{aggregation} | ag-gre-ga´tion of capital | {accepted} | ac-cept´ed the gift | {oblique} | ob-lique´ lines | {negative} | neg´a-tive answer | {narrative} | nar´ra-tive poem | {natural} | nat´u-ral laws | {movable} | mov´a-ble, not fixed | {mold} | } | mold the iron into a ball mould on the bread | {mould} | {minute} | min´ute is 60 seconds | {massacre} | mas´sa-cre of the Indians | {manufacture} | man-u-fac´ture of cloth | {maintenance} | main´te-nance of an army | {logarithms} | log´a-rithms in mathematics | {linear} | lin´e-ar measure | {lien} | li´en on the property | {knight} | knight templar | {intelligence} | in-tel´li-gence of the man | {integer} | in´te-ger or whole number | {incidence} | in´ci-dence of a ray of light | {impossible} | im-pos´si-ble to go | {imagination} | im-ag-i-na´tion of the child | {horizontal} | hor-i-zon´tal bars | {grateful} | grate´ful for the help | {gases} | gas´es from combustion |