{eighth} | eighth day of the month | {syllable} | syl´la-ble of a word | {shepherd} | shep´herd of the flock | {quotient} | quo´tient is the result in division | {planned} | planned a long trip | {niece} | niece and nephew | {homogeneous} | ho-mo-ge´ne-ous substances | {governor} | gov´ern-or of Michigan | {equilateral} | e-qui-lat´er-al triangle | {attack} | at-tack´ the city | {attacked} | at-tacked´ by the enemy | {across} | a-cross´ the ocean | {crystal} | crys´tal of quartz | {cylinder} | cyl´in-der of the engine | {absence} | ab´sence from school | {diagonal} | di-ag´o-nal of a square | {miscellaneous} | mis-cel-la´ne-ous assortment | {interest} | in´ter-est on the money | {commercial} | com-mer´cial traveler | {cemetery} | cem´e-ter-y lots | {mischievous} | mis´chie-vous puppy | {resources} | re-sour´ces of the bank | {twelfth} | twelfth hour | {where} | where has he gone | {reference} | ref´er-ence to the book |