M Mamma said; 'Little one, go and see If Grandmother's ready to come to tea.' I knew I must'nt disturb her, so I stepped as gently along, tiptoe, And stood a moment to take a peep— And there was Grandmother, fast asleep. "I knew it was time for her to wake; I thought I'd give her a little shake, Or tap at her door, or softly call; But I had'nt the heart for that at all— She looked so sweet and so quiet there, Lying back in her high arm-chair, With her dear white hair and a little smile, That means she's loving you all the while. "I did'nt make a speck of a noise; I knew she was dreaming of little boys And girls who lived with her, long ago, And then went to Heaven—she told me so. "I went up close, and I did'nt speak One word, but I gave her on her cheek The softest bit of a little kiss, Just in a whisper, and then said this; 'Grandmother dear it's time for tea.' "She opened her eyes and looked at me, And said: 'Why, Pet, I have just now dreamed Of a little angel who came, and seemed To kiss me lovingly on my face.' She pointed right at the very place. "I never told her 'twas only me; I took her hand and we went to tea." Sydney Dayre in St. Nicholas. DECORATIVE. DECORATIVE.