Some page numbers do not appear due to removed blank pages. The marker “[1][A]” (I continue[1][A]) was changed from “1” to clearly show that it points to two references, a footnote and an end note. Errors in punctuation have been corrected. Inconsistency in the use of period in initials representing omitted names, e.g., “N.” and “N”, has been retained. No changes to the numbers and words in the text, including those with variant spellings and inconsistent hyphenation, capitalization, and formatting, have been made except the following: - Page xi, “Yasnaya” changed from “Yasanaya” (home in Yasnaya).
- Page xvi, “Tatiana” changed from “Titiana” (eldest daughter Tatiana).
- Page xviii, “to” inserted before “hear or understand them”.
- Contents, page no. “210” corrected from “213”.
- Page 21, “To-day” changed from “Today” (To-day, Feb.13, Moscow).
- Page 23, “fulfil” changed from “fufil” (he must fulfil them).
- Page 31, “jotted” changed from “jolted” (In all I have jotted).
- Page 56, italics added in “It seems to me, June6, Ysn. Pol.”
- Page 70, inserted paragraph break before “August1, Ysn. Pol. If I live.”
- Page 173, inserted “24” in “Nov.24, Y.P.”
- Page 193, “Verkholensk” changed from “Verhkolensk” (a letter from Verkholensk).
- Page 204, “sometimes” changed from “sometime” (coincide, and can sometimes not).
- Page 221, duplicated “the” deleted (slaves and the women).
- Page 228, marker for Note 315 transferred from “Varia.” (Masha, Varia.) to “The Appeal.” (on The Appeal.[315]).
- Page 237, marker for Note 339 transferred from “Bulgaria.” (Boulanger to Bulgaria.) to “quarrelled.” (all quarrelled.[339]).
- Page 238, “physical” changed from “physicial” (in physical suffering).
- Page 252, “oneself” changed from “onself” (one means—to perfect oneself).
- Page 272, “vestigial” changed from “vestigal” (... is vestigial).
- Note 24, “V.” changed from “O.” (Ph.V. Chernigovitz); “greatest” changed from “grestest” (the greatest geniuses).
- Note 29, “hospital” changed from “hosptial” (military hospital in Moscow).
- Note 34, “Vladimir” changed from “Vladimar” (Vladimir Grigorevich Chertkov).
- Note 42, “Varvara” changed from “Vavara” (Tolstoi’s niece, Varvara Valerianovna).
- Note 45, “MakovickÝ” changed from “MakovckÝ” (DuŠan MakovickÝ).
- Note 54, “M. L.” changed from “N.L.” (by M.L. Tolstoi).
- Note 64, “I. L.” changed from “E.L.” (I.L. Goremykin and N.V.).
- Note 66, “Wirklichkeit” changed from “Wirchlikeit” (Denken und Wirklichkeit).
- Note 78, “University” changed from “Universtiy” (at the Moscow University).
- Note 85, “I. L.” changed from “T.L.” (by CountI.L. Tolstoi).
- Note 94, “Countess” changed from “Count” (to CountessA.A. Tolstoi).
- Note 96, “Countess” changed from “Count” (to CountessS.A. Tolstoi).
- Note 138, “V. V.” changed from “V.A.” (Memory of V. V. Stasov).
- Note 160, “I. M.” changed from “I.N.” (P.I. Biriukov, I.M. Tregubov).
- Note 163, “Vasili” changed from “Vasali” (Vasili Stepanovich Perfileev).
- Note 167, “Bulgaria” changed from “Bulgardia” [in Bourgas (Bulgaria)].
- Note 173, “I. M.” changed from “I.N.” (I.M. Tregubov to Goldingen).
- Note 177, “irreplaceable” changed from “irreplacable” (great and irreplaceable).
- Note 184, “violinist” changed from “volinist” (the violinist and the pianist).
- Note 207, “38” changed from “43” (see Note38).
- Note 219, “P. A.” changed from “B.A.” (P. A. Boulanger was sent); “I. M.” changed from “I.N.” (I.M. Tregubov were exiled).
- Numbering of Note 234 corrected from “324”.
- Note 243, “N. N.” changed from “M.N.” (N.N. Miklukha-Maklai).
- Notes 246 and 253, “Knizhki” changed from “Knighki” [Knizhki Nedieli in 1897; Knizhki Nedieli (1897, Nos. 9–11)].
- Note 248, “2” changed from “1” (ChapterXIV, Verse2).
- Note 257, “Nagornov” changed from “Nagarnov” (Mme.V.V. Nagornov).
- Note 262, “Nicholai” changed from “Nichalai” (Nicholai Ilich Storozhenko).
- Note 279, “Evgrafovich” changed from “Evgrafovivh” (Nicholas Evgrafovich Phedoseev).
