{subtrahend} | sub´tra-hend to be subtracted | {suspicious} | sus-pi´cious character | {competent} | com´pe-tent workman | {chocolate} | choc´o-late candy | {crisis} | cri´sis of the war | {conquer} | con´quer the enemy | {circle} | cir´cle around the moon | {center} | cen´ter of gravity | {assassinate} | as-sas´sin-ate the tyrant | {attorney} | at-tor´ney for the defense | {avoirdupois} | av-oir-du-pois´ weight | {autumn} | au´tumn leaves | {disciple} | dis-ci´ple of Christ | {diameter} | di-am´e-ter of a circle | {divisor} | di-vi´sor of the number | {diamond} | di´a-mond ring | {deposit} | de-pos´it the money | {decisive} | de-ci´sive battle | {energy} | en´er-gy from the sun's heat | {essay} | es´say by Emerson | {every} | eve´ry child likes candy | {warrant} | war´rant for his arrest | {wield} | wield the weapon | {verified} | ver´i-fied the answer | {yield} | yield not to temptation |