The Star (11, Plate XXII.) is with only one exception a most fortunate mark to possess. On the Mount of Jupiter, the Star promises added honour, power, and position. On the Mount of Sun, it gives riches and glory, but generally associated with a public life. On the Mount of Mercury, unusual success in commerce, business, science, or great eloquence, according to other indications of the hand. (11, Plate XXII.) On the Mount of Mars under Jupiter, great distinction and celebrity in martial life or in some one decisive battle, which gives renown to the rest of the career, like a Wellington at Waterloo. On the Mount of Mars under Mercury, it gives honour won by the mentality fighting the battle of life (see Mounts, page 144). On the Mount of the Moon it is a sign of great celebrity arising from the qualities of this Mount, viz., through the imagination or inventive faculties. On the Mount of Venus the Star on the centre of this Mount is also a sign of success, but in relation to animal magnetism and sensuality it gives extraordinary success with the opposite sex. On the Mount of Saturn it is the one unfavourable Plate XXIII. MINOR MARKS AND SIGNS. Plate XXIII. MINOR MARKS AND SIGNS. THE CROSSThis sign is the direct opposite to the preceding sign, and has only one favourable position, viz., on the Mount of Jupiter where it indicates some extraordinary fortunate affection which will come into the life. On all the other Mounts it is evil. On the Mount of Saturn, violent death. (12, Plate XXII.) On the Mount of Sun, disappointment in riches. On the Mount of Mercury, dishonesty. On the Mount of Mars (under Mercury) great opposition. On the Mount of Mars (under Jupiter) violence and even death from quarrels. On the Mount of the Moon it denotes a fatal influence to the imagination. Such a man will deceive himself. When low down on this Mount it foreshadows death by drowning. On the Mount of Venus it indicates some fatal influence of the affections. Above the Line of Head it foretells an accident or injury to the head. Above the Line of Heart, the sudden death of some loved one. THE SQUAREThe Square (13, Plate XXII.) is usually called the Mark of Preservation. It shows escape from dangers at that particular moment where it appears. When on the Line of Life it means preservation from death. (13, Plate XXII.) On the Line of Fate, preservation from loss, and so on with each quality represented by the different lines. |