A. - Acidity, determination of, 39.
- Acids, mineral, 41.
- Agar, nutrient, 94, 96.
- Alkali carbonates, 39.
- Alkalinity, determination of, 35.
- Albuminoid nitrogen, 20.
- Aluminium sulfate, determination of, 41.
- Aluminium and iron, determination of, 57.
- Ammonia nitrogen, determination of, 15.
- Apparatus, bacteriological, 93.
- Application of colon group tests, 102.
- Arsenic, determination of, 63.
- Azolitmin solution, 96.
B. - Bacillus aËrogenes, reactions, 108.
- cloacae, reactions, 108.
- coli, reactions, 108.
- B. coli group, tests, 100.
- application of, 102.
- fecal and non-fecal, 106.
- summary of tests, 104.
- Bacteriological examination, 93.
- Basicity ratio, 80.
- Bibliography,
- bacteriological, 110.
- chemical, 82.
- microscopical, 91.
- Biochemical oxygen demand, 71.
- Bismuthate method (Mn), 49.
- Boric acid, 63.
- Bottles, sample, 1, 93.
- Bromine and iodine, determination of, 61.
- Broth, nutrient, 95.
C. - Calcium, determination of, 57.
- Carbon dioxide, determination of, 40.
- Chemical analysis, water and sewage, 1.
- Chemicals, analysis of, 77.
- Chloride, determination of, 41.
- Chlorine, determination of, 64.
- Coefficient of fineness, 8.
- Collection of samples, bacteriological, 93.
- Colon group, tests (see “B. coli”), 100.
- Color, determination of, 9.
- Copper, determination of, 53, 55.
- Counting (bacterial), 99.
- Cultural characters of colon group, 108.
- Culture media, 55.
- Tintometer, Lovibond, 11.
- Titration of media, 94.
- Total nitrogen, 25.
- residue on evaporation, 29.
- Tryptophane broth, 107.
- Turbidity, 4.
- coefficient of fineness, 8.
- platinum wire method, 5.
- rod, graduation, 6.
- standard, 4.
- turbidimetric method, 7.
- turbidometer, graduation, 8.
V. - Voges-Proskauer test, 107.
- Volatile matter, 29.
Z. - Zinc, 52.
- Silently corrected typographical errors and variations in spelling.
- Archaic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings retained as printed.
- The Chemical Bibliography was reformatted in footnote style.
- The Bacteriological Bibliography was reformatted in footnote style and the numbering was increased by 200.