{codicil} | cod´i-cil to the will | {dilemma} | di-lem´ma of the culprit | {direct} | di-rect´ communication | {dissension} | dis-sen´sion in the party | {divine} | di-vine´ power | {dose} | dose of medicine | {dubious} | du´bi-ous as to the result | {decimal} | dec´i-mal fractions | {debt} | debt was paid | {elephant} | el´e-phant hunt in Africa | {expel} | ex-pel´ the pupil | {effective} | ef-fec´tive laws | {easement} | ease´ment of the pain | {enclose} | } | en-close´ a dollar bill | {inclose} | {erosion} | e-ro´sion of the rocks | {eraser} | e-ra´ser on a pencil | {error} | er´ror in the figuring | {euphony} | eu´pho-ny of the language | {employment} | em-ploy´ment agency | {fertilize} | fer´til-ize the soil | {financier} | fin-an-cier´ in Wall Street | {forfeit} | for´feit the money | {foreigner} | for´eign-er just landed | {franchise} | fran´chise for women |