The lines on the palm should be clearly marked, a good pink or reddish colour, and they should be free from breaks, crosses, holes or irregularities of all kinds. When very pale in colour they show lack of force and loss of energy, and often poor health. When extremely red they indicate excessive energy and a rather violent disposition. When yellow in colour they denote a tendency to biliousness and liver complaints, and tell in consequence of a melancholy morose nature. Forked lines are generally good and increase the quality of the special indication. When at the end of the Line of Head, the fork gives more of what is called a dual mentality and less power of concentration on any one subject. (Plate XXIV.) Spots on a Line weaken it and arrest its growth. Tasselled Lines (Plate XXIV.) are not good signs. They weaken any indication the line itself denotes, and at the end of a Life Line they foreshadow loss of all nervous energy. Wavy Lines (Plate XXIV.) show uncertainty, lack of decision and want of force. Broken Lines (Plate XXIV.) destroy the meaning of Plate XXIV. MINOR MARKS AND SIGNS. Plate XXIV. MINOR MARKS AND SIGNS. Sister Lines (Plate XXIV.) increase or double the power of any line, and when lying close together at the Line of Head, they give it great power and promise. Islands (Plate XXIV.) are always evil and denote weakness or failure of the Line or Mount on which they may be found. Ascending Lines (Plate XXIV.) are good from any line from which they spring. From the Line of Life they denote increased energy wherever they make their appearance. If they run up to any particular Mount or part of the hand, they show that the increased Descending Lines (Plate XXIV.) are the reverse and mean loss of power. Chained Lines show lack of force or fixity of purpose. (Plate XXIV.). When the entire hand is covered with a network of small lines, it denotes a highly nervous disposition and usually great mental worry and lack of decision. RIGHT AND LEFT HANDSBoth the hands should be examined together to see if they accord. When they do, the indication of whatever the mark is, is more decided. When something is marked on the left hand and not on the right, the tendency will be in the nature, but unless it is also marked on the right hand it will never bear fruit or come to any result. When the two hands are exactly alike, it denotes that the subject has not developed in any way from what heredity or Nature gave to him. It must be remembered that we use the left side of the brain more than we do the right, and the nerves cross and go to the right hand. Consequently, it is this hand which denotes the developed or active brain, the left only giving the natural tendencies or inclinations. To be scientific and accurate the student of this subject must always keep this rule before his mind and not be led away in his judgment by some "marvellously good line" that the subject may proudly call his attention to in the left hand, for such a mark will have no actual result unless it is also found on the right hand. |