- Note 294, “contemporary” changed from “contemporaary” (of contemporary science).
- Note 316, “Strakhov” changed from “Stakhov” (deceased, N.N. Strakhov).
- Note 338, “Constantinovna” changed from “Constantinova” (and Olga Constantinovna).
- Note 386, “384” changed from “385” (See Note384).
- Page 387, “June” changed from “July” (August, 1896; June, 1897).
- Page 388, “Strakhov” changed from “Strahkov” (philosopher, N.N. Strakhov).
- Page 390, “M. S.” changed from “N.S.” (married to M.S. Sukhotin).
- Page 391, “and” changed from “anr” (August and November, 1898).
- Page 394, “Manson” changed from “Mason” (2.John Manson).
- Page 395, “15” corrected from “16” (15. To the Russkia Viedomosti).
- Page 396, “Persianninov” changed from “Persianinov” (old man, Persianninov).
- Page 397, “Korni” changed from “Korin” (1897, “Korni Vasiliev”).
- Footnote a18, “136” changed from “404” (March9, 1897, page136).
- Footnote a19, “April 4, page 137, and April9, 1897, page139” changed from “April4 and 9, 1897, page137”.
- In the Index,
- topic “Biography of L. N. Tolstoi”, “P.I.” changed from “I.P.”
- topic “Bourgas”, “Bulgaria” changed from “Bulgardia”.
- topic “‘Carthago Delenda Est’”, “221” changed from “222”.
- topic “‘Catechism’”, “the” changed from “The”.
- topic “‘Declaration of Faith’”, last “the” changed from “The”.
- topic “Desert of Optina”, “Optina” changed from “Optin”.
- topic “Dukhobors”, “353” changed from “352”.
- topic “Epictetus”, assignment of “261” as page number changed from note number.
- topic “Evgenie Ivanovich”, “Evgenie” changed from “Evgeni”.
- topic “Famine-Stricken, The”, “270” changed from “271”.
- topic “‘Free Press, the’”, “297, 298” changed from “1297, 1298”.
- topic “Gay, N. N., the artist’s son”, assignment of “269, 271, 283” as page numbers changed from note numbers.
- topic “Geneva”, deleted note reference “18”.
- topic “Goethe”, “94” changed from “97”.
- topic “Gorbunov (Posadov), I.I.”, deleted note reference “37”.
- topic “Gorbunovs”, “244” changed from “255”.
- topic “Grinevka”, “226” changed from “225”; assignment of “391” as page number changed from note number.
- topic “Gubonin” changed from “Gubonon”.
- topic “Ivan Mikhailovich”, “Tregubov” changed from “Tregunov”.
- topic “Kasatkin”, “214, 263” changed from “214–243”.
- topic “Kazan”, “146” changed from “46”.
- topic “Kaznacheevka” changed from “Kaznacheecka”.
- topic “Kh., N. l.” changed from “Kh., Nl.”
- topic “Klein, I-Kh.”, “I-Kh.” changed from “I.Kh.”
- topic “Kolechka, Kolichka”, “N. N.” changed from “N.M.”
- topic “Kuzminsky, T. A.”, “Tanya” changed from “Tania”.
- topic “Leipzig”, “384” changed from “284”.
- topic “‘Letter to the Swedish Newspapers, a’”, “Nobel” changed from “Noble”.
- topic “Letters of Count Tolstoi to His Wife”, “of” changed from “to”; “365” changed from “265”.
- topic “Longinov, V. V.”, “209” changed from “204”.
- topic “Makovitsky” changed from “Makovitzky”.
- topic “Mallory” changed from “Malory”.
- topic “Maria Nicholaievna”, “Nicholaievna” changed from “Nicholaevna”.
- topic “Masha”, “M. L.” changed from “M.N.”
- topic “Moscow”, “390” changed from “398”.
- topic “N, NN, A, B, V, G, Z”, “186” changed from “187”.
- topic “Nazarenes, the”, “46” changed from “33”.
- topic “Nicholaev, Grigori”, “166” changed from “155”.
- topic “Nicholai” changed from “Nicholas”.
- topic “Niva”, “362” changed from “352”.
- topic “Obolensky, M. L.”, “Masha” changed from “Mesha”; “35” changed from “23”.
- topic “Obolensky, N. L.”, “Prince” changed from “prince”.
- topic “Olsuphiev, M. A.”, deleted note reference “391”.
- topic “‘On Abyssinians’”, inserted “, a”.
- topic “‘On the Condition of the People’”, “No” changed from “no”.
- topic “‘On Whipping’”, “Shameful” changed from “‘Shame’”.
- topic “Ovsiannikovo”, “13” changed from “130”.
- topic “Pashkov Sect”, “188” changed from “189”.
- topic “Paths of Life”, “201” changed from “2”.
