{cyclone} cy´clone cellar
{cycle} cy´cle of years
{cruise} cruise around the world
{crews} crews of the vessels
{cruelly} cru´el-ly treated
{credit} cred´it of the merchant
{crucible} cru´ci-ble for melting gold
{contents} con´tents of the bottle
{cabinet} cab´i-net officers
{civil} civ´il government
{central} cen´tral station
{catch} catch the fish
{cannot} can´not tell a lie
{comma} com´ma after the word
{coupon} cou´pon attached to the ticket
{copy} cop´y the words
{copied} cop´ied the words
{continental} con-ti-nen´tal troops
{coast} coast down the hill
{city} cit´y of New York
{cities} cit´ies and towns
{citizen} cit´i-zen of the United States
{dissipate} dis´si-pate a fortune
{dividend} div´i-dend paying stock
{don't} don't smoke cigarettes



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