V, 414
- Aeroplanes and submarines, I, 23
- Aeroplanes, increase in, VI, 485
- Aeroplanes, losses in, April, 1917, VI, 255
- Africa, British possessions in, I, 181
- African coast, III, 493
- Agadir, I, 140
- Agar Khan, III, 24
- Ailette River, advance on, VIII, 39
- Ailette Valley, VIII, 28
- Aircraft, loss of, IV, 479
- Aire River, VIII, 173
- Air fighting, tactics of, IV, 459
- Aisne, French attack on, VII, 47
- Aisne-Marne Canal, VIII, 53
- Aisne, operations along, in March, 1916, V, 66
- Aisne-Vesle front, VIII, 11
- Albania, Austrians in, IV, 366
- Albania, withdrawal of Serbian forces from, IV, 337
- Albanian uprising, I, 247
- Albert I, I, 199
- Albert, captured, VIII, 28
- Albert, King, commands battle in Flanders, VIII, 59
- Albert sector, gain in, VIII, 11
- Alcantara, British merchantman, sinking of, V, 59
- Alderson, General, commands Canadian troops, VIII, 303, 340
- Alderson, General, at St. Julien, VIII, 316
- Alexandretta, III, 503
- Alexeieff, General, ability of, V, 121
- Algonquin, submarined, VI, 317
- Allenby, General, commands cavalry division, II, 60
- Allenby, General, directs offensive in Holy Land, VIII, 116
- Allenby, General, in Battle of the Marne, II, 135
- Allenstein, capture of, II, 437
- Allied demands on Greece, V, 224-229
- Allied offensive, March, 1915, IV, 45
- Allied offensive in August, 1915, postponement of, IV, 49
- Allied war conference, VII, 80
- Allies, condition of, in 1917, VIII, 153
- Allies' losses in aircraft, VI, 51
- Alsace and Lorraine, campaigns in, II, 38-45, VII, 56
- Alsace, German activities in, V, 70
- Alsace-Lorraine, conditions in, I, 138
- Alsace-Lorraine, restored to France, VIII, 226
- Altkirch, captured by French, IV, 70
- Amara, surrender of, III,
rian rupture with the United States, VI, 328
- Austrians, retreat of, VIII, 128
- Austro-German invasion of Serbia, IV, 263
- Austro-German offensive in Italy, VII, 200-213
- Austro-Hungarian press, alleged misrepresentation by, I, 351
- Austro-Italian front, operations on, in spring of 1916, V, 133
- Austro-Russian front, summary of conditions, III, 236
- Austro-Russian operations, resumption of, V, 133-141
- AutrÈches, French attack near, VIII, 23
- Aviation, aeroplane saves British detachment, VIII, 31
- Aviators, American, VII, 120
- Avlona, battle between Austrians and Italians near, V, 120
- Avocourt Wood, German occupation of, V, 351
- Avre, crossed by French, VIII, 15
- Avre marshes, VIII, 32
- Avrincourt, stormed, VIII, 43
- Ayesha, voyage of, III, 196
- Azerbaijan, Turks fail in, III, 477
st@g@html@files@34444@34444-h@34444-h-8.htm.html#page259" class="pginternal">259 Canada distributes questionnaires to soldiers, VIII, 452 Canada, economically independent, VIII, 261 Canada, financial depression in, VIII, 426 Canada's gifts to Great Britain, VIII, 424 Canada, military policy in, VIII, 249 Canada, national loans in, VIII, 252 Canada, rapid enlistment in, VIII, 250, 270 Canada, ships war material overseas, VIII, 267 Canadian Air Force Section of Canadian General Staff, VIII, 296 Canadian Army Corps, advance in October and November, 1918, VIII, 421 Canadian Army Corps in battle of August 8, 1918, VIII, 384 Canadian Army Corps, casualties of, VIII, 406, 422 Canadian Army Corps, casualties in battle of August, 1918, VIII, 389 Canadian Army Corps, April 8, 1918, VIII, 378 Canadian Army Corps, length of front in German offensive, 1918, VIII, 381 Canadian Army Corps, October 3, 1918, VIII, 400 Canadian Army Corps, October 11, 1918, VIII, 406 Canadian Army Dental Corps, VIII, 300 Canadian Cavalry Brigade, VIII, 286 Canadian Conscription Bill, VIII, 273 Canadian Flying Corps, equipment and