The titles by which ballads are designated in this collection are here printed in Roman letters; other titles, whether of ballads included in this collection, or not, and in general, all other references, in Italic. In looking for a title, the articles, both the definite and the indefinite, are to be dropped. "O. B." denotes the often-referred-to Collection of 1723: "P. S." Percy Society Publications: = signifies that two pieces are equivalent. - Aage og Else, Danish bal. 2, 145.
- Adam Bel, Clym of the Cloughe, and Wyllyam of CloudeslÉ. 5, 124, 1.
- Adam Gordon (the freebooter). 6, 149: 5, xix.
- Adventures of Faravla, &c., Irish Fairy tale. 3, 284.
- Agnete og Havmanden, Danish ballad. 1, 179.
- Alison Gross. 1, 168.
- Allerlei-Rauh, German tale. 8, 172.
- Alphonso and Ganselo (or, Faithful Friendship), Garl. G. Will, p. 60, P. S. xxx: O. B. 2, 145: Evans, 1, 354.
- Als y yod on ay Mounday. 1, 273, 126.
- Amadis. 1, 5, 6.
- Andrew Lammie. 2, 190.
- Annan Water. 2, 186.
- Apuleius, Metam. 1, 162.
- Arabian Nights. 1, 5; 8, 54.
- Archie of Ca'field. 6, 88, 81.
- Arden of Feversham. Evans, 3, 217.
- Armenian Lady's Love, Wordsworth's. 4, 202.
- Armstrong's Good-Night. 6, 40.
- Armstrong and Musgrave. 8, 243.
- ArtÈmire, Voltaire's. 3, 242.
- As I came from Walsingham. 4, 191.
- As I was walking under a grove. 1, 128.
- As You Like It. 5, xxv: 8, 144.
- Aschenputtel, German tale. 8, 172.
- Audam and Doorkhaunee, Afghan tale. 2, 120.
- Auld Maitland. 6, 217.
- Ausgleichung, German ballad. 1, 5.
- Babe Nourice. 2, 40.
- Babylon, or, The Bonnie Banks o' Fordie. 2, 277.
- Baffled Knight. Percy, 2, 362: = Too Courteous Knight, Ritson, Anc. Songs, 2, 54: Durfey, 3, 37: = The Shepherd's Son, Herd, 2, 267: = Jock Sheep, Kinloch, Ballad Book, p. 17: = Blow the Winds, Heigh Ho, Anc. Poems, &c., p. 123, P. S. xvii. Bell, id. p. 82.
- Bailiff's Daughter of Islington. 4, 158.
- Ballad of Matrymonie. 8, 182.
- Bandello. 3, 242, 370; 6, 209.
- Barbara Allen's Cruelty. 2, 158.
- Barbara Livingston. 4, 270.
- Baron (or Laird) o' Leys. Buchan, 2, 144; Kinloch, B. B. 74.
- Baron of Brackley. 6, 188, 192.
- Baron turned Ploughman. 8, 233.
- Bateman's Tragedy. O. B. 1, 261. Ritson, Anc. Songs, 2, 95.
- Battle of Alford. 7, 238.
- Battle of Balrinnes. 7, 214.
- Battle of Bothwell Bridge. 7, 148, 149.
- Battle of Corichie. 7, 210.
- Battle of Glenlivet. 7, 214.
- Battle of Harlaw. 7, 181, 317.
- Battle of Killiecrankie. 7, 152.
- Battle of Loudon Hill. 7, 144.
- Battle of Otterbourne. 7, 3, 19, 29, 177.
- Battle of Pentland Hills. 7, 240.
- Battle of Philiphaugh. 7, 131.
- Battle of Sherramoor (Burns). 6, 157.
- Battle of Sheriff-Muir. 7, 156, 260.
- Battle of Strath-aven. 7, 214, 217.
- Battle of Tranent-Muir, or Preston-Pans. 7, 167.
- Beautiful Lady of Kent. Bal. of Peasantry, P. S. xvii. 130; Bell, id. 84.
- Bent Sae Brown. 2, 57.
- Bergkonungen, Swedish bal. 1, 179.
