- “About Patriotism,” Tolstoi’s letter to Manson, pp.19, 394; note36.
- Abrikosov, Kh. N., note 167.
- Adam, Paul, p. 238; note 340.
- Adult, the, a magazine, p. 193; note280.
- Africa, p. 166.
- Agatha Michailovna, maid to Tolstoi’s grandmother, p.388.
- Aggeev, Aphanasi, p. 162; note 237.
- Akime, peasant, p. 59.
- Alexander I, Emperor, p. 182.
- Alexander Petrovich, see Ivanov.
- Alexeev, I., note 129.
- Algerian Disciplinary Battalion, note380.
- Ambrose, Holy Man of Optina, p.176; notes257, 258.
- America, pp. 14, 16, 241, 286; notes 40, 96, 134, 177, 178, 221, 295, 343, 357.
- American, the, see Hall.
- Americans, the, p. 61.
- Amsterdam, note 18.
- Andrusha, see Tolstoi, A.L., Count.
- Anna Karenin, Tolstoi’s novel, note182.
- Annenkov, K. N., note 104.
- Annenkov, pp. 60, 144, 240, 243; notes104, 177.
- “Aphorisms,” Schopenhauer, p. 8; note 24.
- Aphremovs, landlords, p. 232; note323.
- “Appendix, the” (by L. Tolstoi) to Chekhov’s story, Dushechka (Darling), note177.
- “Appendix, the” (by L. Tolstoi) to E.I. Popov’s book, Life and Death of E.N. Drozhin, note38.
- Archer, p. 256; note 365.
- Archives, Tolstoi’s, manuscript edition of the Nineties, notes7, 167, 347.
- Arensky, A. S., p. 96; note 154.
- Aristophanes, p. 81.
- Aristotle, p. , 19, 21, 144, 185, 240, 394; notes37, 40, 215, 296.
- “Crucifix,” duet by Faure, p. 104; note162.
- Cyprus, notes 353, 357.
- “Daily Bread,” story by F.F. Tischenko, p. 96; note156.
- Dante Alighieri, p. 103.
- Darwin, Charles, p. 74.
- Davydov, N. V., p. 21; note 49.
- Decadents, the, pp. 102, 144.
- “Declaration of Faith, the,” see “Christian Doctrine, the.”
- Deibner, A., the publisher, note 36.
- De-Kuh, note 233.
- Demenka, village, p. 60; note 107.
- Denisenko, E. S., Tolstoy’s niece, note 257.
- Derzhavin, G. R., note 397.
- Descartes, RenÉ, pp. 83, 89.
- Desert of Optina, the, notes 121, 257, 258.
- Devil, the, Tolstoy’s story, note 346.
- Dieterichs, the, pp. 237, 244.
- Dieterichs, J. K., note 338.
- Dieterichs, M. K., note 338.
- Dieterichs, O. C., see Tolstoi, O.C., Countess.
- Divine and the Human, the, Tolstoy’s story, note266.
- Dobroliubov, N. A., p. 43; note 81.
- Dolgoe, the town, p. 180; note 261.
- Don, district of the, note 90.
- Dragomirov, M. I., p. 91; note 145.
- Drozhin, E. N., p. 16; notes 38, 207.
- Dubrovin, M. N., p. 198.
- Dubrovsky, p. 198.
- Dukhobors, pp. 5, 91, 114, 117, 148, 193, 211, 312.
- Frenchman, the, p. 6.
- Gaideburov, V. P., p. 240; note 344.
- Galia, see Chertkov, A. C.
- Galileo, p. 83.
- Gay, N. N., the artist, notes 80, 139.
- Gay, N. N., the artist’s son (“Kolechka,” “Kolichka”), pp.87, 269, 271, 283.
- Gendarme, p. 56; note 98.
- Geneva, note 220.
- George, Henry, p. 56; notes 37, 96.
- Georgia, the American agricultural colony, pp.211, 395; note296.
- Germans, the, pp. 144, 212, 273.
- Germany, note 66.
