{musician} | mu-si´cian in the band | {making} | ma´king the dress | {pronunciation} | pro-nun-ci-a´tion of the word | {peculiar} | pe-cul´iar habit | {irritable} | ir´ri-ta-ble disposition | {people} | peo´ple in the city | {specially} | spe´cial-ly prepared | {serviceable} | ser´vice-a-ble tools | {sergeant} | ser´geant of the company | {vacancy} | va´can-cy of the office | {confederate} | con-fed´er-ate in the plot | {correspondence} | cor-re-spond´ence between friends | {allies} | al-lies´ of the army | {allusion} | al-lu´sion to his past | {alternate} | al´ter-nate to the convention | {amount} | a-mount´ of the bill | {annually} | an´nu-al-ly taxed | {apologize} | a-pol´o-gize for your blunder | {architect} | ar´chi-tect of the building | {breadth} | breadth of the cloth | {break} | break the bottle | {brake} | brake to stop a wheel | {dissatisfy} | dis-sat´is-fy the customer | {distillation} | dis-til-la´tion of the liquid | {experiment} | ex-per´i-ment in chemistry |