- Berkshire Lady's Garland. Bal. of Peasantry, P. S. xvii. 138; Moore, 456.
- Bessie Bell and Mary Gray. 3, 126.
- Betrayed Lady. 4, 180.
- Bettelman, German bal. 8, 98.
- Billie Archie. 6, 94.
- Binnorie. 2, 231.
- Birth of Robin Hood. 5, 170, 392.
- [de la] Blanca NiÑa, Spanish ballad. ii. 319.
- Blancheflour and Jellyflorice. 4, 295.
- Blind Beggar's Daughter of Bednall Green. 4, 161.
- Blood-Stained Son (Der blutige Sohn, translated). 2, 350.
- Blow the Winds, Heigh Ho = Baffled Knight.
- Bludy Serk. 8, 147.
- Blue Beard, 2, 272.
- Blue Bird, fairy tale. 1, 171.
- Bold Burnett's Daughter = Bonny Hynd.
- Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood. 5, 248.
- Bold Rankin. 3, 95.
- Bondsey and Maisry. 2, 379, 298.
- Bonnie Annie. 3, 47.
- Bonnie Banks o' Fordie. 2, 277.
- Bonnie George Campbell. 3, 92.
- Bonnie House o' Airly. 6, 183, 186.
- Bonnie Lass of Anglesey. Herd, 2, 190: Buchan, 2, 63.
- Bonnie Susie Cleland. 2, 78.
- Bonny Baby Livingston. 4, 38.
- Bonny Barbara Allan. 2, 155.
- Bonny Bee-Ho'm. 3, 57: 2, 215.
- Bonny Birdy. 2, 22.
- Bonny Bows o' London. 2, 360.
- Bonny Earl of Murray. 7, 119, 121: 3, 88.
- Bonny Hind Squire. 8, 11, 83.
- Bonny Hynd. Scott's Minstrelsy, 3, 307: = Lizie Wan, Herd, ed. 1776, 1, 91: = The Broom blooms bonnie, &c. Motherwell, lxxxiv. 189: = Castle Ha's Daughter, Buchan, 1, 241. Also called Lady Jean, Motherwell, Appendix, p. xxi., and Bold Burnett's Daughter, Buchan, 1, 315.
- Bonny John Seton. 7, 230.
- Bonny May. 4, 45.
- Bothwell. 1, 158, 152.
- Bothwell Lines. 7, 149.
- Boy and the Mantle. 1, 3.
- Boyne Water. 7, 253.
- Braes o' Yarrow. 3, 69: Logan's, 2, 182.
- Brave Earl Brand and the King of England's Daughter. 2, 388, 114.
- Brave Lord Willoughby. 7, 114.
- Bride's Testament = Cruel Brother.
- Broom blooms bonnie, &c. = Bonny Hynd.
- Broom of Cowdenknows. 4, 45.
- Broomfield Hill. 1, 131.
- Brown Adam. 4, 60.
- Brown Robin. 2, 9. Buchan, 2, 299.
- Brume, brume on hil. 1, 131.
- Burd Ellen. 3, 213, 205, 269.
- Burd Ellen and Young Tamlane. 1, 271.
- Burd Helen. 3, 192.
- Burning of Auchindown, see Willie Mackintosh.
- By Landsdale hey ho. 5, 431.
- Camille, ou la ManiÈre de filer le parfait Amour. 1, 5.
- Captain Car. 6, 147.
- Captain Wedderburn's Courtship. 8, 11, 5.
- Carl of Kellyburn Braes. 8, 257.
- Carle of Carlile. 8, 140.
- Carnal and the Crane. 1, 315.
- Castle Ha's Daughter = Bonny Hynd.
- Catherine Johnstone. 4, 34.
- Catskin's Garland, (or, The Wandering Young Gentlewoman.) 8, 172.
- Ce qui plaÎt aux Dames, Voltaire's. 1, 29.
- Cendrillon, Cennerentola. 8, 172.
- [du] Chevalier qui fist sa Fame confesse, fabliau. 6, 209.
- Chevy-Chace. 7, 43, 25.
- Chil Ether. 4, 299.
