PART I.—AUSTRIAN PROPAGANDA CHAPTER - Austrian Ambassador Implicated in Strike Plots—his Recall—Ramifications of German Conspiracies 9
- The Plot To Destroy Ships—Pacific Coast Conspiracies—Hamburg-American Case—Scope of New York Investigations 15
- Von Rintelen's Activities—Congressman Involved—Germany's Repudiations—Dismissal of Captains Boy-Ed and Von Papen 22
- Great Britain's Defense of Blockade—American Methods in Civil War Cited 28
- British Blockade Denounced As Illegal and Ineffective by the United States—The American Position 35
- Great Britain Unyielding—Effect of the Blockade—The Chicago Meat Packers' Case 44
- Seizure of Suspected Ships—Trading With the Enemy—The Appam—The Anglo-French Loan—Ford Peace Expedition 49
- American Pacificism—Preparedness—Munition Safeguard 54
PART II.—OPERATIONS ON THE SEA - Naval Engagements in Many Waters 59
- Minor Engagements and Losses 66
- The Battle of Jutland Bank—Beginning 70
- Some Secondary Features of the Battle 89
- Losses and Tactics 94
- Death of Lord Kitchener—Other Events of the Second Year 108
PART III.—CAMPAIGN ON THE EASTERN FRONT - The Eastern Front at the Approach of Spring, 1916 116
- The Russian March—Offensive from Riga to Pinsk 122
- Resumption of Austro-Russian Operations 133
- Thaw and Spring Floods 141
- Artillery Duels 149
- The Great Russian Offensive 154
- The Russian Reconquest of the Bukowina 162
- In Conquered East Galicia 173
- The German Counteroffensive Before Kovel 178
- Progress of the Bukowinian Conquest 183
- Temporary Lull in the Russian Offensive 188
- Advance Against Lemberg and Kovel 192
- The Germans' Stand on the Stokhod 198
- Increased Strength of the Russian Drive 207
PART IV.—THE BALKANS - Holding Fast in Saloniki 212
- Military and Political Events in Greece 216
PART V.—AUSTRO-ITALIAN CAMPAIGN - Resumption of Operations on the Italian Front 229
- The Spring of 1916 on the Austro-Italian Front 235
- The Austrian May Drive in the Trentino 244
- The Rise and Failure of the Austro-Hungarian Drive 255
- The Italian Counteroffensive in the Trentino 265
- Continuation of the Italian Counteroffensive 276
- Minor Operations on the Austro-Italian Front in Trentino Offensive 283
PART VI.—RUSSO-TURKISH CAMPAIGN - Russian Successes After Erzerum 292
PART VII.—CAMPAIGN IN MESOPOTAMIA AND PERSIA - Renewed Attempt To Relieve Kut-el-Amara 307
- The Surrender of Kut-el-Amara 318
- Spring and Summer Trench War on the Tigris 326
- Russian Advance Toward Bagdad 330
- Turkish Offensive and Russian Counteroffensive in Armenia and Persia 335
PART VIII.—OPERATIONS ON THE WESTERN FRONT - Renewal of the Battle of Verdun 340
- The Struggle for Vaux Fort and Village—Battle of Mort Homme 348
- Battle of Hill 304 and Douaumont—The Struggle at Fleury 361
- Spring Operations in Other Sectors 371
- Battle of the Somme—Allied Preparations—Position of the Opposing Forces 377
- The British Attack 382
- The French Attacks North and South of the Somme 387
- The British Attack (Continued) 392
- The Second Phase of the Battle of the Somme 401
PART IX.—THE WAR IN THE AIR - The Value of Zeppelins in Long-Distance Reconnoitering—Naval Auxiliaries 412
- Aeroplane Improvements—Giant Machines—Technical Developments 418
- Losses and Casualties in Aerial Warfare—Discrepancies in Official Reports—"Driven Down" and "Destroyed" 424
- Aerial Combats and Raids 427
- The President Upheld in Armed-Merchantmen Issue—Final Crisis With Germany 439
- The American Ultimatum—Germany Yields 449
- Two Years of the War. By Frank H. Simonds
- The German Problem 461
- The Belgian Phase 463
- The French Offensive 466
- The Battle of the Marne 469
- The End of the First Western Campaign 472
- The Russian Phase 476
- Tannenberg and Lemberg 476
- Warsaw and Lodz 479
- The Galician Campaign 480
- The Battle of the Dunajec 481
- Russia Survives 484
- The Balkan Campaign 484
- In the West 487
- Italy 488
- Verdun 488
- The February Attack 490
- Later Phases 491
- Gettysburg 493
- The Austrian Offensive 494
- Germany Loses the Offensive 495
- The Russian Attack 496
- The Battle of the Somme 499
- Gorizia 499
- As the Third Year Begins 501
- The Second Anniversary of the War, Statements from the British, French, and German Ambassadors to the United States 503