COLOR KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS By FRANK M. CHAPMAN Curator of Ornithology in the American Museum of Natural History HANDBOOK OF BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA Third edition. With introductory chapters on the study of Ornithology; how to identify birds and how to collect and preserve birds, their nests and eggs. 20 full-page plates and 150 cuts in the text. 12mo. Library edition. Pocket edition. BIRD-LIFE A guide to the study of our common birds. With 75 full-page colored plates and numerous text drawings by Ernest Thompson Seton. Containing an Appendix, especially designed for teachers. 12mo. Cloth. BIRD STUDIES WITH A CAMERA A fascinating account of the habits of common birds, with descriptions of the largest bird colonies existing in eastern North America. The author's phenomenal success in photographing birds in Nature not only lends to the illustrations the charm of realism, but makes the book a record of surprising achievements with the camera. 12mo. Cloth. WARBLERS OF NORTH AMERICA A full description of our "most beautiful, most abundant, and least known birds." Illustrated with colored plates of every species and photographs of nests and eggs. Imp. 8vo. Illustrated. CAMPS AND CRUISES OF AN ORNITHOLOGIST The story of eight years' experience in travel, in which the author covered over 60,000 miles in his search for material with which to prepare a series of groups of American birds, to exceed in beauty and scientific value anything which had heretofore been attempted in this line. The illustrations, over 250 in number, are from Dr. Chapman's photographs, and beyond question form a remarkable series of pictures of bird-life. 8vo. COLOR KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS This work may be described as an illustrated dictionary of North American birds. It is the most complete publication of its kind, and makes an admirable introduction to the study of birds and the literature of Ornithology and at the same time is an authoritative work of reference. Over 800 pictures. OUR WINTER BIRDS An introduction to the study of birds. The author believes that the study of Ornithology should begin with the winter birds as they are fewer in number and easier to approach. Divided into convenient groups such as field birds, forest birds, home birds, etc. Illustrated. 12mo. THE TRAVELS OF BIRDS A series of chapters on bird migration, describing birds as travelers, why they travel, dangers by the way, night flyers and day flyers, etc. Many illustrations from drawings. Illustrated. WHAT BIRD IS THAT? A bird book for beginners with 301 birds in color. D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, NEW YORK TOPOGRAPHY OF A BIRD Bluebird TOPOGRAPHY OF A BIRD Bluebird (natural size) |