- Child Brenton. 1, 152.
- Child Noryce. 2, 40.
- Child of Elle. 3, 224, 220;
- 2, 114.
- Child Rowland and Burd Ellen. 1, 245.
- Child Waters. 3, 205, 269.
- Childe Maurice, Chield Morice. 2, 313, 30.
- Childe Vyet. 2, 72.
- Children in the Wood. 3, 128.
- Child's Last Will. 2, 366.
- Cinthio's Heccatomithi. 8, 60.
- Clerk Colvill. 1, 192;
- 2, 271.
- Clerk of Oxenford's Tale, Chaucer's. 4, 207.
- Clerk Saunders. 2, 45, 318, 53, 57, 82.
- Clerk's Twa Sons o' Owsenford. 2, 63;
- 1, 214.
- Clerk Tamas. 3, 349.
- Cokwolds Daunce. 1, 17.
- Conde de Barcelona y la Emperatriz de Alemania. 3, 242.
- Constance of Cleveland. 4, 225.
- Constancy of Susanna. 8, 198.
- Constant Penelope. 8, 207.
- Constantine and AretÉ. 1, 304, 307, 217.
- Contes À rire. 8, 3.
- Corn, lai du. 1, 3.
- Cospatrick. 1, 152.
- Countess of Errol, see Errol.
- Coupe EnchantÉe. 1, 4.
- Court Mantel. 1, 4.
- Courteous King Jamie. 1, 147.
- Courteous Knight. 8, 272, 11.
- Covering Blue = Keach in the Creel.
- Crafty Lover, or, The Lawyer outwitted. Bell, Ball. of Peasantry, 110.
- Crafty Ploughboy, or, The Highwayman outwitted. 8, 265.
- Croodlin Doo. 2, 363.
- Cruel Black. 3, 370.
- Cruel Brother, or, The Bride's Testament. 2, 251, 257, 265.
- Cruel Brother, Swedish bal. 2, 46.
- Cruel Jew's Garland. 8, 46.
- Cruel Knight. 2, 291.
- Cruel Mother. 2, 267, 269, 372, 257.
- Cruel Sister. 2, 231.
- Cunning Clerk = Keach in the Creel.
- Cymbeline. 8, 277.
- DÆmon Lover. 1, 201, 302.
- David and Bathsheba. 8, 198.
- Dead Man's Song of Heaven and Hell. Evans, 1, 297;
- Ritson, Anc. Songs, old ed., p. 286;
- Brit. Bibliog. 2, 136, &c.
- Death of John Seton. 7, 230.
- Death of Keeldar. 6, 140.
- Death of Parcy Reed. 6, 179.
- Death of Queen Jane. 7, 77.
- Decameron. 2, 382;
- 4, 207;
- 6, 209.
- Demaundes Joyous. 8, 3.
- Devil and the Scold. 8, 257.
- Dialogue between Will Lick-Ladle and Tom Clean-Cogue. 7, 260, 157.
- Dick o' the Cow. 6, 67.
- Dolopathos. 8, 45.
- Donald of the Isles. 4, 68, 76.
- Doralice. 8, 172.
- Douglas, Home's. 2, 28.
- Douglas Tragedy. 2, 114;
- 3, 220, 223;
- 5, 334.
- Dowie Den. 3, 65.
- Dowie Dens of Yarrow. 3, 63.
- Dragon of Wantley. 8, 128.
- Dronken Hansje. 8, 55.
- Drowned Lovers. 2, 175.
- Drunkard's Legacy. 8, 60.
- Duchess of Suffolk's Calamity. 7, 298, 115.
- Duel of Wharton and Stuart. 8, 259.
- Duke Hamilton. Smith's Scot. Mins., 2, 58.
- Duke of Argyle's Courtship. Buchan, 2, 148.
- Duke of Athol. 4, 94.
- Duke of Athol's Nurse. 8, 228, 231.
- Duke of Gordon's Daughter. 4, 102.
- Duke of Perth's Three Daughters. 2, 281.
- Dumb Wife of Aberdour. Aytoun, 2, 185.
- Durham Garland. Ritson, Bish. Gar. p. 1.
