Fig. Page
1. Fossil Shells in clay 22
2. Tracks, probably of Crustaceans 22
3. Structure of Silicified Wood in tangential section: Araucarioxylon Daintreei, Chapm. 24
4. Portrait of William Smith 26
5. Raised Beach: Brighton, England 28
6. Raised Beach: Torquay, Victoria 28
7. Marine Fossils in Volcanic Tuff: Summit of Snowdon 29
8. Kitchen Middens: Torquay, Victoria 30
9. Submerged Forest on the Cheshire Coast 30
10. Pecten murrayanus, Tate. A fossil shell allied to a living species 32
11. Cliff section: Torquay, Victoria 42
12. Diagram of superposition of Strata 42
13. Diagram of the Range-in-time of Australasian Fossils 50
14. Diprotodon skeletons in situ: Lake Callabonna, S. Australia 51
15. Bird remains on sand dunes: King Island, Bass Strait 52
16. Impression of Bird’s feather in Ironstone: Western Victoria 52
17. A Fossil Turtle: Notochelone costata, Owen sp. 52
18. A Ganoid Fish: Pristisomus crassus, A. S. Woodward 54
19. A fossil Insect in amber (Tipula sp.) 54
20. A fossil Crustacean: Thalassina emerii, Bell 55
21. An Ammonite: Desmoceras flindersi, McCoy sp. 55
22. Belemnites: Belemnites diptycha, McCoy 56
23. A Group of Lamp-shells: Magellania flavescens, Lam. sp. 56
24. Zoarium of a living Polyzoan: Retepora sp. 58
25. A fossil Polyzoan: Macropora clarkei, T. Woods sp. 58
26. Fossil Worm-tubes: (?) Serpula 60
27. A living Sea-urchin: Strongylocentrotus erythrogrammus, Val. 60
28. A fossil Sea-urchin: Linthia antiaustrails, Tate 60
29. A fossil Brittle-Star: Ophioderma egertoni, Brod. sp. 60
30. A fossil Crinoid: Taxocrinus simplex, Phillips sp. 62
31. Graptolites on Slate: Tetragraptus fruticosus, J. Hall sp. 62
32. A Stromatoporoid: Actinostroma 63
33. Corals in Devonian Marble: Favosites 64
34. Siliceous Skeleton of a living Sponge: (?) Chonelasma 64
35. Spicules of a fossil Sponge: Ecionema newberyi, McCoy sp. 65
36. Nummulites: N. gizehensis, Ehr. var. champollioni, De la Harpe 65
37. Cainozoic Radiolaria 142. Phascolomys pliocenus, McCoy. Mandible 290
143. Cainozoic Teeth and Otolith 291
144. Skeleton of Diprotodon australis, Owen 291
145. Right hind foot of Diprotodon australis 292
146. Restoration of Diprotodon australis 292
147. Skull and mandible of Thylacoleo carnifex, Owen 293
148. Wynyardia bassiana, Spencer 294
149. Tooth of Scaldicetus macgeei, Chapm. 297
150. Impressions of footprints in dune sand-rock, Warrnambool 301
Map of Australia, showing chief fossiliferous localities Map


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