formation of, VIII, 296 Canadian Expeditionary Force, VIII, 304, 308 Canadian Expeditionary Force, mobilization camps, VIII, 274 Canadian Expeditionary Force, numbers at the front, VIII, 367 Canadian Expeditionary Force, occupations represented, VIII, 284 Canadian Expeditionary Force, officers of, VIII, 274, 367 Canadian Expeditionary Force, reaches England, VIII, 303 Canadian Expeditionary Force, return of troops, VIII, 258 Canadian First Division, June, 1916, VIII, 349 Canadian First Division, VIII, 339, 355, 409, 410, 412 Canadian First Division, how constituted, VIII, 285 Canadian First Division, in 1918 battles, VIII, 372, 374, 376, 381, 383, 386 Canadian First Division organized, VIII, 267 Canadian First Division relieves Australians at PoziÈres, VIII, 357 Canadian Forestry Battalion, VIII, 288 Canadian Forestry Corps, VIII, 287, 288, 290 Canadian Fourth Division, VIII, 409, 410, 412, 417 Canadian Fourth Division, in 1918 battles, VIII, 372, 376, 381, 222 Cramaille, taken by French, VIII, 9 Cramoiselle, taken by the French, VIII, 9 Craonne, capture of, VI, 256 Craters, Canadians battle for, VIII, 344-349 Craters, Canadians abandon, VIII, 349 CrÈvecoeur, VIII, 52 Croisilles and La FÈre, German attack between, VII, 275 Croisilles, taken, VIII, 30, 35 Cromie, Captain, murder of, in Russia, VIII, 93-94 Crothers, Hon. T. W., Canadian Minister of Labor, VIII, 265 Crown Prince, Bavarian, II, 10 Crown Prince, German, II, 10 Cruisers, battle, importance of, I, 21 Ctesiphon, battle of, IV, 437-443 CumiÈres, German attempts to retake, V, 347 Curly, taken by British, VIII, 35 Currie, General, at second battle of Ypres, VIII, 315 Currie, General, at Valenciennes, VIII, 71 Currie, General, commands Canadian First Division, VIII, 340 Currie, General, reports on August 1918, battle, VIII, 389 Currie, General Sir Arthur, VIII, 385 Currie, General Sir Arthur, commands Canadian Corps, VIII, 364, 367, 368 Cuvilly, taken by French, VIII, 18 Cyril, Grand Duke, II, 486 Czarina, influence of, VI, 373 Czechoslovak army, VIII, 86 Czechoslovak State, VIII, 228 Czechoslovaks in Italy, VIII, 105 Czechoslovaks in Russia, VIII, 80 Czechoslovaks in Siberia, VII, 444 Czernowitz, capture of, V, 169 Czernowitz, Russian retreat at, II, 413 - Dankl, retreat of, II, 392
- Dardanelles, aeroplanes at, I, 23
- Dardanelles campaign, abandonment of, reasons for, IV, 363
- Dardanelles, reenforcements, IV, 345
- Danzig, to be a free city, VIII, 225
- Dead Man Hill, capture of, by France, VII, 26
- Deaths' Head Hussars, II, 154
- Debeney, General, VIII, 46, 59, 65
- Debeney, General, captures Roye, VIII, 33
- Debts, prewar, VIII, 242
- Delarey, General, III, 73
- Demery, taken, VIII, 21
- Demobilization, in Canada. VIII, 438
- DeniÉcourt, capture of, VI, 26
- Denmark, German boundary to be determined, VIII, 230
- Destroyers, achievements of, I, 17
- Destroyers, employment of, VII, 120
- Deutschland, German merchant submarine, V, 111, 112
- De Wet, General, III, 70
- Diaz, G
nberg.org/files/34161/34161-h/34161-h.htm#page051" target="_blank" class="pgexternal">51
- French and British envoys, visit of, VI, 351
- French armies, mobilization of, I, 297-303
- French attack on Douaumont, account of, V, 342-344
- French attacks north of the Aisne, VII, 47
- French attacks in the Vosges in July and August, 1915, IV, 51
- French battle plane, V, 429
- French colonial expansion, I, 164
- French, General Sir John, attacks Lens, IV, 82
- French, General Sir John, commander British forces, II, 61
- French, General Sir John, order of, at Marne, II, 105
- French in Alsace, IV, 70
- French offensive on Somme, VI, 13
- French offensive at Verdun, renewal of, VII, 28
