{inevitable} in-ev´i-ta-ble result
{ignorance} ig´no-rance of the subject
{longitudinal} lon-gi-tu´di-nal lines
{marvelous} mar´vel-ous escape
{maintain} main-tain´ a large establishment
{mortise} mor´tise the boards
{perseverance} per-se-ver´ance of the inventor
{phenomena} phe-nom´e-na of lightning
{propagation} prop-a-ga´tion of the species
{polyhedral} pol-y-he´dral figures in geometry
{rectilinear} rec-ti-lin´e-ar lines
{rhetorical} rhe-tor´i-cal speech
{rationalization} } ra-tion-al-i-za´tion of the equation
{rheumatism} rheu´ma-tism in his arm
{resuscitate} re-sus´ci-tate the drowned
{ache} ache in my tooth
{agrarian} a-gra´ri-an laws
{apostrophe} a-pos´tro-phe before the s
{applied} ap-plied´ the brakes
{appeal} ap-peal´ the case
{appalling} ap-pal´ling spectacle
{appositive} ap-pos´i-tive phrase
{appurtenance} ap-pur´te-nance of the machine
{approve} ap-prove´ his action



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