- Gibson, p. 395; note 296.
- Gill’s Factory, p. 33; note 70.
- Ginzburg, I. J., p. 144; notes 138, 214.
- “God,” Derzhavin’s Ode, note 397.
- Goethe, Wolfgang, pp. 54, 103, 128; note94.
- Gogol, N. V., note 79.
- Goldenweiser, A. B., pp. 96, 144; note152.
- Goldingen (government of Courland), p. 389; note173.
- Golitsin, G. S., prince, p. 258; note367.
- Gorbunov (Posadov), I. I., pp. 124, 199, 244; notes149, 167, 350.
- Gorbunov, N. I., notes 149, 350.
- Gorbunovs, pp. 95, 244.
- Gorchakov, E. S., Princess, p. 100; note157.
- Goremykin, I. L., note 64.
- Gorokhov, the landlord, note 261.
- Gospel in Brief, The, by L. Tolstoy, note215.
- Gospels, the, pp. 60,
- Langlet (“The Swede”), p. 150; note227.
- Lao-Tse, note 129.
- Lawyer, p. 60.
- Leaflets of the Free Press, a publication by A. and V. Chertkov, notes27, 45, 279, 321, 377.
- Lebon, p. 212.
- Leipzig, note 384.
- Letter to M. A. Engelhardt, A, (“On Non-resistance”), note398.
- “Letter to the Italians, a” (“On Abyssinians”), by L. Tolstoi, pp.29, 393; note59.
- “Letter to the Liberals, a,” by L. Tolstoi (“To Mme.Kalmikov”), pp.70, 87, 394; note126.
- “Letter to the Officer, a,” by L. Tolstoi, pp.270, 395; note377.
- “Letter to a Peasant, a,” by L. Tolstoi, note96.
- “Letter to the Russian Public, a,” (“On Dukhobors”), note297.
- “Letter to the Swedish Newspapers, a” (“On the Nobel prize and the Dukhobors,” “The Swedish Letter,” “To Stockholm”), by L. Tolstoi, pp.148, 149, 158, 395; note220.
- Letter to the Swedish papers, a, pp.270, 395; note278.
- Letters of Count Tolstoi to His Wife, p. 404; notes66, 129, 155, 179, 199, 242, 250, 251, 303, 310, 365.
- Letters (unpublished), fragments of these letters are cited in the editorial notes.
- Leo, see Tolstoi, L. L., Count.
- Leontev, B. N., p. 146.
- Levitsky, the landlord, pp. 232, 391; note323.
- Liapunov, V. D. (“Viacheslav”), pp.160, 199; notes236, 288.
- Liberals, the, p. 272.
- Lieskov, N. S., p. 235; note330.
- Light that Shines in Darkness, The, Tolstoi’s drama (“Drama”), pp.14, 19, 20, 29, 85, 113, 141, 392, 402; note35.
- Lindenberg, G. R., p. 226; notes 313, 314.
- “Living Corpse, the,” Tolstoi’s play (“The Corpse”), p.186.
- Lombroso, CÆsar, p. 146.
- London, notes 7, 80, 194.
- Longinov, V. V., p. 144; note 209.
- Lopashino, a village, p. 223; note305.
- Love for the Good, p. 244; note 349.
- Lvov (Lemberg), the capital of Galicia, note 240.
- Magdalene, note 177.
- Maklakov, A. A., note 213.
- Maklakov, V. A., note 213.
- Maklakovs, pp. 144, 146.
- Makovitsky, D. P. (“Dushan”), pp.20, 175, 178; notes45, 259.
- Malikov, A. K., p. 210; note 295.
- MallarmÉ, Stephane, p. 54; note 93.
- Mallory, Lucy, note 177.
- Manager of the Moscow Little Theatre, note 10.
- Manchuria, note 353.
- Manson (“The Englishman”), pp. 14, 394; note36.
- Maria (a peasant woman), p. 59.
- Maria Alexandrovna, see Schmidt, M.A.
- Maria Nicholaievna, see Tolstoi, M.N.
