CHAPTER I Growth of the Nation To the Middle of the Fourteenth Century CHAPTER II Rural Life and Organization CHAPTER III Town Life and Organization CHAPTER IV MediÆval Trade and Commerce CHAPTER V The Black Death and the Peasants' Rebellion Economic Changes of the Later Fourteenth and Early Fifteenth Centuries CHAPTER VI The Breaking up of the MediÆval System Economic Changes of the Later Fifteenth and the Sixteenth Centuries CHAPTER VII The Expansion of England Economic Changes of the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries CHAPTER VIII The Period of the Industrial Revolution Economic Changes of the Later Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries CHAPTER IX The Extension of Government Control Factory Laws, the Modification of Land Ownership, Sanitary Regulations, and New Public Services CHAPTER X The Extension of Voluntary Association Trade Unions, Trusts, and CoÖperation
c@vhost@g@html@files@21660@21660-h@21660-h-2.htm.html#page089" class="pginternal">89, 167. Hargreaves, James, 207. Health and Morals Act, 247. Heriot, 41. Hospitallers, 91, 116. Hostage, 81. Houses of the Working Classes Act, 271. Huguenots, 185. Hull, 160. Hundred Years' War, 96. Iceland, 168. Individualism, 232. Industrial revolution, 213. Insular situation of England, 2. Insurance, 196. Intercursus Magnus, 168. Interest, 171. Ireland, conquest of, 24. Irish union, 203. Iron, 3, 214. Italian trade, 84, 164, 167. Italians in England, 90. Jack Straw, 116. Jews, 59, 91. John of Gaunt, 114. Journeymen, 66, 147. Journeymen gilds, 148. Kay, 206. Kempe, John, 94. Kent, 9, 114. Kidderminster, 155. Laborers, Statutes of, 106. Laissez-faire, 224, 228. Land, reclamation of, 6. Latimer, Hugh, 145. Law merchant, 78. Law of wages, 226. Lawyers, hostility to, 124. Lead, 3, 83, 88. Leather, 83, 88. Leeds, 189. Leet, 46. Leicester, 62, 79. Lesser Companies of London, 151. Levant Company, 166. Leyr, 44. Lister, Geoffrey, 117. Livery Companies, 149. Location of industries, change of, 151. Lollards, 98, 111. London, 149. Lord of manor, 39, 103, 125, 143. Lubeck, 89. Lynn, 93. Lyons, Richard, 117. Macadam, 215. Magna Carta, 26. Malthus, 232. Manchester, 189, 247, 284. Manor, 31. Manor-courts, 123, 141. Manor-house, 31, 123. Manufacturing towns, 189, 238. Manumissions, 120, 129. Markets, 75. Market towns, 75. Masters, 65. Mechanical inventions, 203. Mercers, 147, 150, 166. Merchant gilds, 59. Merchants adventurers, 164. Merchet, 44. Methuen Treaty, 190. Mile End, 120. Mill-hands, 213, 221. Misteries, 64. Monopolies, 187. More, Sir Thomas, 145. Morocco Company, 166. Morrowspeche, 63. Mule spinning, 210. Muscovy Company, 166. Mushold Heath, 117. Mutiny Act, 182. Mystery plays, 70. Napoleon, 200. National debt, 196. Native commerce, 161. Nativus, 43. Navigation laws, 169, 189, 192, 229. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 164. Non-industrial gilds, 71. Norman Conquest, 15. Norway, 163. Norwich, 117. Novgorod, 163. Open-fields, 33, 142, 217. Origin of the manor, 55. Owen, Robert, 248, 311. Oxford, 102, 147. Pageants, 159. Parcels post, 275. Parish councils, 243, 269. Parliament, foundation of, 26. Paternal government, 173. Peasant proprietorship, 270. Peasants' rebellion, 111. Peel, Sir Robert (the elder), 247. Peel, Sir Robert (the younger), 230. Peruzzi, 91. Pie Powder Courts, 78. Pilgrimage of Grace, 146. Plymouth Company, 190. Poitiers, 97. Poll tax, 113. Poor Priests, 112. Portugal, 83, 190. Post-office Savings Bank, 274. Power-loom, 