- French, Sir John, II, 34, 115
- French victories at Rheims, VI, 241
- French victories at Verdun, VI, 52
- French victories between Soissons and Rheims, VI, 240
- FresmiÈres threatened, VIII, 25
- Fresnoy, French attack on, VIII, 32
- Fresnoy-le-Grand, VIII, 55
- Fresnoy, taken by the Canadians, VIII, 56, 363
- Fricourt, British attack upon, V, 393
- Freya Line, broken by the Americans, VIII, 72
enberg@html@files@34444@34444-h@34444-h-12.htm.html#page355" class="pginternal">355, 358 Hughes, General W. St. P., VIII, 358 Hughes, Hon. Sir Sam, Canadian Minister of Militia and Defense, VIII, 252, 265 Hulluch, operations around, IV, 92 Humbert, General, VIII, 20 Humin, battle of, II, 470 Hungarian frontier, operations along, VI, 470 Hutier, General von, in retreat, VIII, 19, 25, 65 - Immelmann, Lieutenant, death of, V, 431
- Imperial Munitions Board, VIII, 252
- "Infiltration" of troops, employment of, VII, 401
- Inter-Allied Naval Council, VII, 81
- Intercolonial Railroad, in war, VIII, 428
- Intrenchment, value of, I, 67
- Ireland, situation in, I, 43
- Irkutsk incident, VIII, 83
- Isonzo, battles of, VI, 470
- Isonzo front, offensive movement along, V, 230
- Isonzo frontier, battle on, IV, 394
- Ispaha, capture of, V, 334
- Isvolsky, A. P., I, 320
- Italian aeroplane service, development of, IV, 469
- Italian Alpine troops, V, 268
- Italian attacks on Monte Rombon, V, 230
- Italian coast cities shelled by Austrian squadron, IV, 168
- Italian drive for Trieste, VI, 469
- Italian front, conditions along, in the spring of 1917, VI, 452
- Italian landing at Avlona, IV, 327
- Italian losses in Austrian offensive, V, 257
- Italian naval bases, IV, 413
- Italian navy, operations of, IV, 168
- Italian objective in Istria, IV, 417
- Italian offensive, VII, 456
- Italian offensive, stopped, VI, 473
- Italian strategy, problems of, IV, 404-408
- Italian war loans, IV, 411
- Italians, victories of, VIII, 105, 130
- Italy, American troops in, VII, 346
- Italy, area of, I, 288
- Italy, declares neutrality, I, 281
- Italy, history of, I, 188
- Italy, revival of military strength, VII, 450
- Ivangorod, capture of, III, 365
- Ivangorod, fighting around, II, 458
- Jablonitza, evacuation of, by Russians, VI, 75
- Jagow, Von, G., I, 323
- Japan; action of, in Siberia, VII, 432
- Japan and Russia, friendly relations between, V, 61
- Japan, in siege of Kiao-Chau, II, 221
- Japan, modern history of, I, 200
- Japan, reasons for entering the war, II, 445
- Japanese, at Vladivostok, VIII, 86
- Jaroslav, recapture of, II, 358
- Liquid fire, employment of, against Americans, VII, 350
- Lloyd-George, David, I, 185
- Lloyd-George, Prime Minister, at Peace Conference, VIII, 195
- Locon, taken by the British, VIII, 16
- Lodz, fighting around, II, 465
- Lodz, occupation of, II, 454
- Lombaertzyde, bombarded, III, 156
- London, air attacks on, VI, 174
- London attacked by Zeppelins, IV, 29
- London, Zeppelin raid on, in October, 1915, IV, 32
- Longueval, British recapture of, V, 408
- Longwy, American troops pass through, VIII, 79
- Loomis, General, F. O., VIII, 358
- Loos, battle of, IV, 23; II, 90-98
- Loos, Hill 70, taken by the Canadians, VIII, 365
- Loos, operations around, VI, 52
- Losses, of Allies, VIII, 35
- Lorraine, American operations in, VII, 347
- Lorraine, German successes in, VI, 219
- Lougheed, Hon. J. A., Canadian Minister without portfolio, VIII, 265
- Louvain, capture of, II, 28
- Lowestoft, air raid on, IV, 22
- Lowestoft, raids on, II, 246
- Lowitz, fighting around, II, 465-467
- Ludendorff, General, retirement of, VIII, 70
- Lukoff, capture of, IV, 194
- Luneville, bombardment of, by German aeroplanes, IV, 54
