The original spelling of the book has been retained, even when wrong (Bosone da Gobbio [Gubbio], Bezalu, near Perpignon [BesalÚ, near Perpignan]), or variant (Juda/Jehuda/Jehudah Halevi/Halevy). The original transliteration of Hebrew words, which does not always follow uniform rules, has been preserved. Similarly, inaccurate quotations (e.g. Falstaff's remark “I told you John a Gaunt...”) were not rectified. Corrections reported in the Errata have been carried into the text. The following typographical mistakes have been corrected: - p. 54, last line: neighourhood ? neighbourhood
- p. 78, l. 2: Jacob of Fano, who in his pom ? Jacob of Fano, who in his poem
- p. 106, l. 33: and looks at if it were ? and looks as if it were
- p. 181, col. 2, l. 33: Boekh ? Boeckh
- p. 182, col. 1, l. 26: Conat, Abraham, ? Conath, Abraham,
- p. 185, col. 2, l. 6: Poesie Hebraeorum, ? Poesi Hebraeorum, [in conformity with the 1758 GÖttingen edition cited]
- p. 186, col. 1, l. 34: “Sommernacht, Die, ? “Sommernacht, Die,”
Some page references in the Index have been found to be wrong, and have been corrected: - Baba Kamma, 56 n. ? 55 n.
- History of European Morals, 115 n. ? 15 n.
- Humour of the Bible, 1–13. ? 1–12.
- Lyric songs, 189 ? 30, 167–69.
Entries in the Index, which were either italicized or enclosed in double quotes, were left as found. |