AN ILLUSTRATED BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO Edited by Official Organ of the Audubon Societies Audubon Department Edited by VOLUME I—1899 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Copyright, 1899 INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME I BY AUTHORS Click on letter to jump to section [ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ] [ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ R ][ S ][ T ][ V ][ W ] Allen, J. A., The American Ornithologists' Union, 143. Babcock, C. A., 'Suggestions for Bird-Day Programs in the Schools,' 49. Baily, William L., 'Three Cobb's Island Pictures,' 81. Batchelder, Annie V., Sec'y, report of, 102. Beal, F. E. L., Reviews by, 98, 133. Beebe, C. Will, 'Two Nova Scotia Photographs,' 113. Board, Nellie S., Sec'y, report of, 62. Brown, Elizabeth V., 'A Bird-Day Program,' 52. Burnett, Dr. D. L., 'A Musical Woodpecker,' 60. Burroughs, John, 'In Warbler Time,' 3. Butler, Amos W., Sec'y, report of, 66. Chapman, Frank M., 'Birds Through a Telescope,' 132; 'Gannets on Bonaventure,' 71; 'The Legend of the Salt,' 55; 'The Passing of the Tern,' 205; 'The Surprising Contents of a Birch Stub,' 187; editorials by, 2, 28, 63, 135, 169, 201; photographs by, 119, 149; reviews by, 26, 27, 61, 97, 98, 133, 167. Collins, H. M., 'The Peculiarities of a Caged Skylark,' 157. Cram, William Everett, 'Winter Bird Notes from Southern New Hampshire,' 180. Crolius, A. A., 'How the Central Park Chickadees Were Tamed,' 185. Day, Mary F., 'Home-Life in a Chimney,' 78. Deane, Ruthven, President, report of, 66. Dutcher, William, 'Loons at Home,' 40. Eaton, Isabel, 'Bird Studies for Children,' 17. Fisher, Dr. A. K., 'Average Dates of Arrival of the Commoner Birds at Sing Sing, N. Y., during April and May,' 54. Geery, D. R., 'Sparrow Proof Houses,' 60. Glover, Harriet D. C., Sec'y, report of, 31. Glover, Helen W., Sec'y, report of, 139. Grant, Annie M., Sec'y, reports of, 30, 204. Hegner, Robert W., 'Photographing a Bluebird,' 43; 'The Prairie Horned Lark,' 152. Hodge, C. F., 'A Pleasant Acquaintance With a Hummingbird,' 155; 'On the Ethics of Caging Birds,' 158. Horack, Frank E., 'The Songs of Birds,' 96; 'A Singing Bluejay,' 197. Ives, Ella Gilbert, 'The Cardinal at the Hub,' 83; 'The Cardinal in Maine,' 132. Judd, Sylvester D., Ph. D., 'Collecting a Brown Thrush's Song,' 25. Kearton, R., 'Photographing Shy Wild Birds and Beasts at Home,' 107. Kendall, Blanche, photographs by, 84, 85, 86. Kennard, Fred. H., 'A May Morning,' 91. Lehmann, Lilli, A Message from, 103. Lemmon, Isabella McC., 'Oliver Twist, Catbird,' 163. Lockwood, Emma H., Sec'y, report of, 32. Loring, J. Alden, 'Inquisitive Magpies,' 96. Mellick, Mary A., Sec'y, report of, 32. Menke, H. W., 'From a Cabin Window,' 14; photograph by, 106. Merriam, Florence A., 'Clark's Crows and Oregon Jays on Mount Hood,' 46, 72; 'Our Doorstep Sparrow,' 20. Miller, Oliver Thorne, 'On the Ethics of Caging Birds,' 19, 89. Mumma, Rosa Meyers, 'Matins,' 77. Nash, H. W., photograph by, 176. Newkirk, Garrett, 'Mr. Flicker Writes a Letter,' 129; 'Robin Rejoice,' 95; 'The Little Brown Creeper,' 197. Noble, Floyd C., 'A February Walk in Central Park,' 57. Osgood, Fletcher, report of, 137. Patten, Mrs. John Dewhurst, Sec'y, reports of, 32, 173. Peabody, P. B., 'Richardson's Owl,' 190. Peckham, Mrs. Elizabeth W., Sec'y, reports of, 101, 205. Princehorn, A. L., photograph by, 154. Richards, Harriet E., Sec'y, report by, 30. Roberts, Dr. Thos. S., 'The Camera as an aid in the Study of Birds,' 6, 35; 'A Catbird Study,' 87. Robins, Julia Stockton, Sec'y, report of, 66, 204. Robinson, Mildred A., 'A February Walk,' 94. Roosevelt, Theodore, Letter from, 65. Royael, John L., 'An Accomplished House Sparrow,' 24. Russell, Miss Cora, Sec'y, report of, 32. Sage, John H., 'Fall Migration at Portland, Conn.,' 128. Schwab, L. H., 'An Odd Nesting Site,' 166. Slosson, Annie Trumbull, 'A Tragic St. Valentine's Day,' 45. Smith, Anna Harris, 'On the Ethics of Caging Birds,' 160. Smith, W. Gordon, photograph by, 177. Soule, Caroline G., 'Birds and Caterpillars,' 166; 'Humanizing the Birds,' 193. Southwick, E. B., 'A Nut-hatching Nuthatch,' 24. Stone, Witmer, 'A Search for the Reedy Island Crow Roost,' 177. Stone, Witmer, and others, 'Hints to Young Bird Students,' 125. Tabor, E. G., 'A Least Bittern Portrait,' 39; photographs by, 149, 156. Taylor, John W., President, report of, 67. Thomas, Edith M., 'The Masquerading Chickadee,' 77. Thompson, Ernest Seton, 'The Myth of the Song Sparrow,' 59. Torrey, Bradford, 'Watching the Bittern Pump,' 123. Tyler, D. T. A., Audubon's Seal, 172. Van Altena, Edward, photograph by, 116. Van Dyke, Henry, 'The Angler's Reveille,' 150. Van Sant, Florence A., 'Zip and Phoebe, A Catbird Story,' 130. Widmann, Otto, 'In the Spartina with the Swallows,' 115. Webster, Ellen E., 'An Interesting Phoebe's Nest, 197. Wood, George, photograph by, 21. W[right], M. O., Editorials by, 29, 64, 100, 136, 170, 202. |