- Dysmal. 2, 382.
- Earl Crawford. Buchan, 1, 61.
- Earl Lithgow. 3, 260.
- Earl Marshal. 6, 209.
- Earl of Errol, see Errol.
- Earl of Mar's Daughter. 1, 171.
- Earl Richard (A). 3, 3, 10, 293.
- Earl Richard (B). 3, 266, 395.
- Earl Robert. 3, 26.
- Edda. 1, 213;
- 8, 139.
- Edom o' Gordon. 6, 147, 154;
- 7, 216.
- Edward. 2, 225, 219, 251.
- Edwin and Emma, Goldsmith's. 4, 189.
- Eitle Dinge, German ballads. 1, 128.
- Elfer Hill. 1, 298.
- Elfin Knight. 1, 128, 277.
- Elfrida and Sir James of Perth. 3, 73.
- Elf-Woman and Sir Olof, Swedish bal. 1, 298.
- Ellen Irwin, Wordsworth's. 2, 208.
- Elveskud, Danish bal. 1, 298.
- Enchanted Ring. 3, 53.
- Eppie Morie. 6, 260, 203.
- Erle of Tolous. 3, 242.
- Erlinton. 3, 220;
- 2, 114.
- Errol, Earl of Errol, &c. Sharpe, B. B., p. 89: = Kinloch, B. B., p. 31: = Countess of Errol, Buchan, 2, 176, and Gleanings, p. 158: = Errol's Place, Maidment's N. C. G., p. 31.
- Eulenspiegel. 8, 3, 4.
- Execution of Sir Simeon Fraser. 6, 274.
- Facezie of Arlotto. 8, 167.
- Factor's Garland. O. B. 3, 221: = Sheldon, p. 274.
- F[oe]stemanden i Graven, Danish ballad. 2, 145.
- Fair Annie. 3, 191, 198.
- Fair Annie of Lochroyan. 2, 98.
- Fair Flower of Northumberland. 4, 180.
- Fair Helen of Kirconnell. 2, 207.
- Fair Janet. 2, 86, 80, 120.
- Fair Mabel of Wallington (= The Mild Mary): Ritson, Northumb. Garl. p. 38.
- Fair Margaret and Sweet William. 2, 140, 162.
- Fair Margaret of Craignargat. 8, 249.
- Fair Midel and Kirsten Lyle, Danish bal. 2, 342.
- Fair Rosamond. 7, 283.
- Fairy Queen. 1, 5.
- Faithful Friendship, see Alphonso and Ganselo.
- False Sir John. 2, 271.
- [den] Falske Riddaren, Swedish bal. 2, 272.
- Famous Flower of Serving-Men. 4, 174;
- 3, 86.
- Farmer's Old Wife. 8, 257.
- Fause Foodrage. 3, 40, 159.
- Fause Knight upon the Road. 8, 269.
- Fause Lover. 4, 89.
- Felon Sowe of Rokeby. Ev. 3, 270;
- Moore, 187;
- Scott, Notes to Rokeby;
- Robson, Metr. Romances, p. 105, Camden Soc., No. 18, etc.
- Fine Flowers i' the Valley. 2, 257.
- Fine Flowers in the Valley. 2, 265.
- Finette Cendron. 8, 172.
- Fire of Frendraught. 6, 173.
- Fischer, Goethe's. 1, 298.
- Fitchers Vogel, German tale., 2, 272.
- Flemish Insurrection. 6, 269.
- Flodden Field. 7, 71.
- Florent and the King of Sicily's Daughter, Gower's tale., 1, 29.
- Florice and Blancheflour. 4, 295.
- Flourence de Romme, Le Dit de. 3, 159.
- Fray of Suport. 6, 115.
- Frennet Hall. 6, 177.
- FrÈre de Lait, Breton bal. 1, 217.
- Friar in the Well. 8, 122.
- Frolicksome Courtier and Jovial Tinker. 8, 55.
- Frolicksome Duke, or, The Tinker's Good Fortune. 8, 54.
- From Bogie Side, or, The Marquis's Raide. 7, 267, 156.
