{tuition} tu-i´tion paid in advance
{templar} tem´plar of the 12th century
{theory} the´o-ry and practice
{tragic} trag´ic death
{tacit} tac´it understanding
{tough} tough steak
{title} ti´tle of nobility
{thirst} thirst for knowledge
{temperance} tem´per-ance lecture
{temperate} tem´per-ate habits
{quorum} quo´rum of senators
{renown} re-nown´ of the great man
{referee} ref-er-ee´ the game
{repel} re-pel´ the attack
{vowel} vow´el in the word
{valence} va´lence of the element
{valise} va-lise´ packed with clothes
{variables} va´ri-a-bles approach a limit
{waiting} wait´ing at the church
{width} width of the room
{woolen} wool´en goods
{wrap} wrap up the bundle
{rap} rap at the door
{varying} va´ry-ing in depth
{velocity} ve-loc´i-ty of the bullet



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