- topic “Perfileev” changed from “Perfiluv”.
- topic “Petrovich”, page reference “396” changed from note reference “397”.
- topic “Pharesov” changed from “Pharisov”.
- topic “Popov, E. I.”, “Evgenie” changed from “Evgeni”.
- topic “Posha”, “Biriukov” changed from “Biriukop”.
- topic “‘Posrednik,’ a Moscow publishing firm”, deleted note reference “1”.
- topic “Power of Darkness, the”, “8” changed from “18”.
- topic “Preface by L. Tolstoi to the English edition of What is Art?”, assignment of “393” as page number changed from note number.
- topic “Resurrection”, note reference “392” changed from “342”.
- topic “Russkia Viedomosti”, deleted note references “390, 395”.
- topic “S.”, “Countess” changed from “countess”.
- topic “Safonovo” changed from “Safonova”.
- topic “Sectarians”, “262” changed from “252”.
- topic “Sergius”, “Father Sergius.” changed from “‘Father Sergius.’”
- topic “Shamordino” changed from “Shamordin”.
- topic “Shokhor-Trotsky” changed from “Shokhor-Trosky”.
- topic “Sophocles”, assignment of “103” as page number changed from note number.
- topic “Strakhov, N.F.”, “Strakhov” in “Natasha Strakhov” changed from “Strakhova”.
- topic “Strakhov, Ph. A.”, “Ph.” changed from “Th.”
- topic “Sudakovo” changed from “Sudakova”.
- topic “Suller”, “Sullerzhitsky” changed from “Suller Zhitsky”.
- topic “Swedish Letter, the”, inserted “, a”.
- topic “Tagblatt Stokholm”, “Stockholms” changed from “Stokholms”.
- topic “Tobolsk” changed from “Tolbolsk”.
- topic “Tolstoi, A. L., Count”, “A.L.” changed from “A.I.”
- topic “Tolstoi, D. F.”, “L.L.” changed from “L.I.”; “146” changed from “144”.
- topic “Tolstoi, I. L.”, “Ilya” changed from “Idya”.
- topic “Tolstoi, M. N., Countess”, “Nicholaievna” changed from “Nicholaevna”.
- topic “Tolstoi, O. C.”, “Dieterichs” changed from “Ditterichs”.
- topic “Tolstoi, S. A.”, deleted note reference “404”.
- topic “Tolstoi, S. N., Count”, “Tolstoi’s” changed from “Toilstoi’s”; “Serezha” changed from “Serzha”; “BrotherS” changed from “Brothers”.
- topic “Transvaal”, “p.” changed from “note”.
- topic “Tregubov, I. M.”, page number “143” changed from “183”.
- topic “Ursin, M.”, “Zdziekhovsky” changed from “Zdiekhovsky”.
- topic “Varia”, “Nagornov, V. V.” changed from “Nagornova”.
- topic “Verus”, “384” changed from “284”.
- topic “What Then Shall We Do?”, “We” changed from “W”.
- topic “‘Works of the St. Petersburgh Philosophic Society’”, “187” changed from “189”.
- topic “Zdziekhovsky” changed from “Zdiekhovski”.
- entry “Zyabrev, A. T., a peasant from Yasnaya Polyana, note16”, an inexact duplicate of entry for topic “Zyabrev, C.N.”, deleted.
- positions of out-of-order entries corrected.
- italicization of “p.”, “pp.”, “note”, “notes”, and “see” made consistent.
- incorrect uses of “p.”, “pp.”, “note”, and “notes” repaired.
- positions of out-of-order page and note number references corrected.
Use of additional vertical space to separate journal entries has been made consistent. Some portions of the text that appear to be typographical errors are printed as such in the original book. A list of these possible misprints follows: - Page x, “formerly” for “formally” (formerly anathematised).
- Page 37, “Th.” for “Ph.” (Strakhov Th.A.).
- Page 53, “Salamon” for “Salomon” and “Tanyee” for “Tanyeev” (Salamon,[87] Tanyee.[88]...).
- Page 92, “(in relation to God” and “(1 in the sense” share a single closing parenthesis, “of a number)”.
- Page 131, “Á” for “À” (Á l’agriculture).
- Page 185, no period in the paragraph ending with “12) ——[271]”.
- Page 193, “editor The Adult” for “editor of The Adult”.
- Page 198, “l.” for “L.” or “I.” (Tula: N.l.Kh.).
- Page 228, “Bobrika” for “Bobriki” (went to Bobrika).
- Note 80, “Alexandrovich” for “Ivanonich” (Alexander Alexandrovich Herzen).
- Note 90, “Nicholaievich” for “Michailovich” (Timofei Nicholaievich Bondarev).
- Note 261, “Gorobov” for “Gorokov” or “Gorokhov” (neighbouring landlord, Gorobov).
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