- Fryer and the Maid. 8, 122.
- Gaberlunzie Man. 8, 98.
- Galien RethorÉ. 1, 231.
- Gallant Grahams. 7, 137.
- Gamelyn, Cook's Tale of. 5, xxv. 38.
- Gardener. 4, 92.
- Gay Goss-Hawk. 3, 277;
- 2, 10.
- Gentle Herdsman, tell to me. 4, 187.
- Gentleman in Thracia. 8, 158.
- Geordie, Geordie Luklie. 8, 92, 96, 93.
- George Barnwell. 8, 213.
- Georgics. 1, 125.
- Gernutus the Jew of Venice. 8, 45.
- Gesta Romanorum. 1, 5, 7, 276;
- 8, 3, 45, 147, 158.
- Get up and bar the door. 8, 125.
- Gifts from over Sea. 8, 271, 11.
- Gight's Lady. 8, 285, 93.
- Gilderoy. 6, 196.
- Gil Morrice. 2, 28.
- Girl clad in Mouse-skin, Swedish tale. 8, 173.
- Glasgerion. 2, 3.
- Glasgow Peggy. 4, 76.
- Glenkindie. 2, 3.
- Glenlogie. 4, 80.
- Godiva. How Coventry was made free by Godina (sic), Countess of Chester. Evans, 2, 29.
- Golden Glove, or, The Squire of Tamworth. Ball. of Peas. P. S. xvii. 106;
- Bell, id. 70.
- Golden Legend. 1, 70.
- Gowans sae gay. 1, 195.
- Graeme and Bewick. 3, 77.
- Graf Hans von Holstein und seine Schwester Annchristine, German bal. 2, 78.
- Grandmother Adder-Cook, German bal. 2, 364.
- [der] Grausame Bruder, German bal. 2, 79.
- Green Broom-Field. 1, 136.
- Greensleeves. 4, 240.
- Greve Genselin, Danish ballad., 8, 139.
- Grey Cock. Herd, 2, 278.
- [der] Grobe Bruder, German bal. 2, 79.
- [den] Grymma Brodern, Swedish bal. 2, 319.
- Gude Wallace. 6, 232.
- Guy of Warwick. 1, 62.
- Gypsie Laddie. 4, 114.
- Hakon Borkenbart, Swedish saga. 4, 207.
- Hardyknute. 3, 40, 148.
- Harpans Kraft, Swedish and Danish bal. 2, 8.
- Haughs o' Yarrow. 3, 65.
- Haws of Cromdale. 7, 234.
- Hawthorn Tree. 1, 311.
- [der] Heilige Georg, German legend. 1, 70.
- Heir of Linne. 8, 60, 70.
- Helgakvitha Hundingsbana, II., 1, 213.
- Henry and Emma, Prior's. 4, 143.
- Hero and Leander. 8, 207.
- Herodotus. 1, 6.
- Herr Aester ok FrÖken Sissa, Swedish bal. 1, 152.
- Herr Halewyn, Dutch bal. 2, 272.
- Herr Malmstens DrÖm, Swedish bal. 2, 141.
- Herr Medelvold, Danish bal., 2, 342.
- Herr Peder och Liten Kerstin, Swedish bal. 2, 125.
- Herr Peders SjÖresa, Swedish bal. 3, 47.
- Herr Redevall, Swedish bal., 2, 342.
- Herr Sallemand, Danish bal., 2, 120.
- Herr Truels's DÖttre, Danish bal. 2, 277.
- Hertig FrÖjdenborg och FrÖken Adelin, Swedish bal. 2, 120.
- Hertig Nils, Swedish bal. 2, 120.
- Hierarchie of the Blessed Angels. 1, 163.
- Highwayman Outwitted, see Crafty Ploughboy.
- Hildebrand og Hilde, Danish bal. 2, 115, 388.
- Hilla Lilla, Swedish bal. 2, 120.
- Hireman Chiel. 8, 233.
- Hirlanda. 3, 243.
- Histoire de la Comtesse de Savoie. 3, 242.
- Histoire de Palanus, Comte de Lyon. 3, 242.
- Historia de CataluÑa. 3, 242.
