Saints, who mourn the slumbering dead,
Look to your incarnate head!
See him mounting from the tomb,
Death and hell await their doom.—Hallelujah.
Now, on glitt’ring thrones above,
Seraphs chaunt redeeming love;
Ransom’d saints the concert join,
Echoing the hymn divine.—Hallelujah.
Borne on clouds of azure light,
Angels wing their rapid flight,
And around the bursting grave,
Welcome him, who-died to save.—Hallelujah.
Come ye rescu’d, sing his praise,
Jesus loves to hear your lays;
He who conquered hell and death,
Hears the humblest sinner’s breath.—Hallelujah.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Triune God! of saints the boast;
Let us soon amid the throng,
Join the chorus in their song.—Hallelujah.
J. C. jun.