210. Prehistoric Britain, 4. Private Enclosure Acts, 217. Privy Council, 138. Profit-sharing, 307. Puritans, 140, 178. Railway Regulation Act, 260. Reaper, 49. Reeve, 40. Reformation, 138. Reform of Parliament, 241. Regrators, 68. Regulated Companies, 174. Relief, 21, 41. Religious gilds, 71, 158. Rents of Assize, 41. Reorganized Companies, 187. Restoration, 180. Revolution, Industrial, 213. Revolution of 1688, 181. Ricardo, David, 226. Rochdale Pioneers, 296. Rochdale plan, 296. Romans in Britain, 5. Roses, Wars of the, 99. Russia Company, 166. Rusticus, 43. St. Albans, 118. St. Edmund's Abbey, 117. St. Helen of Beverly, 71. St. Ives' Fair, 76, 79. Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 273. Savoy Palace, 116. Saxon invasion, 8. Scattered strips, 38. Scotland, contest with, 24. Serfdom, 43, 120, 124. Serfdom, decay of, 129. Servus, 43. Sheep-raising, 142. Sheffield, 189, 284. Shop Hours Act, 260. Shrewsbury, 147. Skevin, 63. Sliding scale, 231. Small Dwellings Acquisition Act, 272. Small holdings, 269. Smith, Adam, 224. Smithfield, 121. Social Democratic Federation, 311. Social gilds, 71, 158. Socialism, 310. Socialist League, 311. Sources, 54. Southampton, 61. South Sea Bubble, 195. Spain, 82, 168. Spencer, Henry de, 122. Spices, 84. Spinning, 205. Spinning-jenny, 207. Stade, 166. Staple, 87. Statute of Apprentices, 156, 228. Statutes of Laborers, 106. Steelyard, 92, 167. Sterling, 89. Steward, 40, 46. Stourbridge Fair, 76. Sturmys, 162. Sudbury, 116. Sweating, 260. Tallage, 44. Taverner, John, 162. Taxation, 194. Telegraph, government, 273. Telephone, government, 273. Telford, 215. Temple Bar, 116. Ten-hour Act, 256. Three-field system, 36. Tin, 3, 83, 88, 91, 93. Tolls, 57, 78, 82. Town government, 57. Towns, 57, 79, 154. Trade combinations, 294. Trade routes, 84. Trade unions, 279. Trades councils, 289. Transportation, 214. Trusts, 294. Turkey Company, 166. Ulster, Plantation of, 190. Usury, 171. Utopia, 145. Venice, 84. Venturers, 164. Vill, 31. Village community, 54. Villages, 31, 114. Villain, 40, 111, 125. Villainage, 130. Villanus, 43. Virgate, 38. Virginia Company, 190. Vision of Piers Plowman, 98, 111. Wages in hand occupations, 220. Wages, law of, 226. Wales, conquest of, 24. Walloons, 185. Walworth, Sir William, 121. Wardens, 69, 161. Watt, James, 212. Wat Tyler, 116, 121. Wealth of Nations, 225. Weavers, 65, 152, 188. Weaving, 205. Week-work, 42. Whitney, Eli, 211. Wholesale CoÖperative Society, 299. Wilburton, 128. Wimbledon Common, 264. Winchester Fair, 76. Wolsey, Cardinal, 145. Women's labor, 237. Woodkirk, 70. Wool, 83, 87, 142, 205, 210, 216. Worcester, 155. Wycliffe, 97. Yeomen, 129, 221, 237. Yeomen gilds, 148. York, 65, 70. Young, Arthur, 225. Ypres, 87. Printed in the United States of America. Instructor in the History of Greece and Rome in Harvard University 8vo. Half Leather. $1.10 "Dr. Botsford's 'History of Greece' has the conspicuous merits which only a text-book can possess which is written by a master of the original sources. Indeed, the use of the text of Homer, Herodotus, the dramatists, and the other contemporary writers is very effective, and very suggestive as to the right method of teaching and study. The style is delightful. For simple, unpretentious narrative and elegant English the book is a model. In my judgment, the work is far superior to any other text-book for high school or academic use which has yet appeared. 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