- Marx, A. F., the publisher, notes346, 362.
- Marx, Karl, pp. 33, 248.
- Marxists, the, p. 248.
- Mary, p. 252; note 177.
- Masha, see Obolensky, M. L., Princess.
- Mashenka, see Tolstoi, M. N., Countess.
- Maslov, Katiusha, heroine of The Resurrection (Konevsky), pp.51, 113; notes6, 166.
- Materialists, the, pp. 83, 242.
- Maude, A. F., pp. 139, 144, 167, 173, 175, 176, 195; notes194, 254.
- Mayak, the, children’s magazine, note 102.
- Mediterranean, the, p. 218.
- Medusov, p. 100.
- Meletie, the archbishop of Riazan, note 218.
- Menshikov, M. O., pp. 37, 167, 173, 199, 236, 240; notes74, 246, 253.
- “Menteur,” by Corneille, p. 30.
- Michael-Angelo, pp. 55, 103.
- Mikhailo, a harness-maker, pp. 53, 56.
- Mikhail’s Ford, a village, p. 228; note305.
- Miklukha-Maklai, N. N., p. 166; note243.
- Minister of the Interior, the (I. L. Goremykin), pp.31, 394; notes64, 126, 304.
- Minister of Justice, the (N. V. Muraviev), pp.31, 394; note64.
- Minusinsk, district of (Province of Yeniseisk), note90.
- Mohammed, p. 92.
- Molokans, the, pp. 148, 149, 395; notes222, 223, 224, 232.
- Morosov, V. S., a peasant from Yasnaya Polyana, note102.
- Moscow, pp. 8, 14, 19, 20, 21, 24, 31, 35, 53, 90, 95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 107, 109, 117, 136, 137, 139, 163, 171, 176, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 189, 194, 198, 199, 202, 206, 210, 213, 219, 222, 269, 286, 291, 292, 296, 388, 390; notes13, 28, 29, 49, 57, 61, 71, 78, 88, 129, 152, 157, 163, 213, 221, 235, 238, 239, 256, 262, 265, 286, 301, 304, 347, 369.
- Moscow, Court of, notes40, 53, 398.
- Moses, pp. 74, 92, 243, 245.
- Mother’s Notes, a, by L. Tolstoi, note266.
- Mtsensk, Province of, p. 230; note317.
- Muraviev, N. V., note 64.
- Myasoyedov, G. G., p. 32; note 68.
- N, an army officer, p. 53.
- N, the artist, who refused to enter military service, pp.9, 20, 53; note29.
- N, the journalist, p. 21.
- N, a revolutionist, p. 35.
- N, “a type for a drama,” p. 135.
- N, NN (as written by Tolstoi in the original), pp.273, 279.
- N, NN, A, B, V, G, Z, (the initials, substituted for the names omitted by the editors), pp.37, 53, 58, 60, 98, 102, 129, 131, 135, 142, 147, 160, 181, 183, 186, 205, 237, 245, 395; notes234, 264.
- Nagornov, N. M., pp. 19, 20, 388; note42.
- Nagornov, V. V., Tolstoi’s niece (“Varia”), p.228; notes42, 257.
- Nakashidze, I. P., Prince, pp. 114, 136, 198.
- Napoleonic Wars, p. 212.
- Nazarenes, the, p. 20; note 46.
- Nekhliudov, Dimitri, hero of Resurrection, Konevsky, p.
- P., p. 218.
- Paris, p. 216; note 87.
- Pascal, Blaise, pp. 15, 273.
- Pashkov Sect, p. 188; note 226.
- Paths of Life, by L. Tolstoi, p. 201; note289.
- “Patriotism or Peace?” see “About Patriotism.”
- Paul, the apostle, p. 232; note 249.
- Pavlenkov, F. F., note 398.
- Peasant-Poet, from Kazan, p. 163.
- Perer, p. 32.
- Perfileev, V. S., p. 105; note 163.
- Persianninov, pp. 72, 182, 396.
