Fig. | | Page |
1. | Fossil Shells in clay | 22 |
2. | Tracks, probably of Crustaceans | 22 |
3. | Structure of Silicified Wood in tangential section: Araucarioxylon Daintreei, Chapm. | 24 |
4. | Portrait of William Smith | 26 |
5. | Raised Beach: Brighton, England | 28 |
6. | Raised Beach: Torquay, Victoria | 28 |
7. | Marine Fossils in Volcanic Tuff: Summit of Snowdon | 29 |
8. | Kitchen Middens: Torquay, Victoria | 30 |
9. | Submerged Forest on the Cheshire Coast | 30 |
10. | Pecten murrayanus, Tate. A fossil shell allied to a living species | 32 |
11. | Cliff section: Torquay, Victoria | 42 |
12. | Diagram of superposition of Strata | 42 |
13. | Diagram of the Range-in-time of Australasian Fossils | 50 |
14. | Diprotodon skeletons in situ: Lake Callabonna, S. Australia | 51 |
15. | Bird remains on sand dunes: King Island, Bass Strait | 52 |
16. | Impression of Bird’s feather in Ironstone: Western Victoria | 52 |
17. | A Fossil Turtle: Notochelone costata, Owen sp. | 52 |
18. | A Ganoid Fish: Pristisomus crassus, A. S. Woodward | 54 |
19. | A fossil Insect in amber (Tipula sp.) | 54 |
20. | A fossil Crustacean: Thalassina emerii, Bell | 55 |
21. | An Ammonite: Desmoceras flindersi, McCoy sp. | 55 |
22. | Belemnites: Belemnites diptycha, McCoy | 56 |
23. | A Group of Lamp-shells: Magellania flavescens, Lam. sp. | 56 |
24. | Zoarium of a living Polyzoan: Retepora sp. | 58 |
25. | A fossil Polyzoan: Macropora clarkei, T. Woods sp. | 58 |
26. | Fossil Worm-tubes: (?) Serpula | 60 |
27. | A living Sea-urchin: Strongylocentrotus erythrogrammus, Val. | 60 |
28. | A fossil Sea-urchin: Linthia antiaustrails, Tate | 60 |
29. | A fossil Brittle-Star: Ophioderma egertoni, Brod. sp. | 60 |
30. | A fossil Crinoid: Taxocrinus simplex, Phillips sp. | 62 |
31. | Graptolites on Slate: Tetragraptus fruticosus, J. Hall sp. | 62 |
32. | A Stromatoporoid: Actinostroma | 63 |
33. | Corals in Devonian Marble: Favosites | 64 |
34. | Siliceous Skeleton of a living Sponge: (?) Chonelasma | 64 |
35. | Spicules of a fossil Sponge: Ecionema newberyi, McCoy sp. | 65 |
36. | Nummulites: N. gizehensis, Ehr. var. champollioni, De la Harpe | 65 |
37. | Cainozoic Radiolaria | 142. | Phascolomys pliocenus, McCoy. Mandible | 290 |
143. | Cainozoic Teeth and Otolith | 291 |
144. | Skeleton of Diprotodon australis, Owen | 291 |
145. | Right hind foot of Diprotodon australis | 292 |
146. | Restoration of Diprotodon australis | 292 |
147. | Skull and mandible of Thylacoleo carnifex, Owen | 293 |
148. | Wynyardia bassiana, Spencer | 294 |
149. | Tooth of Scaldicetus macgeei, Chapm. | 297 |
150. | Impressions of footprints in dune sand-rock, Warrnambool | 301 |
| Map of Australia, showing chief fossiliferous localities | Map |