{indicative} | in-dic´a-tive mode | {imperative} | im-per´a-tive manner | {familiar} | fa-mil´iar scenes | {essential} | es-sen´tial to life | {aqueduct} | aq´ue-duct for the city water | {atmosphere} | at´mos-phere of the earth | {dyeing} | dye´ing the cloth red | {dying} | dy´ing gladiator | {disappearance} | dis-ap-pear´ance of the snow | {destroy} | de-stroy´ the walls | {desirable} | de-sir´a-ble occupation | {cupboard} | cup´board was bare | {custom} | cus´tom of the country | {compel} | com-pel´ him to study | {cereal} | ce´re-al for breakfast | {serial} | se´ri-al story | {ceiling} | ceil´ing of the room | {sealing} | seal´ing the jar of fruit | {cease} | cease your noise | {carrying} | car´ry-ing the load | {characteristics} | char-ac-ter-is´tics of the man | {buoyancy} | buoy´an-cy of water | {brief} | brief tale of mystery | {bisect} | bi-sect´ the line | {binomial} | bi-no´mi-al theorem |