{nineteen} nine´teen dollars
{ninth} ninth day of the month
{profession} pro-fes´sion of law
{pyramids} pyr´a-mids of Egypt
{possessive} pos-ses´sive case
{phrase} phrase of a sentence
{phase} phase of the subject
{quarantine} quar´an-tine station
{quantitative} quan´ti-ta-tive analysis
{quarter} quar´ter of a dollar
{entrance} en´trance to the hall
{running} run´ning the race
{sulphur} sul´phur matches
{swimming} swim´ming in the lake
{traffic} traf´fic of the road
{tolerance} tol´er-ance of the government
{unnecessary} un-nec´es-sa-ry work
{wrapped} wrapped in a blanket
{anxious} anx´ious moments
{abscess} ab´scess in the ear
{bankruptcy} bank´rupt-cy of the firm
{crystalline} crys´tal-line lens of the eye
{communicate} com-mu´ni-cate with him
{courtesy} cour´te-sy of the official
{dilapidated} di-lap´i-da-ted house



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