
Grasp the right ankle by the right hand, and, standing on the left leg, bend it until the right knee touches the floor, then rise slowly to a standing position again. The left hand must be kept extended all the time and must touch nothing. The right foot must not be allowed to touch the floor, nor the ankle released from the right hand.

A large bottle is placed on its side. The forfeit payer is seated upon this, with the heel of his right foot resting upon the floor and the heel of his left against the toe of the right. A good sized needle is then given him, and a thread, which he must endeavor to pass through the needle’s eye without losing his balance.

Set an ordinary chair front downward on the floor in such a way that the legs and back are horizontal. Ask the forfeit payer to kneel on the lower bar and to recover with his lips an object placed on the other end of the chair.

To put one hand where the other cannot touch it.—This is performed by grasping the right elbow with the left hand.

To place an object on the floor in such a manner that no one can jump over it.—This is done by placing it close against the corner.

Hold an ankle in one hand and walk around the room.

For a forfeit, a person is directed to compare any one of the company to some object and to explain in what way he resembles this object.

The victim stands on a chair and is posed as a living statue by members of the company in succession according to their various and sometimes very original conceptions, such as placing the head, shutting one eye, opening the mouth, placing the arm, hand, or foot to suit the fancy, or make him assume any position.

Place a stool on the floor against a wall. Stand from the wall, with the feet twice the width of the stool away. Stoop down and seize the stool by the top in both hands and place the top of your head against the wall, your back being almost horizontal. Lift the stool from the ground without assistance, or try, at any rate.

Stick a pin in the centre of the crown of a hat, allowing the head to project about half an inch, and ask the forfeit-payer to extract the pin with the teeth, the crown of the hat being previously blacked with burnt cork.


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