{grabbed} grabbed the money
{going} go´ing to sail
{ghost} ghost of Hamlet
{harmonically} har-mon´ic-al-ly composed
{irrational} ir-ra´tion-al statement
{irregular} ir-reg´u-lar proceedings
{journey} jour´ney to Mexico
{judicial} ju-di´cial decree
{manufacture} man-u-fac´tur-er of guns
{margin} mar´gin of the page
{merry} mer´ry Christmas
{marry} mar´ry the girl
{married} mar´ried in church
{necessitate} ne-ces´si-tate an explanation
{octagon} oc´ta-gon used in the design
{potential} po-ten´tial mode
{predecessor} pred-e-ces´sor in office
{presbytery} pres´by-ter-y in session
{visible} vis´i-ble to the naked eye
{radius} ra´di-us of a circle
{radii} ra´di-i of the circles
{raisins} rai´sins in the pudding
{recent} re'cent event
{remit} re-mit´ the money
{ferocious} fe-ro´cious animal



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