- Pet., p. 195.
- Peterburgskaia Viedomosti, a newspaper, pp.158, 160, 211, 395; notes222, 232.
- Petrograd (St. Petersburg), pp. 124, 391; notes47, 90, 138, 145, 174, 176, 192, 300, 379.
- Petrovich, pp. 182, 396.
- Pharesov, A. I., p. 210.
- Phedoseev, N. I., p. 193; note 279.
- Philosophov, N. A., p. 9; note 30.
- Pickard, Elizabeth, p. 240; note 342.
- Pirogovo, Count S. N. Tolstoi’s estate, pp. 52, 60, 85, 163, 246, 262, 269, 391; note84.
- Planidin, P. V., Dukhobor, note 300.
- Plato, p. 95.
- “Ploughman, the,” a poem by V. D. Liapunov, p.199; note288.
- Podsolnechnaia, note 55.
- “Politics,” Aristotle’s, p. 131; note145, 226, 253; note212.
- Stakhovich, S. A., note 212.
- Stasov, V. V., pp. 87, 124, 194; note138.
- Stcheglov, I. L., note 185.
- Stead, William, note 342.
- “Step by Step” people, p. 214.
- Stockholm, p. 158; notes 71, 220.
- Stockholms Dagbladet
, a Swedish newspaper (Tagblatt Stokholm), p.150. - “Stones, the,” a legend by L. Tolstoi, note387.
- Storozhenko, N. I., p. 180; note 262.
- Storozhenko, O. I., p. 388.
- Strakhov, N. F. (“Natasha Strakhov”), p. 52; note82.
- Strakhov, N. N., pp. 20, 37, 228, 388; notes47, 76, 316.
- Strakhov, Ph. A., pp. 37, 185; notes75, 77, 82.
- Students, from Kharkov, p. 5.
- Student Movement of 1899, the, p.270; note379.
- Sudakovo, Shenshins’ estate, note118.
- Sudzha (the Province of Kursk), note38.
- Sukhotin, M. S., L. Tolstoi’s son-in-law, p. 390; note62.
- Sukhotin, T. L., L. Tolstoi’s daughter (“Tania”), pp.31, 60, 129, 133, 136, 167, 173, 194, 237, 262; notes11, 13, 62, 71, 144, 185.
- Suller, see Sullerzhitsky.
- Sullerzhitsky, L. A. (“Suller”), pp.199, 253, 258; notes287, 30, 123, 322, 385.
- Tolstoi, T. L., Countess, see Sukhotin, T.L.
- Tolstoi, Vera S., Countess, L. Tolstoi’s niece (“The Girls”), pp.53, 253; note86.
- Tolstoi, V. P., Count, the husband of L. Tolstoi’s sister, note257.
- Tolstoyanism, p. 178.
- Tomsk, note 379.
- Transvaal, p. 395.
- Tregubov, I. M. (“Ivan Mikhailovich”), pp. 93, 133, 135, 139, 143, 145, 146, 181, 185, 195, 198, 253, 389, 393; notes148, 160, 173, 195, 196, 219.
- Trilby, p. 25.
- Trophime, a peasant, p. 59.
- Trubetzkoi, S. N., Prince, p. 181; note265.
- Tsurikovs, the landlords, pp. 226, 232; note308.
- Tula, pp. 53, 69, 89, 174, 195, 198; notes63, 98, 236, 325.
- Tula District Court, notes 49, 237.
- Tula, the Province of, pp. 390, 391; notes61, 84, 236, 261, 303.
- Tver, pp. 19, 198; note 41.
- “Two Wars,” the article by L. Tolstoi, p. 393.
- Typist, the, p. 148.
- Ukhtomsky, E. E., Prince, p. 236; note334.
- Umansk, the district of (Province of Kiev), note173, 174, 175, 177, 232, 236, 237, 240, 243, 245, 253, 256, 258, 262, 265, 269, 270, 275, 276, 277, 283, 286, 289, 388, 390, 394, 406.
- Yeniseisk, the government of, note90.