- "Above the salt," seating of guests, in United States, 328.
- Acrobatic feats in China, 120;
- Admonitions of father to a son, in Mexico, 20;
- of a mother to a daughter, in Mexico, 21.
- Adoption, in Greece, 194;
- Adrogation at Rome, 242.
- Adultery, in China, 104;
- African slave trade in United States, 317.
- Agriculture, in Egypt, 65;
- Amphitheater, the, at Rome, 250.
- Amusements, in China, 118;
- Animal exhibits in United States, 404.
- Animals, domestic, of Egypt, 66.
- Animals, trained, in Europe, 294;
- Animals used for food, in Egypt, 61;
- Anklets worn in Egypt, 61;
- Apprenticeship in Europe, 290;
- Aqueducts of Peru, 46.
- Architecture in Egypt, 72.
- Aristocracy of Europe, 275.
- Armed men at church in New England, 437.
- Artificial teeth at Rome, 237.
- Artisans of Europe, 273.
- "Assemblies" in United States, 399.
- Athletic contests at Rome, 252.
- Atrium of a Roman house, 216.
- Auguries of marriages in India, 90;
- Ax, the, among the early colonists of United States, 322.
- Baby boys welcomed, baby girls not wanted, in China, 116.
- Bachelors in Greece, 302;
- Germany, 305.
Children's toys and story books in United States, 412. Child's first day at school in China, 124. Child welfare in United States, 380. Chimneys of houses in United States, 330. Chinese baby, a, 112. Chiton, worn in Greece, 187. Chivalry in Europe, 268. Christening blanket of baby in United States, 379. Christmas sports and pastimes in Europe, 293; Church-ales in Europe, 293. Church buildings in United States, 428. Church services in New England, 437. Cider in United States, 372. Circumcision in Judea, 171. Circus Maximus at Rome, 250. Citizenship at Rome, 240. Classes of people in Egypt, 53; Classical learning saved to Europe by the Christian Church, 299. Cleanliness of Egyptians, 62. Cloth manufacture in Egypt, 67; Coasting at Albany, New York, 411. Cock-fighting in United States, 403. Coeducational academies in United States, 454. Coffee-drinking in United States, 374. Colleges in United States, 454. Combs in Egypt, 62; "Coming Out" of bride and groom in United States, 342. Commerce in Egypt, 71; Competitive literary examinations for public positions in China, 127. Concubinage in China, 105; Conjuring in Europe, 294. Contests by boys in physical exercises in Greece, 199. Contract between a Dutch schoolmaster and the authorities of Flatbush, New York, 448. Conventus matronarum at Rome, 220. Cooking and cooking utensils in United States, 328. Corn huskings in United States, 365. Corsets worn by children in United States, 363. Cosmetics used in China, 122; - Egypt, 61;
- Greece, 189;
- Judea, 172;
- Mexico, 24;
- Rome, 237;
- United States, 296;
- Greece, 203;
- India, 100;
- Japan, 157;
- Judea, 173;
- Mexico, 36;
- Persia, 164;
- Peru, 50;
- Rome, 257;
- United States, 442.
Education in Parishads in India, 101. Education in post-exilic period in Judea, 174; Education of boys in Athens, 207; Education of Brahman in India, 101. Education of common people in Mexico, 37; Education of higher classes in Mexico, 37; Education of samurai in Japan, 158. Education of women in Athens, 209; - China, 127;
- Egypt, 83;
- Europe, 301;
- India, 102;
- Japan, 158;
- Judea, 175;
- Mexico, 37;
- Persia, 169;
- Rome, 262;
- Sparta, 209;
- United States, 452.
Education of youth at Athens, 208; Education, reverence for, in China, 123. Education, rise of lay, in Europe, 298. Educational ideas of the Church Fathers in Europe, 300. Educational titles in China, 127. Election-day in United States, 415. Elopement in Japan, 136. Embalming in Egypt, 75. Embroidering in United States, 426. Engagement, announcement of, in Mexico, 16. Engagement presents in Japan, 134. Entertainment in the homes in Greece, 199. Ethical standards at Rome, 223. Examinations, competitive, in China, for public positions, 123. Eye troubles in Egypt, 74. - Fairs in Europe, 293;
- Peru, 48;
- United States, 398.
