{fundamental} fun-da-men´tal principles
{fulfilled} ful-filled´ his contract
{freight} freight cars were wrecked
{formerly} for´mer-ly he was rich
{financial} fi-nan´cial disaster
{feudal} feu´dal castles on the Rhine
{embarrassment} em-bar´rass-ment made her blush
{does} does he know
{doze} doze before the fireplace
{descent} de-scent´ of man
{descend} de-scend´ the ladder
{denominator} de-nom´i-na-tor of the fraction
{definition} def-i-ni´tion of the word
{defense} } defense of the city
{defendant} de-fend´ant in the law suit
{commensurable} com-men´su-ra-ble line-segments
{Christian} Chris´tian church
{changeable} change´a-ble weather
{careful} care´ful of her clothes
{campaign} cam-paign´ of the war
{masculine} mas´cu-line gender
{fictitious} fic-ti´tious names
{chargeable} charge´a-ble to the account
{bureau} bu´reau of information



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