Ho! for the South Pole! Silver Cloud, meantime, had been returned to the place of her birth, the great iron works upon the Potomac river. Another shapely three hundred feet mast had been manufactured and erected. One morning about the middle of September, the globe arose above the glittering mast and slowly settled upon it. The fastenings were soon adjusted, the flag of aluminum nailed to the peak, and Silver Cloud was herself again, ready for another trip to the ends of the earth. Will had made a number of additions and alterations, among which was an increase in the size and strength of the coiled springs that were used for hoisting purposes and running the dynamo. A powerful searchlight had been added, and the electrical appliances greatly increased. Among other things, he had a two horse power steam engine set up. This was to be used for winding the springs. Good old John Barton was never happier in his life than at this period. His interest in the globe was intense, and he daily spent hours with Will at the iron works. He made several valuable suggestions, and his hard common sense and experience were of no little value to the architect. "If I were not getting so far along in years, and mother was perfectly well and willing, I should like nothing better than to go with you this trip," said he to Dr. Jones. "But we will stay and keep house for you until your return." "And that will be but a very few weeks, I am quite sure," answered the Doctor. "It is not likely that we shall be made prisoners three months this trip. And that reminds me that I received a letter from Count Icanovich this morning, Maggie, and it inclosed one from Feodora to you." The letters were hastily read. They were well, and Feodora had never been better in her life. The Count had been studying and practicing the new system of medicine, and, to his unbounded delight, had made some center shots. His enthusiasm was steadily increasing, and he implored the Doctor to return to Russia and co-operate with him in introducing this God-given system into that vast empire. He assured him that they had everything to hope for. The Princess was getting on quite comfortably, and the fame of what Dr. Jones had done for her had become national. Numerous physicians of note had called upon and written the Prince and himself to ascertain the facts concerning the marvelous cures that had been reported to them. The Prince and Princess sent their sincere regards, etc. Feodora wrote in a lively strain to Mrs. Jones and Mattie, and urged them to return to their castle for a good visit as soon as possible. These letters were answered promptly, the Doctor giving advice concerning a case or two that the Count had found puzzling. He promised them a visit as soon after their return from the South Pole as possible. Two or three mornings later Washington was again packed with visitors to witness the departure of Silver Cloud for the southern extremity of the earth. Greater enthusiasm than before was expressed by everyone, for now there were no skeptics, and everybody cheered with might and main. As on the previous occasion, the hour of noon was selected for sailing. This gave people from the surrounding country an opportunity to come in and witness the magnificent scene. It was declared a holiday by general consent, and it is no exaggeration to say that nearly the whole earth was represented in the unnumbered hosts that filled the streets, covered the housetops and surrounding hills, and every spot and place that afforded any possibility of seeing the ascent of the globe. The friends and acquaintances that the company collectively and individually had formed were out in full force. Numerous and hearty were the handshakings; "Good-bye," and "Bon Voyage," were heard on every hand. The globe was anchored at but fifty feet from the earth. The cage had been enlarged so that the voyagers now ascended four at a time. This they did a few minutes before noon. The organ was taken out upon the balcony, and "God be with you till we meet again," was sung by our friends. The three Bartons stood just below and opposite the choir, tears of friendship and gratitude streaming down their faces. We will state here (quite privately be it understood) that Will and Jennie had come to an understanding that seemed to be very satisfactory to them, and their leavetaking was more affectionate than is usual with mere acquaintances, or even intimate friends. It is the old story. Cupid has done his work again. Well, God bless them, and may a parson step in and complete the love god's work very soon after Silver Cloud shall have returned. And Fred visited Grace at the mayor's house in New York. There may be trouble of the same sort brewing there. But the bells and whistles have announced the hour for Bailing. The anchors were tripped, and Silver Cloud arose with the majesty of the Queen of Night, nearly perpendicularly above the city to the height of three thousand feet; there, to the extreme satisfaction of Dr. Jones, a brisk breeze from the northeast was encountered, and away sailed the beautiful globe until the straining eyes of the multitude saw it as a bright star-like point in the heavens, and then it disappeared—bound for the SOUTH POLE. THE END. |