- Hobie Noble. 6, 97, 67.
- Holofernes. 8, 198.
- Honeymoon. 8, 182.
- Honour of a London Prentice. O. B. 1, 199:
- Ritson, Ancient Songs, 2, 199.
- Horn and Rimnild, Horn et Rimenhild. 1, 6;
- 4, 17.
- Horn of King Arthur. 1, 17, 4.
- House Carpenter. 1, 209.
- Hugh of Lincoln. 3, 136.
- Hughie Graham (Hughie the Graeme). 6, 51, 55, 247.
- Hunting of the Cheviot. 7, 25, 43.
- [det] Hurtige Svar, Danish bal. 2, 319.
- Hustru og Mands Moder, Danish bal. 1, 162.
- Hynd Horn. 4, 17, 25.
- Hynde Etin. 1, 294, 179;
- 2, 271.
- I'll wager, I'll wager. 1, 131.
- Ill May-Day, Story of. Garl. Good Will, p. 39, P. S. xv: O. B. 3, 54: Evans, 3, 76.
- In Sherwood livde stout Robin Hood. 5, 433.
- Ingefred og Gudrune, Danish bal. 1, 152.
- Jack Horner, Tale of. Halliwell's Nursery Rhymes, p. 165, P. S. iv. James Herries. 1, 205.
- Jamie Douglas. 4, 287.
- Jamie Telfer of the Fair Dodhead., 6, 105.
- Jane Shore. 7, 194.
- Jean o' Bethelnie's Love for Sir G. Gordon. 4, 80.
- Jelitza and her Brothers, Servian bal. 1, 217.
- Jellon Grame. 2, 285.
- Jephthah, Judge of Israel. 8, 198.
- Jesus Barnet, Stefan, og Herodes, Danish bal. 1, 315.
- Jew's Daughter. 3, 144, 331.
- Jock o' Hazeldean, Jock o' Hazelgreen. 4, 83.
- Jock o' the Side. 6, 80, 67, 88.
- Jock Sheep = Baffled Knight. Jock the Leg and the Merry Merchant. 8, 265.
- John Dory. 8, 194.
- John Grumlie. 8, 116.
- John o' Hazelgreen. 4, 83.
- John the Reeve. 8, 21.
- John Thomson and the Turk., 3, 352.
- Johnie Armstrang. 6, 37, 45, 251.
- Johnie Blunt. 8, 125.
- Johnie of Braidisbank, or of Breadislee. 6, 12, 11.
- Johnie of Cocklesmuir, or of Cockielaw. 6, 16, 11.
- Johnie Cope. 7, 274, 168.
- Johnie Faa and the Countess o' Cassilis. 4, 283.
- Johnie Scot. 4, 50.
- Johny Cock, or Johny Cox. 6, 243, 245, 11, 12.
- Jolly Beggar. 8, 98.
- Jolly Goshawk. 3, 285.
- Jolly Harper. 6, 3.
- Jolly Pinder of Wakefield, with Robin Hood, Scarlet, and John. 5, 204.
- Jomfruen i Linden, Danish bal. 1, 311.
- Jomfruen i Ormeham, Danish ballad. 1, 138, 168.
- Jomfruen og DvÆrgekongen (Maid and the Dwarfking), Danish ballad. 1, 179.
- Jon RimaardsÖns Skriftemaal, Danish ballad. 3, 47.
- Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove. 8, 144.
- Jugement de Salemon, fabliau. 8, 158.
- JÜrg DrachentÖdter, German ballad. 1, 70.