- Lusitania crisis in Congress, IV, 496, 502-503
- Lusitania, sinking of, III, 185, 222
- Lutsk, capture of, IV, 202; V, 158
- Luxemburg, bombardment of, by aeroplanes, IV, 466
- Luxemburg, invasion of, I, 280
- Luxemburg, occupation of, by Germans, II, 10
- Lvov, Prince George, in Russian revolution, VI, 398, 418
- Lys, Battle of, VIII, 378
- Lys Canal, crossed by Belgians, VIII, 67
- Lys region, fighting in, VII, 297
- Lys Salient, British in, VIII, 25
- L-19 Zeppelin, loss of, V, 424
- McAdoo, Wm. G., appointed Director General of Railroads, VII, 131
- McBain, Lieut. Col. W., at Valcartier Camp, VIII, 268
- MacBrien, General J. H., VIII, 358
- MacDonald, Major General D. A., Canadian Quartermaster General, VIII, 266
- Macdonell, General A. C., VIII, 349, 368, 372
- Macdonell, General A. C., commands Canadian First Division, VIII, 364
- Macdonell, General A. H., VIII, 368
- MacDougall, Brigadier General, commands Canadian training division, VIII, 304
- Macedonia, Allies in, VI, 124
- Macedonia, Bulgarian invasion of, IV, 277
- Macedonia, conditions in,
340-h/29340-h.htm#page026" target="_blank" class="pgexternal">26
- Ramillies, taken by Canadians, VIII, 402
- Rancourt, capture of, by the French, VI, 27
- Rasputin, assassination of, VI, 221
- Rawlinson, General, attack by Germans, VIII, 21
- Rawlinson, General, in advance to Cologne, VIII, 79
- Rawa-Russka, battle of, II, 395
- Read, General George, VIII, 183
- Red Cross in Serbia, II, 354
- Reichstag, Bethmann-Hollweg's statement in, I, 502
- Reid, Hon. J. D., Canadian Minister of Customs, VIII, 265
- Rennenkampf, General, II, 443
- Rennie, General R., VIII, 358, 388
- Rennie, General, attacks machine-gun position, VIII, 331
- Rensburg, Van, II, 577
- Reparations, VIII, 236
- Respirators, use of, I, 53
- Ressons-sur-Matz, taken by French, VIII, 17
- Rheims, bombardment of, II, 146-153; III, 152, 154; VI, 237
- Rheims, German attack upon, VII, 317
- Rhine bridgeheads, to be held by the Allies, VIII, 246
- Rhodesia, border fighting in, III, 495
- RibÉcourt, taken by the French, VIII, 20
- Rifles used in different armies, I, 26
- Riga-Dvinsk sector, German offensive against, V, 125, 128
- Riga, Gulf of, Russian torpedo boats in, V, 151
- Riga, Russo-German operations around, V, 204
- Rights at sea, assertion of, by United States Government, IV, 480
- Rizeh, Russian occupation of, V, 294
- Roche, Hon. W. J., Canadian Minister of the Interior, VIII, 265
- Rockwell, Kiffin, death of, in air battle, VI, 181
- Redman, Roar-Admiral Hugh, VIII, 147
- Rodzianko, President of Duma, VI, 394
- Roeux, taken, VIII, 33
- Rogers, Robert, Canadian Minister of Public Works, VIII, 265
- Roosevelt, Theodore, efforts to command troops in France, VI, 335
- Root, Elihu, arrival of, in Russia as American Commissioner, VI, 417
- Roubaix, taken by the Allies, VIII, 63
- Roulers, attack on, II, 183
- Roulers, taken by Belgians, VIII, 52
- Rovereto, Italian advance toward, V, 244
- Rovereto, Italian attack on, IV, 396; V, 244
- Rovno Fortress, strength of, IV, 212
- Royal Canadian Navy, VIII, 301
- Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, VIII, 301
- Royal Edward, British troopship, sinking of, IV, 149
- Royal Flying Corps, British, activities of, V, 425
- Royal Military College, Kingston, Canada, VIII, 266
- Roye, capture of, VII, 280
- Roye, investment of, VIII, 32
- Roye, taken by the French, VIII, 33
"_blank" class="pgexternal">311
- Soissons, Rheims front, VIII, 9
- Soissons-Rheims salient, Allied progress in, VII, 332
- Soissons, taken by the Allies, VIII, 9
- Soldau, capture of, II, 437
- Soldiers' and Workmen's Council, VII, 141
