{excommunication} | ex-com-mu-ni-ca´tion by the Pope |
{exhort} | ex-hort´ the mob |
{expect} | ex-pect´ to be elected |
{infinity} | in-fin´i-ty of space and time |
{mutiny} | mu´ti-ny of the sailors |
{mutually} | mu´tu-al-ly agreeable |
{mysterious} | mys-te´ri-ous stranger |
{turbine} | tur´bine engine |
{typewriter} | type´wri-ter for business letters |
{trigonometry} | trig-o-nom´e-try used in surveying |
{technical} | tech´ni-cal school |
{separately} | sep´a-rate-ly packed |
{strength} | strength of a giant |
{solder} | sold´er the tin kettle |
{soldier} | sol´dier of the army |
{subjunctive} | sub-junc´tive mode |
{substitution} | sub-sti-tu´tion of a poorer quality |
{responsible} | re-spon´si-ble for the accident |
{receipted} | re-ceipt´ed the bill |
{receiver} | re-ceiv´er for the company |
{pleasure} | pleas´ure of skating |
{plural} | plu´ral noun |
{assume} | as-sume´ the responsibility |
{authority} | au-thor´i-ty of the law |
{awkward} | awk´ward and bashful lad |