kmaker-pageno" title="[Pg 324]"> West Country Wager. 1, 131. Wha will bake my bridal bread. 3, 191. White Doe of Rylstone, Wordsworth's. 7, 84. Widow of Westmoreland. Kinloch, Bal. Book, p. 1. Wiedergefundene KÖnigstochter, German bal. 3, 191. Wife Lapped in Morel's Skin. 8, 182. Wife of Auchtirmuchty. 8, 116. Wife of Bath's Tale. 1, 29. Wife of Usher's Well. 1, 213; 2, 63. Wilkinasaga. 5, 128. William and Marjorie. 2, 149, 45. William Guiseman. 3, 50. Willie and Annet. 2, 79, 86. Willie and Lady Maisry. 2, 57. Willie and May Margaret. 2, 171. Willie Mackintosh, or, The Burning of Auchindown. 6, 159. Willie Wallace. 6, 231, 237. Willie's drowned in Gamery. 2, 181. Willie's Ladye. 1, 162. Willow, Willow, Willow. 4, 234. Willy's drowned in Yarrow. 8, 228. Wind hath blown my plaid away. 1, 277. Winning of Cales. 7, 123. Wolfdietrich. 2, 346. Woman Warrior. 7, 257. Wood o' Warslin. 2, 220. Worm of Lambton, Worm of Linton. 1, 281; 8, 128. Wylie Wife of the hie Town hie. Struthers's British Minstrel, 1, xxv. - Young Airly. 6, 184.
- Young Akin. 1, 179.
- Young Allan (taken from Sir Patrick Spens). Buchan, 2, 11.
- Young Bearwell. 4, 302.
- Young Beichan and Susie Pye. 4, 1, 253;
- 1, 282.
- Young Bekie. 4, 10.
- Young Benjie. 2, 298.
- Young Bondwell. 4, 2.
- Young Child Dyring, Danish bal. 4, 265.
- Young Cloudeslee. 5, 124.
- Young Hastings the Groom. 1, 189;
- 2, 271.
- Young Hunting. 3, 295, 3.
- Young Johnstone. 2, 291.
- Young Laird of Ochiltrie. 4, 109.
- Young Prince James. 2, 78.
- Young Ratcliffe. 7, 165.
- Young Redin. 3, 13.
- Young Tamlane. 1, 114.
- Young Waters. 3, 88, 301;
- 1, 282;
- 7, 120.
- Youth of Rosengord, Swedish bal. 2, 347, 219.
- Zauberbecher, Sage vom. 1, 4.
- Zeyn Alasman and the King of the Genii, tale of. 1, 5.
Transcriber's Notes The following changes have been made to the text where typographical errors have been corrected. Page iv (Index): changed "Gentleman" to "Gentlewoman" (The Wandering young Gentlewoman) Page 37 Line 89: removed opening double quotation mark. (Here's dainty lightfoote!") Page 123 note to line 13: changed "12" to "13" (13. request.) Page 123 Line 30: changed single to double close quotation mark ("Now lets go to't, my own dear honey:") Page 133 Line 121: added missing close quotation mark ("Your words," quoth the dragon, "I don't understand";) Page 144: added closing quotation mark (p. 250 of the same publication.)") Page 153 Line 11: changed single to double opening qoutation mark ("I am the Wife of Bath," she said,) Page 157 Line 112: deleted extraneous closing single quotation mark (As thou thyself hast done.") Page 167 Line 2: changed "Whitttington" to "Whittington" (Of worthy Whittington,) Page 196: deleted unmatched open quotation marks before "in" (This ballad is found in The Melancholie Knight) Page 261 Line 28: changed single to double closing quotation mark (For you shall find enough o' ane.") Page 264 Line 100: changed single to double closing quotation mark (He's cure thy wounds right speedily.") Page 270 Line 32: changed "Que'" to "Quo'" (Quo' the wee boy, &c.) Page 279 Line 50: added opening quotation mark ("We'll cross the raging ocean wide,) Page 293: changed "285" to "287" to match only reference to "berry" in the text (berry, 285) Page 301: changed "confidentyl" to "confidently" (trestly, truly, confidently.) Page 306: changed comma to full stop after "Sheriff-Muir" ([Battle of] Sheriff-Muir. 7, 156, 260.) Page 308: changed "rown" to "Brown" (Brown Robin. 2, 9. Buchan, 2, 299.) Page 308: added comma after volume number (Constance of Cleveland. 4, 225.) Page 312: changed full stop to comma after ballad name (Herr Aester ok FrÖken Sissa, Swedish bal. 1, 152.) Page 315: changed comma to full stop after ballad name (Krone der KÖnigin von Afion. 1, 16) |