- Father, the, power and duty of, in Japan, 146.
- Feasts in Mexico, 33.
- Feather-work in Mexico, 31;
- Fertilization of crops in Egypt, 366.
- Log-cabin in United States, 322.
- London Bridge, game of, in United States, 408.
- Lord, the, in feudal times in Europe, 267.
- Lore in Mexico, 27.
- Lore in reference to children in Japan, 152;
- Lotteries at Rome, 254;
- Love potions in Greece, 183.
- Ludus castellorum, game of, at Rome, 254.
- Lullabies of Greece, 193.
- Maidenhood in United States, 347.
- Maize, preparation of, in Mexico, 25.
- Manner of cooking in early times in United States, 364.
- Manners and courtesy of children in United States, 382.
- Manufactures in Egypt, 67;
- Mexico, 31;
- United States, 421.
- Maple-sugar making in United States, 368.
- Marble-playing in United States, 413.
- Market-gardening at Rome, 247.
- Market-places in Mexico, 32.
- Marriage a civil contract in New England, 339.
- Marriage, adoptive form of, in Japan, 137.
- Marriage, age of in Europe, 281;
- Marriage among the Anglo-Saxons, 280;
- Marriage arranged in heaven in Judea, 168.
- Marriage at Rome by coemptio, 225;
- con ferreatio, 225;
- sine conventione, 225;
- usus, 225.
- Marriage by the church during the middle ages in Europe, 281.
- Marriage ceremony in China, 110;
- Marriage-feast in Greece, 184;
- Marriage forbidden with a prostitute in Judea, 170.
- Marriage in China, 104;
- People, the town, of medieval Europe, 273.
- Perfumery used by women in Judea, 172.
- Periods in the life of the child in Persia, 164.
- Pewter utensils in United States, 329.
- Physical characteristics of Egypt, 53;
- Physician, the, in Egypt, 74;
- Pillory used in United States, 418.
- "Pinkster Day" in New York, 416.
- Pins used in Egypt, 62.
- Places of worship in United States, 428.
- Play, a, by school boys in medieval times in England, 294.
- Pleasure companies of youth in Albany, New York, 409.
- Poems, game of, in Japan, 146.
- Polygamy in China, 105;
- Pone, an Indian food in United States, 364.
- Pottery in Egypt, 67;
- Peru, 48.
- Powder-horns in United States, 422.
- Prayers and sermons, length of, in New England, 438.
- Precociousness of children in United States, 450.
- Pregnancy in Egypt, 59;
- Preserving and conserving fruits and berries in United States, 367.
- Primitive homes in United States, 322.
- Primogeniture and entail in United States, 388.
- Prints and paintings on walls of homes in United States, 326.
- Prize-shooting in United States, 402.
- Prohibitions on marriage in Judea, 168;
- Public hangings in United States, 420.
- Public punishments in United States, 416.
- Public schools in Rome, 257;
- Punishment for child-murder in Egypt, 58.
- Punishment for murder of a parent in China, 116;
- Punishment for wilful murder of a slave in Egypt, 55.
- Punishment in schools of United States, 449.
- Punishment of slaves in United States, 316.
- Pupil's respect for teacher in China, 124.
- Purification of the home after death at Rome, 246.
- Sutteeism in India, 93.
- Sweetmeats for children in United States, 375.
- Swimming in United States, 411.
- Sword-dancing in Europe, 294;
- Swords worn by boys in Japan, 140.
Obvious printer's errors have been remedied. The usage of hyphens and the spelling of many words was inconsistent in the original and has been retained. In the index, the reference for the entry "Hoop-petticoats for girls in United States" was changed from page 546 to 281, and the reference for "Houses of early settlers in New England" was changed from page 490 to 322. |