- Soldiers' Civil Reestablishment, VIII, 448
- Soldier Settlement Board in Canada, VIII, 439
- Somme Canal, crossed, VIII, 39
- Somme, battles of, beginning, V, 377
- Somme, British and French offensive on the, VI, 27
- Somme offensive, object of Allies in, V, 377
- Somme offensive, preparations for, V, 384
- Somme offensive, spring of, 1916, VI, 9
- Somme, second phase of battle, V, 403
- Sophia, Queen of Greece, intrigues of, VII, 248
- Souain sector, movements in, IV, 71-72
- Souchez, attacks on, III, 124, 125
- Souchez, Canadian raids at, VI, 222
- Souchez, French attack on, IV, 84
- Souchez River, VIII, 361
- Southwest Africa, British conquest of, III, 484, 493
- Soviets, President Wilson's message to, VII, 428
- Spee, Admiral von, II, 230
- Speed plane, use of, in warfare, V, 421
- Spies in warfare, I, 71
- StallupÖhnen, battle of, II, 435
- Steele, General, VIII, 339
- Steele, Major General S. B., commands Second Canadian Division, VIII, 281
- Stepanovitch, Marshal, directs Serbian retreat, IV, 29
- Stewart, Major, death of, VIII, 354
- Stokhod, operations around, VI, 73
- Stokhod River, battle on, VI, 76-81
- Stony Mountain, VIII, 335
- Stony Mountain, work of Canadians at, III, 145
- Strategic advantages of Central Powers, I, 32
- Strypa River, fighting along, IV, 223
- Strypa River, Russian artillery attacks along, V, 138
- Stuttgart, bombardment of, by French aviators, IV, 61
- Styr River, IV, 223-229
- Submarine attacks on American transports, VI, 358
- Submarine campaign, German, IV, 166
- Submarine, effectiveness of, I, 19
- Submarine, evidence for detecting, I, 21
- Submarine, German efficiency of, IV, 187
- Submarine negotiations between Germany and United States, VI, 194
- Submarine warfare, III, 209, 222; VI, 182, 188
- Submarine warfare, attitude of Grand Admiral von Tirpitz toward, IV, 499
- Submarine warfare in the spring of 1917, VI, 475
- Submarine, when dangerous, I, 20
- Submarines, aeroplane warfare on, V, 414
- Submarines and battleships, I, 19, 485
- Von der Goltz, Baron, military governor of Belgium, II, 53
- Von Jagow, interview with Sir E. Goschen, I, 502
- Von Mackensen, commands German forces in Serbia, IV, 258
- Von Papen, recall demanded, V, 26
- Von Rintelen, Franz, activities of, V, 22, 28
- Von Tirpitz, Grand Admiral, attitude toward submarine warfare, IV, 484
- Vouziers, occupied, VIII, 59
- Vrely, taken by the British, VIII, 18
- Vukotich, General, II, 360
Footnote 1: Converted into Quebec recruiting battalion.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 2: Converted into C. M. C. Corps.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 3: Sent to Bermuda.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 4: Disbanded; unable to obtain recruits.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 5: Absorbed by 178th Battalion.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 6: Disbanded.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 7: Absorbed by 236th Battalion.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 8: Amalgamated with 249th Battalion.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 9: Held up in front of Valenciennes till after the capture of Mont Houy.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 10: Represents nearly 3 per cent of Canada's total population of 8,000,000.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 11: Over 7 per cent of population.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 12: Five per cent of population.[Back to Main Text] Transcriber's note: The front insert "The Rhine Valley, Showing Neutral Zones and Bridgeheads" is missing in this file, it will be added when found. |