- Administration, criticisms of, 118
- Aerial warfare, 260-268
- Air, mastery of, by Allies, 312
- Aisne, American troops along, 365
- Aisne area, German wedge in, 312
- Aisne, French attack north of, 47
- Aisne, French offensive of October, 1917, 48
- Allied counteroffensive, beginning of, 328
- Allied opinion of American troops, 393
- Allied Powers' attitude toward Pope's proposals, 99
- Allied prisoners in May offensive, 310
- Allied War Conference, results of, 80
- Alsace, French operations in, 56
- Alsace, operations in January, 1918, 74
- America at Allied War Conference, 77
- American army, scope of operations, 81
- American artillery near Rheims, 364
- American coast, German submarines along, 464
- American cooperation with Australians, 399
- American cooperation with French, 405
- American declaration of war with Austria-Hungary, 105
- American engineers at Chauny, 368
- American engineers, deeds of, at Cambrai, 94
- American expeditionary force in France, 83
- American fishing schooners, sinking of, by submarines, 467
- American force in the great offensive, 377
- American forces in France, 351
- American forces on Murman coast, 441
- American front, extent of, 373
- American front, winter conditions on, 96
- American Independence Day, celebration of, by Allies, 321
- American losses on sea, 463
- American participation in Siberia, 449
- American prisoners first taken by Germans, 88
- American reenforcement of Allies, 371
- American soldiers first killed in battle, 91
- American successes at Jaulgonne, 327
- American successes at Seicheprey, 360
- American successes at Xivray, 364
- American successes west of Soissons, 329
- American troops, Allied opinion of, 393
- American troops, first engagement of, 86
- American troops in Italy, 346
- American troops, training of, in France, 84, 85
- American troops, urgent need of, 82
- Amiens, April offensive against, 289
- Amiens, German threats against, 274
- Amiens-Paris railway, German efforts to capture, 289
- Anglo-French forces in Italy, 207
- Ansonia, British transport, sinking of, 464
- Arabia, campaigns in, 238-240
- Arras, operations around, in March, 1918, 281
- Artillery, American, work of, at Belleau Wood, 390
- Asiago sector, operations in, 213
- Australians at Polygon Wood, 40
- Australians, defeat Germans at Morlancourt, 21
- German defense, weakness of, 44
- German destroyers, raid of, 468
- German discussion of Wilson's fourteen articles, 106
- German evasion of American strength, 400
- German loss in great offensive, 303
- German losses in October offensive, 44
- German losses in retreat across the Marne, 404
- German March offensive, results of, 286
- German March offensive, second phase of, 284
- German offensive around Cambrai, 69
- German offensive, checking of, 288
- German offensive in Flanders, March, 1918, 273
- German offensive, renewal of, 306
- German opinion of American troops, 394
- German peace terms, acceptance of, by Russia, 425
- German prisoners, 330
- German prisoners in great British offensive, 62
- German prisoners taken at Ypres, 41
- German prisoners taken by the French in October offensive, 53
- German reenforcements from Russia, 282
- German reply to Pope Benedict, 100
- German repulse at Lens, 12
- German repulse by Americans at Jaulgonne, 379
- German retreat, beginning of, 330
- German retreat, continuation of, 336
- German retreat from ChÂteau-Thierry, 381
- German retreat to Oureq River, 335
- German reverses west of the Oise, 315
- German ships seized by America, 123
- German strength at Verdun, 42
- German strength in great March offensive, 275
- German strength in third offensive, 325
- German strength on Franco-British front in November, 1917, 70
- German strength on western front in January, 1918, 76
- German terms of peace with Russia, 176-179
- German third offensive, beginning of, 325
- German troops from Russia, 76
- German troops in Russia, 422
- Germans, hatred of, in Russia, 443
- Germans in American uniforms, 411
- Gough, General Sir Hubert, commanding British fifth army, 273
- Glenart Castle, sinking of, 462
- Gouzeaucourt, capture of, by Germans, 65
- Governmental control of railroads, 133
- Greece, conditions in, 247
- Guynemer, George, death of, 39
- Haig, Field Marshal, attacks east of Ypres, 35, 40
- Haig, Field Marshal, strikes at Ypres, 43
- Haig, Field Marshal, begins offensive on Flanders front, 46
- Hamel, capture of, by Australians, 321
- Hangard, fighting around, 296
- Havrincourt, capture of, by British, 60
- Hedjaz, revolt in, 240-242
- Hertling, Count von, address before Reichstag, 106
- Hill 204, capture of, by Americans, 76
- Russian constituent assembly, failure of, 168
- Russian counter-revolution, attempt at, 165-168
- Russian Grand Dukes, arrest of, 137
- Russian hatred of Germans, 443
- Russian peace terms with Germany, 424
- Russian peace treaty, divisions of, 426
- Russian peace treaty, ratification of, 428
- Russian state documents, secret, publication of, 158
- Russian surrender to Germany, 423
- Russian territory taken by Germans, 426
The Western Battle Field, Showing the International Frontiers, the Important Railways, the Position of the Lines at the Culmination of Important Campaigns, and the Battle Front as it Existed in September, 1918.
The Battle Fronts of the Great War—as the Lines Were Drawn in Belgium, France, the Balkans, Italy, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, September, 1918. The Russian Front Had Completely Disappeared.
The Western Front from Nancy to Calais. Transcriber's notes: Obvious printer's errors have been silently corrected. Hyphenation and accentuation have been standardised, all other inconsistencies are as in the original. The author's spelling has been maintained. Other corrections are listed below: The corrected word is given between brackets. Page 89: "Scarcely have they touched the soil of this putrified [putrefied] Europe when they already are forcing their way into Germany." Page 112: "Included in the work of Congress was final agreement on a war revenue measure after six months of debate (with wide divergence of taxation plans between the House and Senate) estimated to produce $2,534,870 [$2,534,870,000], of which $851,000,000 was to be levied on incomes, and $1,000,000,000 on excess profits." Page 209: "But compared with their losses of the two preceeding [preceding] weeks, the present losses were slight and showed a decided revival of the Italian resistance and a slowing up of the Austro-German advance." Page 216: "On the morning of October 27, 1917, the Turks made a strong reconnoissance toward Karm from the direction of Kauwukah, two regiments of calvary [cavalry] and two or three thousand infantry, with guns, being employed." Page 226: "Between the foot of the spur of the main range and the costal [coastal] plain is the low range known as the Shephelah." Page 237: "Farther south a post at the village of Obeid was attacked by 700 of the enemy, who surrounded it and fired 400 shells into the monastery, but the Middlesex men, who were the garrison of the post, held out, their casualities [casualties] being trifling." Page 308: "In the Rheims sector the crown prince's forces occupied the northern parts of La Neuvillete [Neuvillette] and Betheny, a mile nearer to Rheims on the northwest and northeast." Page 378: "Flashes and war-splitting [ear-splitting] crashes came from batteries put in position just far enough off the roads to avoid the traffic." Page 448: "The cooperators, however, realize the danger from German economic cont [control] |