ass="indx">Dodge, Grenville M., assistance acknowledged, vi relations with Lincoln, 243, 244 Dog, a, causes steamboat wreck, 116 chloroformed by Gen. Harney, 202 Durack, John, lassoes a buffalo, 163 E Edgar, Henry, discoverer of Alder Gulch, 271 Edmunds, Newton, mem. Peace Com. of 1866, 397 Edna, the, explosion of, 124 Effie Deans, the, burned, 394 length of voyage in one season, 336 purchase of, 332 voyage of, in 1864, 319 El Paso, the, reaches Milk r., 218 Embalming, new method, 413 Emilie, the, 240, 241 voyage of, in 1862, 288 Evans, Dr., on the St. Ange in 1851, 190 Exploration of the West, 174 Express, the, description of, 41 F Fairweather, William, discoverer of Alder Gulch, 271 Far West, the, part played by, in campaign of 1876, 387, 388 Fire canoe of the Indians, 111 Fisk James L., leader of Northern Overland Expedition, 270 Flood of 1844, 154 Floods of Missouri and Mississippi, 83, 155 Fremont, General John, as an explorer, 348 inaccessibility of, 347 La Barge’s acquaintance with, 347 Freight rates on the Missouri, 276 Fuel for steamboats, 117 Fur trade, relation of, to the Indians, 353 use of steamboats in, 3 G Galpin, Charles E., 341 Galpin, Fort, 293 Galvanized Yankees, 260 Gardner, Johnson, transports furs by bullboat, 101 Garreau, Pierre, 197 Gibbon, General, in Custer campaign, 378 Gilbert, Colonel, incident concerning, 427 Gold, discovery of, in California, 173 discovery of, in Montana, 237, 265 et seq., 368 Gold dust, first sale of, in Montana, 267 great quantity shipped by the Octavia, 413 transportation of, 275, 333 Good, Frederick, lost from the Trover, 286 Government work on the Missouri r., 421 et seq. Grant, General, La Barge’s acquaintance with, 347 La Barge’s resemblance to, 443 214, 215 marriage of, 71 meets Dave McCann, 430 on the Yellowstone in cholera scourge, 32 opposes Am. F. Co., 59, et seq., 287 personal characteristics, 443 politics of, 444 purchases the Sonora, 190 religion of, 444 remains with the Union, 253 rescues boat from ice gorge, 207 retires from the river, 447 serves apprenticeship in steamboating, 55 serves as interpreter, 22 skill as a swimmer, 53 works for city of St. Louis, 438 La Barge, Joseph Marie, at Council Bluffs, 42 sketch of, 3 stories concerning, 6 et seq. Laberge, Dr. Philemon, 12 La Fayette, visits of, to St. Louis, 15 La Framboise, Fort, 293 Langford, N.P., assistance acknowledged, vi Laramie Fort, treaty of, 358 Larpenteur, Charles, cited, 307 estimate of, 313 quoted, 398 Last Chance Gulch, 272 Latta, S.M., Indian agent, 300 at the Tobacco Garden, 306 cited, 207 quoted, 317 Leavenworth, Colonel, in Aricara campaign, 383 Leclerc, Narcisse, affair of, with CabannÉ, 24 et seq. disloyal to La Barge, 60, 65 Lee, General R.E., acquaintance of La Barge with, 346 examines Mo. r., 422 surrender of, 336 Lemon, R.H., transfers Fort La Barge, 327 Lewis and Clark, expedition of, 375 Lewis, Fort, 233 et seq. Lincoln, Abraham, assistance of, 261, 336 at Council Bluffs, 241 commutes sentence of Indians, 371 election of, 247 interest in Indian question, 342 on La Barge’s boat, 246 on Missouri r., 241 et seq. presented with fur robe, 340 Little Crow, Sioux Chief, incites massacre, 370 Liquor, importation of, prohibited, 25, 141 Lisa, Manuel, voyage of, in 1811, 106, 356 Trover, the, wreck of, 285 U Union, Fort, 139 Union Pacific Bridge at Omaha opened, 418 Union Pacific R.R., Lincoln’s interest in, 244 reaches Ogden, 419 Upson, Gad E., Indian agent, 322 Utah Northern R.R. enters Montana, 419 V Vallandingham, C.L., 244 Virginia City, Mont., 272 Volunteers, U.S., 259 Voyage, last, to Fort Benton, 436, 437 Voyageurs, 108 W Wall, Nicholas, relations with Capt. La Barge, 258, 295, 325, 326 War with Mexico, 171 Warping over rapids, 121 Warren, General, on the upper Missouri, 208 Weather, influence of, on navigation of the river, 86 Western Engineer, the, 91, 382 Whirlpools on the Missouri, 122 Whitestone Hill, battle of, 373 Winnebago Indians, transported by steamboat, 384 Wooding steamboat, 118 Wooding at Crow creek in 1847, 179 Wounded Knee, battle of, 366 Wrecks of steamboats on Mo. r., causes of, 421 list of, 438 Wright, Geo. B., agent for the Blackfeet, 405 Wyeth, Nathaniel J., transports furs by bullboat, 101 Y Yankee Jack, adventure of, 129 mentioned, 282 Yanktonais, the, experience of, with Peace Com. of 1866, 399 Yawl, importance of, to steamboat, 54, 91 Yellowstone, the, first steamboat on the upper river, 22, 136 cholera on, 32 description of, 112 public interested in voyage of, 138 Yellowstone expedition of 1819, 382 Yellowstone National Park, 75, 266 Yellowstone river, 75 falls of, 75 La Barge ascends, 436 Young, Brigham, 169, 175 entertains La Barge, 334